Dear Readers,

Hi there, HERE IT IS! The very last chapter, and I'm so excited about posting it! I'm only sorry it has taken so long to get up! I hope it was worth the wait to all of you wonderful readers!

Dedicated to ALL WHO EVER REVIEWED THIS TALE! Bob the Builder, Jade, Sithspawned, Jedi-Lover, Darkmoon90, GreatOne, MistyRiver, Calli1, Sweetdeath04, annasolo, Luvinna, Mara look-a-like, Sunsoarer, tide8884, Saber Girls (Leia), Leira Shetai, Countess Jackman, Aiya – 120, Silvia, Dragon'sFlame-05, motoish, LilySolo, fluff girl, Jedi Cooper555, Small Chemist, Pandora of Ithilien, LCO100, SHAWN PROVONCHA, Crystal-faerie, Culf, Agi-Vega, Destynii Skywalker, Faith Skywalker, tensixtythree, Shinning Lugia, aradia skywalker, Mrs. Valdislaus Dracula, crazytook, Snuffy, elvinchick, Saberwolf3, thejedistarfiregrayson, tasuja, DragonStar, LolaKnight, Andrea P. Quintell, MaraJade890, Joe-Jonas's-Mandy, darthme1011, TnTornado, Little Author, Jedi X-man Serena Kenobi, Han'slilgirl, James'LilyFlower, Myriad Daydreams, Mara Elizabeth Jade, Jade Takashi, and Jacqueline Roget! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE YOU ALL!

"A Beautiful Disaster"

Chapter 24 – The End And The Beginning!

At The Wedding… In the Jedi Temple…(Oh, even I've got goose bumps!)

Luke was smiling and standing at the front of the temple. When out of nowhere, he was brushed by Mara's presence. He was so surprised by the warmth, love and gentle light that felt like it was surrounding him. He had to fight the urge to gasp! She seemed to be a lot further away, he knew she was standing at the back of the aisle. He could see the very top of her veiled head, but when she spoke to him. She somehow sounded further away! Like she wasn't even in the building, she whispered, "Hang on Luke, I'm coming!"

He was confused, by this, as Han and Leia reached him. Han pat him on the back and took his place as Best Man. While Leia kissed his cheek, before also stepping over to her designated spot; behind where the bride will be standing. The bridal march began, all of the guests stood up, while Luke tried to stop being weird and remember to breath.

He was only going to do this twice in his life, thank goodness, and today would mean so much more to them both. In comparison to the huge, formal, and official New Republic Ceremony. He tried his best to focus on the moment, and cement as much of it as he could in his memory. But for reasons Luke was unsure of, it seemed, the closer Mara got to him. Gliding down the aisle on Karrde's arm; the worst Luke's stomach knotted up. He was getting a major bad feeling with every step his bride took.

When she was right at him, Luke felt like he was really going to be sick. He looked at Mara through the veil, to make out a smile she was giving him. The smile was cold, and twisted looking somehow on her face. Nothing like the wonderful smile he was used to. She held out her hand for him to take, and the moment his real hand touched hers… He had his answer. This was NOT his bride! He wasn't sure how this imposer swung such a charade. But he was sure that this was not his beloved Mara Jade!

"Is something wrong Master Skywalker," Kam whispered.

"Yes, Kam, something's very the wrong. This girl is not my fiancée." Luke said through gasps that filled the room.

"Luke, what are you talking about; of course I am your fiancée." Aphelia tried to cover, in Mara's voice. But Luke had an advantage; because Aphelia's father had assured her there would be no chances of failure. Now she looked into Luke's determined blue eyes, and saw that he had greatly underestimated this man.

"No, you are not. You're a very clever and convincing changeling. But you are not my Mara." She yanked a strange looking remote out of her bouquet. She pointed it at Luke and pushed several buttons. But nothing worked; all the while Luke was staring at her with a disturbed expression.

"What is going on with this! WHY-ISN'T-IT-WORKING?" Aphelia wailed.

"Having a little trouble there, Aphelia?" Mara asked from the back of the aisle and the whole temple gasped. But Mara couldn't tell what made them gasped; it could have been her timing. But more than likely it was her dirty, haggard appearance. Still donned in her wedding gown, her torn, frayed, muddy, and singed gown. Originally her gown had gone to the floor and dragged. But now it was torn unevenly, shredded and frayed hanging at knee length in some places and ankle length in others. It was still white in some places, but all of the black burn marks, blood spots, and rain. Had made the overall appearance of her gown a creamy off white. Mara would have loved to walk down the aisle in something more appropriate, but she was so rushed to get here. She didn't have time. So she sauntered down the aisle, still shaking every now and then.

