Chapter One; BB's Moment

BY Beta Tester

Edited by the Lovely and Omniscient Rhichi

Okay I Edited the first chapter…it was bugging me…and was way too choppy…I hope things make more sense now…enjoy! OH and don't forget to REVIEW!

Beastboy sat there, gulping down one of his favorite soft drinks, being a simple, lazy couch potato, and watching his usual slapstick comedies. It had been a rather slow day for him, Raven and Cyborg had gone out to Titans East, and Starfire and Robin were off someplace unknown to Beastboy. He wondered lightly where the others were, but spent little effort to reflect upon the thought, as the TV was too distracting. He drank from his can, finishing it, and belched. "BBBUUUURRRBBB!" Beastboy laughed at the lame comedy act on the movie. " gets funnier every time...haha!"

Suddenly red lights flashed as Robin came onto the screen. "Beast Boy! Can you hear me?" Beastboy jumped slightly startled by the sudden distress. "Beastboy, I just received a distress call from the bank. Star and I are busy dealing with a collapsing mine on the other side of town. And you know Raven and Cy are on a trip to Titans East today. We need you to go check things out."

Beastboy bolted up from the couch, annoyed that his show had been interrupted. "Where is it, Robin?"

"On the west side of town. I'm sending the coordinates to your communicator. Go check it out now." Robin face faded from the screen leaving Beastboy alone again: there was a strange silence in the room as Beastboy stood there.

"Man just when the good part was coming." Beastboy flipped the screen back on trying to watch a particular scene as he moved very slowly towards the door. A minute later his communicator vibrated violently as Robin yelled through it. "NOW Beastboy!" In panic Beastboy ran out the door. He took to the sky, morphed as an eagle.

Beastboy soared in the air, the rough breeze flipping though his soft feathers. He located the bank Robin had directed him to, landing in front of the building, and reverting to his natural green form. He looked about for a sign of the thief, nothing though. There was a dead silence out side the building. The bank appeared fine from the outside.

But as Beastboy stepped in he saw the vault door blown from its hinges and skewed across the room. All the money from the vault had been cleared and there was another large gaping hole from within the vault. Beastboy ran in the vault to the other side discovering a back alleyway. He looked about noting a wall on one side and a fence on the other. The changeling followed the alleyway, hopping over the fence. He saw a crouching figure over in a corner, covered by a black cloak, similar in fashion to Raven's. Beastboy approached it cautiously.

"Hello? Um…did you see…" before he could finish the figure dove into the air and landed behind Beastboy. It grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him down to the ground. Beastboy struggled there on the ground for a moment, dazed by the sudden impact of the attack. The figure smirked and then began to laugh menecingly. Beastboy shook off his confusion and rose to meet the creature's gaze.

"Who are you?" Beastboy asked.

"I may be the one your looking for, I may not…" its dark voice radiated out, as the figure lifted its cloak revealing several bags of what appeared to be money.

Beastboy was utterly confused by this behavior. He had never once in his life met a thief who robbed a bank and waited to get caught. "What the hell!"

Before he could speak another sentence it took to the sky again, remaining hidden under the concealment of the cloak. It landed on the side of the building and lashed out a green long arm at Beastboy, who just narrowly dodged the attack. He transformed into a large raptor, screeching as he rushed at it, lashing at the figure only to catch it by the cloak. It tore off, causing the creature to fall to the ground, revealing its true form.

What ever it was, it was very deformed. Its body was green like Beastboy's but it lacked the typical form of a human. The arms were very lumpy and had strange deformities. The back was covered with small dark green spikes that came all the way down the back with a large bushy green tail.

BB came back down and transformed into a human again, flabbergasted by its appearance. His voice squeaked only for a moment.

"I am just like you. Scientists did this to me, as some did to you, but it is worse for me," the beast spoke.

"Yeah, but the scientists who did this to me were saving my life. They were my parents." He spoke as a more somber appearance of Beastboy wavered in his face. The creature had caught something in Beastboy's mind that wouldn't go away. Before anything else was said the creature's body inexplicably faded into the air as Beastboy watched confused, staring blankly. What the hell was that! "Where did you go?" There was an awkward silence. The air seemed stagnant. Was that just an illusion, or am I going insane? He thought to himself.

