A/N: I just thought I might add that the title for this came from a quote I heard once that went along these lines: Before the rainbow comes, a storm must pass. Or something like that. I thank all of you who reviewed. Ya'll are my motivation. Peace!

Disclaimer: I don't own Rugrats or All Grown Up, they are property of Klasky Cuspo, and Nickelodeon. I'm just borrowing them, and then putting them back.


There was a lot of tension in her small bedroom. She knew. Half of it was coming from none other than herself. She had called Chuckie Finster over, because she was extremely distraught over what she had seen yesterday afternoon.

"Well," Chuckie started. He was sitting on her bed, and unconsciously rubbing the fabric. It in an odd way it was comforting. She paced nervously in front of him, with her arms crossed over her chest, and her eyes glued to the floor. "Well," he questioned again. That was it. "I just don't know what to do! I mean I thought we were happy. I mean, its not like I did anything wrong. I did everything by the book. I was loving, I was kind, I was everything he wanted me to be, and I for once didn't rebel." Angelica couldn't believe she just poured her heart out to Finster of all people, but he was the one who witnessed what her own eyes saw.

"Angelica, all I can say is maybe you misplaced a note that broke up with you. Has Sean been acting strange, lately?" Chuckie asked, managing to keep his wits about him. One of them was hysterical, that was enough. She finally stopped with his questions. That seemed to slow her down, make her brain work. "No," She spoke after about a five minute pause. "He was acting normal all week. Chuckie I think you should leave now, I need time to think."


He walked out of Angelica Pickle's house with a frown on his face. Angelica was confusing. "Hey Chuckie," the familiar voice brought him out of his thoughts. "Oh, hey Nicole," He walked over to his pretty brunette friend. He was surprised at how easily this one girl could make his heart pound, but he still had all his courage, except when it came to asking her out.

"Hey um Chuckie, I feel kind of awkward asking you this, but would you go with me to Insurant this weekend?" He thought about it, Insurant, the local amusement park was known for its terrifying rides, and great food court. "You mean like a date?" He questioned. This was all new water to him, and he didn't want to go overboard. She giggled, then blushed, somewhat like he'd seen Kimmi do around Phil. "Well of course silly. I wouldn't pay $25 a ticket if it wasn't a date." She pulled a pen out of her purse. After quickly grabbing his hand she scribbled something down. "It's my address. Pick me up at around 1:00pm. Oh, and its tomorrow." He nodded. Sunday afternoon alone with Nicole, that was too good to be true. It was an awful day, but it just seemed to disappear. Chuckie Finster walked home on the clouds.

"Kimmi!" He called up the stairs. "What do you want, I'm doing homework." Chuckie smirked. "Talking to Phil on the instant messenger is NOT homework." He shouted back, before jogging up the stairs himself. His hand, never leaving the mahogany rail, being afraid of heights never leaves you. He came across Kimmi Finster's door, and took a moment to examine all the posters. The Sulky Boy's, Emica, Simple Plan, AC/DC, and many more decorated the door to where you couldn't see the white anymore. He pushed open the door, and she was of course on the computer. "Homework I see." Chuckie stated, examining all the different posters in Kimmi's room also. He didn't realize she had so many.

"So what if Phil and I were having a conversation." He smiled to himself. She was so oblivious to the fact that Phil liked her. "Kimmi I'm going to do you a favor, and tell you a secret. It's my advice you use this knowledge to you advantage." He finally had her attention. "Well what's the secret!" She pushed. "Phil likes you." He said it fast hoping she didn't pay attention. "You've got to be shittin me!" she gasped. "No, I'm not shitting you. He wanted me to help him go out with you, but if you like him as much as your diary says you will ask him out yourself." Her face was red with anger. "You, you, YOU READ MY DIARY!" she screeched, and Chuckie took off running down the hall. "I forgot to mention that part." He called. Behind the safety of his door Chuckie quickly locked it, and grabbed the phone.

"Hey," came the groggy voice on the other end.

"Tommy, did you just wake up? It's like one in the afternoon." He shook his head. He didn't really understand how people could sleep so late in the afternoon.

"So," came the defensive retort. "Anyway what did you want?"

"I just wanted to call to say tomorrow I will be unreachable!" Chuckie could barely hide the excitement in his voice.

"That's nice," Tommy yawned. "Can I go back to sleep now?"

"Don't you want to know why?" Chuckie pushed.

"No, actually I want to study the insides of my eyelids, but so you'll shut up. Why will you be unreachable?" Tommy barely mumbled.

"Well I'm going on a date with Nicole." Chuckie stated smiling.

"You're joking right? Its April fools or something." Tommy asked, suddenly awake.