Luke let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. As Aphelia shrieked, "YOU!? WHAT-ARE-YOU-DOING-HERE!?"

"Making sure that you don't get your way, and putting a stop to your evil plans!" Mara assured. Luke wanted to get to her. But Aphelia was trying her best to not let that happen as she screeched at Mara. "YOU'RE THE one who's EVIL Mare Jade!"

"Mara, what's this all about?" Karrde asked, as she walked up beside him.

"This demented clawdite and her father, created a remote control that could control force sensitives. They used it to give me those nightmares, that made me so sick. They also used it to kidnap me from Han and Leia's guestroom balcony last night and her father tortured me with the same remote." Mara explained, "They been planning this for years. Aphelia was obsessed with Luke, ever since he destroyed the first Death Star. She didn't expect Luke to fall for me, so they tried to get rid of me. In every way possible."

"Is it our fault you COULDN'T TAKE A HINT!?" The psychotic girl cried as she took a charge at Mara. Who disarmed her so easily. Luke rushed to Mara, and when Aphelia tried to attack again. Luke lit his lightsaber, as security guards rushed in and took her away. Aphelia was screaming, and wailing incomprehensible lines of dribble, the whole way back up the aisle. "THIS-WAS-MY-DAY! THIS-WAS-SUPPOSED-TO-BE-PERFECT!"

All the while Luke just hugged Mara tightly, in relief. "Where were you? What did they do to you?"

"I'll tell you about it later, for now; don't you think we should deal with our guest?" Mara said.

"What do you mean by deal with them?" Luke asked nervously, especially since she was shaking. "Did she hurt you?"

"Nothing I couldn't handle, but Luke, look at me. I'm in not anywhere near dressed appropriate for a wedding. Traditional or Jedi." Mara said sadly.

"Mara do you want to marry me today?"

"That's not the issue-"

"Mara, just answer me this, when you woke up today, did you want to marry me?"

"Of course I did, but-"

"DO you love me? And do you want us to share our lives together, like we talked about?"

"More than anything, but look-"

"Than that's all that matters," Luke smiled.

"No Luke, do you see this dress? Can you feel my hair?" She said pulling at a piece of red fizz she was referring to. The poor thing had been electrocuted and her hair was down and curly when she'd been kidnapped. It had fizzed to look like and up-do by the time Drayton had been done with her.

"You look beautiful and if my memory is right, Leia has a spare gown in the back for just such an emergency." Luke said, as he smiled at his twin.

"Yes I do," Leia smiled.

"Wait a minute Luke, you've got to be kidding me."

"No, I'm not kidding. I love you Mara, I want us to be together permanently. If we put off our wedding now, that'll move back our other wedding too. And that would be giving in to exactly what our enemies want." Luke explained, and Mara realized, he was absolutely right.

"So you still want to marry me, right now?" Mara asked, as she put her arms around Luke.

"I'd marry you as you are, right now, it would certainly be an interesting story for our kids, one day." Luke chuckled, kissing her forehead. "But I know you want to go make yourself more bridal looking. So, I'll give you all you need, just promise me you'll be back out here soon, and we'll do this for real." Luke

"I promise," Mara smiled and kissed Luke, while the entire room 'whoo'ed, whistled and catcalled.

"All right you two, save that for the ceremony!" Han smiled patting Luke on the back and winking to Mara.

"Come along, Mara, in ten minutes you'll be ready to walk down this aisle in style!" Leia said pulling her soon to be sister-in-law back down the aisle. Mara was so shocked and relieved she was letting herself be dragged. Not knowing what to say, after all Luke had said. And Leia had been so smart! But all of her happiness was put on hold when she saw Aphelia running full force for her with a blaster!

She began firing at Leia and Mara, but Mara was too quick. She stole Leia's lightsaber that had been hanging from her sash. She reflected all five shots right back at the spoiled girl. Not one missing their mark, the girl was killed instantly before she even hit the floor. The security guards, she'd escaped, dragged her back up the aisle.

Mara retired Leia's saber to it's rightful place. While Leia stood shocked in place for only a second before hurrying back up the aisle. In the back of the temple, Leia performed some serious magic. Not only had she been prepared for the dress being destroyed once. She'd gotten three other dresses made, exactly the same, just to make sure Mara got to go down the aisle in her dream dress. She'd had a medical-droid standing by, that gave her a body scan before she cleaned up. "Leia you were really ready for anything, weren't you."