Beastboy pulled himself back together; whatever that thing was, I hate it. Suddenly Beastboy heard sirens blaring in the distant as they came to the scene. Beastboy figured that the police could handle the situation from there, as he morphed into a falcon taking once again to the sky towards the tower.


Beastboy came in, his head bent over, avoiding eye contact with the other three titans present in the main room. Cyborg, Star, and Robin each stared at the green creature. Robin was the first to speak out. "Um Beastboy did ya…"


"Okay then…um…" He watched as Beastboy walked by, looking upset.

"I'll be in my room," Beastboy ran, leaving the main room and headed straight up to his room, knocking into Raven along the way. She dropped the book she was reading, picking it up again. She wondered why Beastboy was running like that. She heard Beastboy shoved the door shut in his room.

Alone in his room, Beastboy began to think his past. A tear trickled down his face as his parents flashed in his mind again. Just then a knock came from the door.

"Beastboy?" a monotonous voice rang in the silence of the room. It was Raven.

"Go away." BB spouted.

"Something wrong? You don't usually just lock yourself in your room, that's my job," Raven replied in her usual monotonous, satirical style. She had sensed a bit of his emotions earlier when he had knocked into her in the hallway.

The door sprung open as Beastboy faced Raven. She jumped back, but just a little, slightly surprised by the sight of Beastboy with the tears in his eyes still apparent.

"You know what happened to me when I was young," Beastboy imposed on her.

"...Well yes, so why does that make this moment different than others?" Raven replied.

"There was this…weird…whatever it was, something just made me think about…my parents. I'm just a little sad. I hadn't really thought about them in such a long time. The distractions of the Titans and the fighting, guess they distracted me."

"So you simply recoursing through bad memories of the past...Join the club," commented Raven. She was intrigued by Beastboy's sincerity about the whole situation.

Some time went by, there was a faint ticking of a clock. Neither of them spoke, they just stood there for a moment, staring.

"I guess I'll leave," Raven started, turning to leave Beastboy to himself.

"Wait!" BB interrupted, placing his hand on her shoulder, stopping her, "I know you have a messed life too…so can I discuss things with you…to help me."

Raven stared for a moment, startled by his openness and innocence. "Fine," she agreed.

Beastboy and Raven sat in his room discussing Beastboy's past for some time, it was calming his emotions for now, which was all Raven had intended to do.

"You know, Gar, you should really clean your room once in a while." Raven trying to divert the conversation, trying to keep Beastboy's mind off of his past.

"Wow! I haven't been called Gar in years," Beastboy replied.

"You need to stop dawning on the past, Beastboy. Your parents weren't like Cyborg's, and they loved you and cared for you. You can at least show your emotions, I am forced to suppress them, no matter how much I want to be free." Raven inadvertently began to talk about her suppressed past, in a way releasing some of her own emotions, "My father was a demon, and my mother was tricked by him. If I show my emotions, not only will my powers cause harm, but I may not be able to control the demonic evil inside me."

Beastboy had never realized truly why she suppressed her emotions until now. "So any emotions could cause this evil inside you to come out?" BB questioned.

Raven blushed; she just realized she was revealing her past. "Just forget what I said."

"You finally told me why you don't show emotions, Raven." Beastboy, partially recovered from his trauma, had cracked the last statement in a jokingly manner.

"Don't push it,"

They stared at each other; they were both sitting next to each other on Beastboy's bed since the floor was far too dirty. Raven could sense something inside her. She suppressed it; she was not allowing any emotions to come out. But Beastboy found his emotions rising in a strange way he had never really felt before. There had been a brief moment when Terra had once been there, in which this emotion came about, he was unsure what he was doing. He was subconsciously leaning slowly closer to Raven.

"I can't," Raven calmly said, as she caught and pushed herself away from BB. "You know my emotions can't allow it."

BB didn't know what to say, he hadn't realized until now where things were going. The emotions going through his head clouded his mind. BB couldn't think straight, not that he usually does, but now it wasn't the TV's fault. Raven realizing that this couldn't go any further got up and walked to the door.



"I'm Sorry."

She left without a word.

Okay I had to edit this chapter…it wasn't good enough for me…my styles of writing are changing and so are my personal expectations…and frankly Chapter One was not cutting it originally…at least the first portions, and that original character I had put in this chapter was creeping me out, its gone for good though…

The chapters after this one I believe are much better, and i may make a suttle change of like one word to chapter two…