Disclaimer: I own the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher.

The New Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher

Their blood will rain down, and flow down my doorstep. Creating a new era for me to control.

It will come when vengeance will be mine and the final deaths come.

Death to the Potters.

Death to the Slytherins.

Death to the Snapes.

Hermione winced under the sun. She felt like her skin was simmering under the rays, and quickly entered the Hogwarts Express for shade. Hermione found an empty compartment and pulled down all the shades. She sighed and took of her dark sunglasses. Hermione leaned back in her seat and rubbed her temples. Hermione's neck felt stiff and started to rub it instead of her temples.

"Hallo Hermione," Ron greeted her. "Haven't seen you all holiday. How's yours been?"

"Hazy," Hermione answered him, not opening her eyes.

"That's crazy," Ron rhymed.

"Don't rhyme," Hermione told him, her voice hinting her annoyance.

"You ok?" Ron asked.


"Oh," Ron said and sat down next to her. "Have you been getting them a lot?"

"Ron, usually when a person has a migraine they don't want to talk," Hermione snapped at him.

"Sorry," Ron muttered softly, afraid of Hermione wrath.

Hermione just huffed and put her sunglasses back on. Hermione felt her eye lids droop when she heard Harry, Ginny, and Neville walk in the compartment, talking rather loud if you asked Hermione.

"Hey," Ginny greeted Hermione.

Hermione just nodded. Once everyone was settled and greeted Hermione, they started talking about their summers. Ron noted something. "Hermione, your hair is less frizz-bush- thick now. What did you do to it?"

Hermione titled her shades down and gave them all an annoyed glance. "I'm going to go to a less noisy compartment."

She stalked off into the next compartment over. Everyone stared after her and finally Ginny asked, "Does she seem a bit off to anyone else?"

"Is this compartment full?" a voice behind them asked.

They turned around and gawked at the stranger. She had dark black hair, which seemed to reflect blue in the train's light. She had deep tan skin, with long slim legs shown off by her deep purple skirt. Her top was a matching purple with rhinestones scattered across her torso and the sleeves flared out. She smiled sweetly at them and said, "I can leave if you want."

"No," all the guys said.

She smiled nervously and sat down. "Hi, I think I should introduce myself. I'm going to be the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher."

Hermione sighed and closed her eyes. Her head felt as though she was that cat from the cartoon that kept getting hit on the head with an anvil. On top of the migraines, she constantly felt hungry and dizzy. This whole summer she kept getting these migraines and dizzy spells, each one worst then the last. She hadn't lied when she told Ron her whole summer had been hazy. The entire summer was blurred together with a mass of migraines.

One thing she did remember clearly was a warm summer night she was walking around her home, trying to cool off. Someone had the English flag hanging around their door and it was flapping in the breeze, causing the sound of fabric hitting the side of a house to echo through the serene street. Then the noise stopped, but Hermione felt a rush of cool air on her neck. Hermione looked around, but saw nothing out of the normal. Yet something had made Hermione feel so uncomfortable that she head towards her house.

After that Hermione couldn't recall a thing. She shrugged it off as a dream, and thought nothing off it. Hermione noticed the train started to slow down and thought it would be best to rejoin her friends.

As Hermione slide open the compartment doors, she saw a unknown woman talking to her friends. Hermione walked over to them, taking in the woman. The woman smiled at Hermione and said, "Well, I should go. They want me to get to the school before any students. I enjoy to see you all in class."

The woman got up and whispered casually, "Hello Hermione."

Hermione winced; it felt like her head was hit with another anvil. It also frightened her that when the strange woman had talked to her, she felt a familiar cool breeze of air.

A/N: This stroy has been bouncing around my head for a while. So I wrote it to get it out of my head, and so I wouldn't have to write the last chapter to one of my other story. I would like to dedicate this to my dear friend Ashley, because she well, I'll explain why later, and to my dear friend Celia, becuase of her obession (I mean love) of Snape helped inspire me to use him later on.

Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed (or didn't, but I really hope you did) please tell me in a review.