"My dear sister, you forget, I've been down the aisle before. I know what's coming. And for the record I had the Two-Onebee stationed thinking of Luke. Not you, I just wanted to make that known." Leia smiled and Mara couldn't help but giggle. She was getting married today!

Mara stepped into the refresher and showered quickly, before she slipped into her new dress. She draped her green Jedi robe over her gown, in a stylish way she'd discussed with Leia earlier. It felt like the right thing to do, the Jedi were going to be a big part of their lives together. And today was their Jedi ceremony; Winter and Leia worked on her hair and somehow managed to get it smoothed out. As the droid told her everything should be fine. It gave her some pain-relieves just in case, as well as some meds to clam her shaking, just incase she needed them later.

Then she was ready, Karrde came in once he was given the okay, was struck at the sight of his second in command. "Wow," he breathed.

"What?" Mara asked looked all around, "Is something wrong?"

"No, you look beautiful, and you were REALLY fast. It took you, what, twenty minutes?!"

"Well thank you, is Luke ready?"

"Yeah, Solo's gone to tell him we're ready now."

"Is he nervous?" Mara asked.

"He was the first time around, because he had a really bad feeling. But now he's like the other extreme. Han said, now he's so excited, he was afraid he was going to start doing cartwheels. So he came down here and stood with Wedge and the other guys for a bit." Talon explained, while Mara burst out laughing.

"He's excited, good, he can talk me down." Mara said gripping Karrde's offered arm tightly.

"Are you a little nervous, Jade-I mean, Skywalker?"

"A little, how could you tell?"

"I know you, and you're cutting off my circulation."

"Ohh! Sorry, I'm just a little nervous." Mara giggled.

"Don't worry Mara we're all with you!" Leia smiled patting her new sister on the back.

"Just take a deep breath and keep walking, the minute you reach Luke. You won't feel as nervous anymore." Winter advised as all four headed for their places.

The Moment Of Truth… The Ceremony!

Luke had been told to go back into the waiting room and wait for Mara to be ready. All of his nervousness and bad feelings were gone; and all that remained for the Jedi Master was excitement. So when Luke was given the green light, he was nowhere near reluctant entering the temple this time. He walked in and the gathered crowd was still kicking. Joking around Luke got in his assigned place and said, "Take Two!"

All of the wedding party walked back up the aisle like before, then finally the crowd stood up and Mara came down the aisle on Karrde's arm. Mara, unlike Luke, was amazed she was moving. Because she was deathly nervous! But as they got closer and she saw Luke's brilliant smile; she couldn't help but giggle. At least he was confident. When they reached the podium, Karrde smiled, and gave Luke a wink. Then he carefully placed Mara's Hand in Luke's before taking his seat with the rest of Mara's guests.

When everyone was reseated, the ceremony began, "Friends, family, honored guests and fellow Jedi; we are gathered here today for a joyous occasion. We are here today, to witness the joining of our very own Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Jedi Knight Mara Jade." Everyone applaud and cheered loudly, the moment those names were said together. Everyone in the wedding party was a little taken off guard. But Luke and Mara smiled, knowing that this crowd was the people who knew them best. They had an idea of how much they had gone through to get here. To get to this day and how happy they were to finally be here.

When the cheers subsided, Kam continued; "During the old republic, it was forbidden for jedi to wed. So when our small group of new jedi, began to find their mates, we had very little to go on. But the force, guides us jedi; in many different ways. It's never stops surprising us with it's benefits, and miracles. I think of all the adventures Luke and Mara have had. The way they met, is the most interesting when you look at them now." Kam delivered and gained a laugh, not only from the audience, but the bride and groom as well.

"The force guided these two people to one another, in a rather interesting way. True, but the force was the key! And it continued to throw them together, until they finally realized, they were meant to be. Which brings us to today, and one of the most anticipated weddings I think I've even seen." The gather crowd applauded again.

"Luke, do you take Mara, to be your wife?" Kam asked Luke, even if he wasn't looking anywhere besides his bride's eyes. "Will you love her, care for her, listen to her, and respect her? As long as you both shall live?"

"I will." Luke said seriously, still not looking anywhere but Mara's eyes.

"And Mara, do you take Luke, to be your husband?" Kam asked Mara as she gave him the same courtesy. "Will you love him, care for him, listen to him, and respect him? As long as you both shall live?"

"I will." Mara said quietly, but seriously.

