Author's note: hehe i had this idea at an nursing home (don't ask me why) and i couldn't wait to get home and write it down...


"Ok, I'm finally ready."

"It's about time brat, what took you so long!"

"Well sooooorry i had to built up my strength from the last time!"

"God you have the least stamina of anyone i know you lazy brat!"

"Waaaaaahhh! Yuki don't be so mean!"

"Whatever kid. Ok, on to things that really matter-"


"Ok, ok I'll try to be nice..."


"Anyways, as I was saying, you need to make a decision here."

"What? Yuki?"

"There's only two ways idiot! Top or bottom, now choose one!"

"Uhhh...which is easier?"

"God you're lazy! You need the both amount of energy for both! Now, top or bottom!"


"Are you sure, do you think you can support my weight too?"

"Ok, top then."

"Actually, I want to be top, i think it's easier!"

"Yuuuukki! You said they were the same! And that I got to pick! Meanie!"

"Ok, well maybe we need a little outside help...Hiro!"

"Yuki! What are you-"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Hey Hiro, we need some help here."

"Wow man, i see...ok I get dibs on being in the middle!"

"No fair! I want to be in the middle, middle doesn't have to do anything."

"OH god, you are both soooo lazy!"

"Fine then, you can go Yuki! We don't need you!"


"Fine, I'm going out for a smoke. Bye."

"Damn it Shu, look what you did! How are we gonna get it down now?"

"Sorry Hiro! But it's ok, we can do it...alright! And I'll stand here!"


"Ok Hiro, how does that feel?"


"Do you think you can hold on long enough to get it all the way down?"

"Yep, I'm good! How 'bout you?"

"Ya, I'm ready!"

"Ok, let's go!"



"Maybe we do need Yuki..."

"You sure?"

"Yeah...I just don't think we can move this old couch downstairs all by ourselves..."

"Maybe you're right...ok, let's go get Yuki!"


Author's note: he he...did i have you going there?...oh come on, at least for a while? No? Fine then, i hope i at least made you laugh...i would even take a chuckle...anybody?