Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy X or any other Final Fantasy character portrayed in this fic.

School Life Chapter 1: School Bites
Ring, Ring the school bell went off.

"Everyone to their seats class will now begin" Mrs.Wakatuna yelled loud enough for the whole class to hear.

Tidus turned around in his chair and faced Wakka and said "Man I hate first period"

" Na, first period is cool ya" he stated like a hick.

" Wakka and Tidus be quiet class has begun" she shouted disturbing there talk.

Both Wakka and Tidus answered he with a 'Yes Ma'm'

"Ha ha" Lulu taunted them while whispering.

" Awe poor Tidus" Rikku said and walked up and patted Tidus on the head.

" Rikku come on you are embarrassing me" he turned a light shade of red and tried to hide his face.

" Oh, sorry Tidus I didn't mean to embarrass you" she whispered so only Tidus could hear and then walked back to her seat. Everyone laughed at Tidus but it ended soon and everything settled down.

" Man all I hear coming out of Mrs. Wakatuna's mouth is bla, bla, bla" he cried rolling his eyes in boredom.

"Yea, hey where is Kimarhi?" he asked randomly.

"Oh he got sent to the office because he got in some fight" he laughed and sat up straight

"Yea, sounds like Kimarhi" Tidus laughed looking across the room at Rikku. She was a beautiful girl, her blond hair and swirling green eyes. He sat there and stared at her kind of daydreaming when he was ripped out of reality by the screaming of Mrs. Wakatuna.

" Tidus!"

"Huh?" Tidus shot up straight and looked around the room delirious for a few seconds

"Come up and show me how much gil Seymour would make each year," she hissed

"Um...ok…" he jotted down random numbers that had nothing to do with the problem "Ah! Yes this is the answer"

" Um…all you wrote was 5" she exclaimed.

" Yea, 5 is the answer," the blond haired stated.

" You look so cute when you are thinking" Rikku muttered out loudly

" Rikku!" he screeched. He turned ten different shades of red.

" Ok Tidus go sit back down now"

Lulu by this time is laughing so hard she has tears in her eyes and she fell out of her chair.

" Geez Lulu it wasn't that funny" he snapped.

" Yes it was!"

" No it wasn't!"

" Yes it was!"

" No it wasn't!"

" Yes it was!"

" No it wasn't!" They bickered back and forth until the bell rang

" Class is dismissed. Oh and don't forget your reports are due tomorrow" she explained but everyone was too happy that the period was over they payed no attention to the rambling.

Lulu, Wakka, Rikku, and Tidus are all walking down the hall together and as people pass by they bark "Goth" at Lulu. One kid made such a scene Tidus stepped in.