And Kam explained, "Now that Master Skywalker and Knight Jade, have agreed to these conditions, we'll hand each of them a half of this stone. It was sliced in half perfectly, and the quality of the gems hidden inside make it slick and nearly impossible to repair. But, if the force approves of these two as a match. Than the stone will be repair between their hands, seamlessly. Neither has ever tried this before, and will have to open up to the force entirely for this to be accomplished." He explained before handing each, a large half of a smoothly cut rock. Luke and Mara pieced them together and closed their eyes.

They were so caught up in their little world, they didn't even notice the rock had been repaired until a few members of the crowd cheered. Both opened their eyes and handed the repaired rock to Kam. Who held it up in victory! Then Kam announced, "By the powers invested in me, by this temple, I now pronounce you, FINALLY! Man and wife! Kiss your bride Master!" He cheered and clapped with everyone else. As Luke pulled Mara to him and kissed her with everything he felt!

"Ladies and Gentle-beings, let me introduce for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Skywalker!" Kam cheered, and the entire audience was standing and yelling their praise!

Departure Time!

Leia was telling her children, "All right now you three, it's time to go. Time to board! Let's say good bye to your Aunt and Uncle! You'll be seeing them again in four days."

"BYE UNCLE LUKE! AUNTIE MARA!" They all three hugged and kissed both Skywalkers. Then Leia hugged her brother, and felt the tears of happiness prick her eyes again.

"Oh Leia, don't cry anymore!" Luke whined.

"I can't help it, little brother, I'm just SO happy for you!" She explained.

"You already cried through the entire ceremony!" He smiled.

"I did not!"

"Yes you did!"



"I did not!"

"Yes you did! And so did Chewie!" Luke smiled.

"Oh get out of here, I'm going to go and hug my sister!" Leia ran over to Mara and hugged her just as she was letting go of Han. "Bye sister!"

"Bye sister, though I wouldn't tell many people that! It might give you even more enemies!" Mara smiled, as Leia attacked her.

Han stepped over to Luke and said, "Well kid, you did good; that's a great girl you've married."

"I know, but I also know, none of this would have been possible if it weren't for you guys." Luke smiled; he just couldn't seem to stop.

"Hey, you would have done the same for us. Have a safe trip and not too much fun alright." Han said, doing the guy thing; shaking Luke's hand and half hugging him.

Then both Leia and Han disappeared into their ship. Luke and Mara started heading for the Fire, and Mara turned to smile at him on her way up the entry ramp. "I still can't believe it, can you?"

"No, I can't seem to stop smiling either." Luke said as he followed her, in to living area, and through to the cockpit. "And my cheeks are really starting to hurt." Luke laughed.

"Mine too! I'm not used to smiling so much!" Mara said rubbing her face, before focusing on the matter at hand and piloting the ship out of the atmosphere. Which proved to be a rather hard task as purple clouds tried to knock around both ships.

"What kind of clouds were those?" Luke asked.

"I can't imagine," Mara smiled, as she smiled knowingly. Which only confused Luke more, but he figured she'd tell him later, and let her concentrate. When she finally made the jump to hyperspace, Mara set their course and stretched.

"Are you tired?" Luke asked.

"Yes, I'm tired; I couldn't sleep last night, so I stepped out on the balcony to get some air. And I was kidnapped!" Mara explained.

"So you didn't get any sleep at all?"

"Well I did get some, but technically it doesn't count when you've been knocked out." Mara said, and braced herself for whatever reaction Luke would have.

"Knocked out!? How!?" Luke demanded, kneeling down in front of Mara.

"It's nothing, but I am tired and I really need some down time." Mara stretched and put her arms around Luke.

"Mara, are you sure you're going to be alright?" Luke asked.

"Yes, Leia had a medical droid check me out and all's well."

"You sure?"

"Yes Luke, everything is fine."

"Why don't you go and get some rest, and I'll take care of everything out here." Luke suggested as Mara wrapped her arms around him; and kissed him lingeringly.

"Well that would be nice, but we don't need to make another jump for several hours. And we did just get married…" Mara hinted, and Luke was all too on to her trail of thought.

"What did you have in mind?" Luke asked with a smile.

"Hmm, why don't you follow me and find out?" Mara suggested, before kissing him one more time and running from the cockpit. Luke sat there, and said a silent prayer, thanking the force for making all of this possible. Then he bolted behind Mara like a crazy person.

THAT'S IT! I really hope everyone Liked it! Consider it a little bit of early Christmas cheer from me to you! But even if you, Barely tolerated this ending. Please let me know! You know how much I love all of you guys and I'm going to be answering all reviews as fast as I can. I love you all, and I know I have pleanty more torment to put our favorite farmboy, and favorite ex-assassin, through! MUCH LOVE!