"Nope, she asked me as I was leaving Angelica's house." Chuckie said, and then regretted it.

"WHY THE HELL WERE YOU AT ANGELICA'S HOUSE?" Tommy shouted into the phone.

"I got to go." Chuckie called, and pushed a button.

He felt sorry for Tommy, with him being kept in the dark. He wanted to tell Tommy that he and Angelica were trying to find a way for her to break it off with Sean, without getting to emotional. Alas that task seemed impossible.

He fell back onto his bed, and caught himself drifting off to sleep, and when he finally did a weird dream followed.

"Chuckie," Cooed the blonde girl. She was sitting on her bed smiling at him. She reached out and touched his cheek, running her finger down his jaw line.

He shook his head, what were these feelings, sure Angelica was attractive, but he liked Nicole. "No Angelica, WE CAN'T," he said turning around, but she was there as well. "C'mon Chuckie you know you like me." She said it in such an innocent voice that for an instant he forgot she was his childhood tormentor.

He awoke out of his dream land, confused by the strange events in the dream. He checked his clock. 9:32AM. He had slept all night and day, no wonder he was hungry. He wondered if he could ask Kimmi about the strange dream, but she was probably still mad about the diary thing; he couldn't help it though, he was curious. He made his way down the stairs, only to find Tommy waiting for him. "Hey Chuck, can we talk?" Chuckie nodded," After I get breakfast though." He made his way into the kitchen, followed by Tommy.

"So what did you want to talk about T?" Chuckie questioned as he searched through the pantry for some sort of breakfast cereal. "I was just wondering why you've been spending so much time with Angelica. I mean you went to the movies with her the day before yesterday, and yesterday you were at her house. So I was wondering if there was something going on between you two?" Tommy questioned.

Chuckie had to smile; Tommy was so oblivious to the truth. He only liked Angelica as a friend, nothing more, nothing less, except he had a doubt, mainly because of the strange dream, but then again dreams were dreams.

"You hungry?" Came the reply as, Chuckie grabbed milk and poured it into a bowl of Frosted Flakes. "No, I just wanted to ask you that question." Tommy leaned against the wall. "No, were just friends, and I'm trying to help her solve a problem." That was all Chuckie said. Angelica had sworn him to secrecy.

"So, do you still like Lil?" Chuckie questioned. He moved his bowl over to the small breakfast nook, and Tommy took a seat across from him. "Yea," came the soft reply," I'm thinking of asking her to go to the movies with me." Chuckie smiled, Tommy was always so brave, but when it came to Lil, his courage faltered, and he was actually scared. "Don't worry Tommy I'm sure she likes you too." It was all Chuckie could offer. He finished up the bowl of breakfast cereal, and checked the clock. It was about 9:41, time was moving slow.

Chuckie and Tommy walked out the front door together. "So are you going to Nicole's? We could go to my house and hang for a while." Tommy suggested, while Chuck glanced up and down the street. "Nah, I think I'll just start walking toward Nicole's." Chuckie said walking down the sidewalk. Chuckie walked along the sidewalk humming to himself, but something caught his eye. He honestly couldn't believe what he saw. Sean had the nerve to take Samantha out again, they were walking hand in hand up the sidewalk, not far ahead of Chuckie.

"Hey, Sean, can I talk to you for a second?" Chuckie questioned. It would probably end up being a mistake.

"Uh Sure." In all his football glory, Sean really didn't realize how stupid he was.

"Um, in private." He said looking at Samantha.

"Okay lets go over here, um, Chuckie, yea." He couldn't even remember Chuck's name, how sad. Or at least Chuckie thought so.

"Look, a mutual friend saw you and Samantha at the movies yesterday, and they told Angelica." Chuckie said, eyeing Samantha suspiciously.

"Who the fuck told, or who saw," Sean demanded, and he grabbed the front of Chuckie's shirt.

"Look I don't know, she called me this morning crying about it, and she told me what she heard." Chuckie quickly lied. He had to make himself seem like the good guy here.

"Look thanks for telling me she knows I guess I'll butter her up or something later." Sean said starting off towards Samantha again.

Chuckie shook his head, it was going to be hard to tell Angelica that news.

A/N: Okay I'm cutting off here, I hope you like it. Tori.


Psycho: Thanks for the review!

Broken-SilverWings: I love C/A too, and I hope you continue to like my story.

Digital Damita- I agree!

acosta pérez josé Ramiro- I think TL are the most popular couple, but CA is popular too.

Acepilot6: I'm glad you liked it, and I hope you continue too, by the way, nice work with In The End. I liked it.

Chuckangie: I'm honered that one of the best CA writers on the site liked my story.

alisha marie: Thanks!

lil-wolfgirl: I'm glad you like it.
