Author's Note - I'm back. LoL. Sorry it took so long to post this. The first chapter isn't that great but it will get better, trust me. I'm looking foward to where this story is going to go. Hope you all enjoy. :) Please don't forget to review.

Chapter One

Keeping Secrets

15 year old Arianna Weasley woke up the rustling of feathers. Opening one eye she spotted her owl Tawny settling into her cage across the room. As she went to close her eyes again she heard a knock at her bedroom door.

"Ari, honey, time to get up," she heard her mother's voice float in through the door. Groaning Arianna buried her head under her pillow and tried to go back to sleep. "Arianna," her mum just wouldn't give up. Sitting up in bed Arianna looked at the clock. It was already 9 o'clock. Knowing she would not be getting anymore sleep Arianna climbed out of bed and trudged to her door. Swinging it open she was surprised to find her mother had gone. She was probably off trying to get the twins out of bed.

Arianna made her way to the bathroom and shut the door. Looking into the mirror she frowned. Her red hair looked like a giant frizz ball and her usually sparkly green eyes drooped. She defiantly didn't look like her father now. His eyes always sparkled. 20 minutes later she immerged from the room refreshed and ready to start the day.

"Morning dad," she greeted her father as she entered the kitchen. He sat at the table, dressed for work. He held a coffee mug in one hand and the newspaper in the other.

"Morning sweetheart," he smiled looking up from the paper. "You all set for school?"

Arianna slid into the seat next to him and nodded. "I packed up everything last night."

Her dad nodded. "You are so much like you mother."

Arianna grinned. Pouring herself a bowl of cereal her thoughts wandered. Everyone was always comparing her to her mum. She had her mum's personality. She worked hard, never broke the rules and brought home amazing grades. Speaking of her mum Hermione came strolling into the kitchen, a look of anger on her face.

"George, I swear, sometimes I think your sons are worse than you," she shook her head angrily.

"What did they do now?" George stood up and turned to his wife.

"They've packed their trunks full of products from the shop," she replied exasperated.

"So?" Arianna chimed in. It wasn't anything new for her brothers to do something like that.

"So, they haven't packed any of their books. They filled their trunks with joke products and left no room for packing their school work. They say they were planning on going to school without their books. Honestly, I would have thought that by their third year..." her voice trailed off.

George chuckled. "Honey, they're 13 year old boys, what do you expect?"

Hermione sighed. "I don't know, I just thought…" she let her voice fade again.

George bent down and placed a kiss on his wife's lips. "I'll go talk to them."

Hermione seemed to calm down a bit as George exited the kitchen. Arianna smiled. Her dad always had a way of calming her mum down. Arianna sometimes felt sorry for her mum. The twins were just like her dad and her uncle. They had a habit of getting out of control. Sometimes it was too much for Hermione, queen of organization and control, to handle.

Hermione made her way to the table and sat down beside her daughter. With a wave of her wand a hot cup of coffee appeared before her. Arianna studied her mum out of the corner of her eye. She looked more tired than usual. Her chocolate brown eyes looked sad.

"Are you ok mum?" Arianna asked, a bit worried.

Hermione looked over at Arianna. "I'm fine sweetie. I'm sorry, just a bit tired. It's nothing. How about you? Are you ready for school?"

Arianna swallowed her spoonful of cereal. "I packed everything up last night."

Hermione's face brightened up. "So how are you looking forward to your fifth year?"

"I don't know. I mean, it won't be as interesting as yours. You had that whole ministry battle and dad left school. Besides, nothing interesting ever happens to me. My life is boring."

"I'm sure you'll have your fair share of adventure," George said as he reentered the room. "Sorry to interrupt but I have to young men here who wish to apologize to their mother," George stepped aside and two tall boys stepped into the kitchen.

If Arianna looked like her father the twins defiantly looked like their mother. Arthur Harry Weasley and James Fredrick Weasley stood tall with curly brown hair and deep brown eyes. Identical almost to a tee they were exactly how their father and Uncle Fred were, mischievous.

"Mum, we're sorry. It was very irresponsible of us to neglect our school work which is very important to our future," Arthur hung his head. Arianna could see James stifle a laugh.

Hermione looked up at her husband and grinned. "Boys, I don't mind if you want to joke around but you have to know that there are times to joke and times to be serious. You're teenagers now and you have more responsibility. I don't mean to bug you about your school work all the time. I just want to see you do well."

"I promise, this year, you won't get one letter from the headmistress," James held up his hand in promise.

Hermione nodded. "I better not. Now go get ready." Both boys turned and ran out of the kitchen.

George had a huge smile on his face. "They are just like me."

Hermione got up and kissed him. "I don't know. I think they're cuter."

Arianna rolled her eyes. "You guys are so gross. Please, at least wait until I'm out of the room," and with that she excused herself from the table and headed back to her room.

"Don't go too far," Hermione called after her. "We're going to leave for the station soon."

Before Arianna could say anything she could hear her mum giggling and then the sound of her parents kissing. They were so gross sometimes. She reached her room and shut the door. Flopping down on the bed she reached over and grabbed a large book off her night table. Settling in Arianna opened the book and began reading.

Three rooms away Hermione lay in her bed, George on top of top of her. "George," she panted pulling away from their kiss. "Maybe we should stop. The kids are still home."

George bent down and kissed just under her ear. "They won't bother us. We still have half an hour before we have to leave."

Hermione put her hand on his chest and pushed him away from her. "As much as I'd love to I think we need to talk."

Sighing George rolled off of her and sat up beside her. "Talk about what love?"

"She's starting her fifth year this year. Maybe we should tell her," Hermione searched her husband's eyes from agreement.

George reached up and stroked Hermione's cheek. "I don't like keeping secrets from her but how can we tell her? Nothing's happened yet so why make her worry about it?"

Hermione placed her hand on his. "I don't know what to do. I'm just scared something will happen when she's at Hogwarts."

"She's been there for 4 years already and nothing's happened. We worry about this every year and nothing ever goes wrong. Maybe nothing ever will," George gave Hermione's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"So we shouldn't tell her?" Hermione looked torn.

"I think we shouldn't burden her with things like that. How would you feel if your parents told you something like that?" George questioned.

Hermione nodded sadly. "I guess you're right. As long as there aren't any sign then why have her worry about it?"

George leaned forward and kissed Hermione's forehead softly. "Exactly."

Out in the hall Arthur and James pulled their ears away from the door and stared at each other wide eyed.