Vampiric Embrace

Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma, or Gold Diggers, or Vampire: the Masquerade…. All I own is my own soul, may it be darkened evermore… enjoy… I dedicate this to Apienkoss for inspiring me…

Dawn of the Dead

He watched as the night drew near, filling him with the presence of the creatures of the night. He watched as the vampires came into the room where Mike had set it all up, for the attack on the manor, where the Antediluvian of the Tzimiche was residing. He looked at the men and women who entered the room, and once Mike gave him the sign., he stepped into the lights, a smile on his face which revealed his deadly fangs, a pair of sunglasses on his nose, looking at the members of his clan. "Members of Clan Shinigami! Hear my plea for assistance in vanquishing the Antediluvian of the Tzimiche! Let yourself be filled with the knowledge that I, your Creator and Master shall join you in battle to vanquish one of my Breed, of Father Cain!" he looked at the vampires gathered there, and a insanity made its way through his body, issuing forth from his mouth as a crazed laugh: "WE shall devour their blood! Steal their very life, and I shall be the king of the Night! I shall rule the clans, and use them as as I see fit! WE shall become the strongest of the Clans, and WE shall rule the night, forbidding the werewolves the sanctity of their powers! "His speech was purely on instinct, hoping to rouse the inner beast within the vampires. He watched as the members of his clan were enthralled by the speech he was giving, and he smiled as he looked at Mike and saw that the man was already fingering a big knife which hung on his belt. He looked at the crowd and said; "Who is your master?"

As one they chanted: "You are our Master, the True King of the night!" he grinned as he revelled in the worship which was bestowed upon him, and he began to gather his power, having drank the blood from a young man prior to coming here, so the blood was with utmost purity and ready to be used. "But beware; there are people who would wish to foil My plans. The Diggers are a noticeable threat to it, but I have thought of that! I have made sure that they are incapacitated for the night, seeing as I reside there at the current time, a friend of mine living there too, and truly one of an exquisite breed… "He looked a bit cloudy and airy at the moment but it all faded away as he addressed the next part: "Saotome Nodoka is also coming to town, and would be a threat to us all, including me. I wield her katana, but I don't k now how long I will last when the woman is about to kill me… I may be strong, but she is more learned in the ways of the sword…. But do not despair, a ghoul of mine is with her, and will probably be able to talk her out of making sure that I get attacked, or any of you…" he looked at the members of his clan, counting there to be at least 800, which was large for a city and said; "Are you all armed?"

He watched as his clan members pulled forth a few weapons, which all seemed to include a few guns, and probably enough ammunition in them… he saw crow bars, baseball bats, whips, knifes and other lethal stuff appear. Even a katana was seen, and Ranma gave a low whistle at the Asian man possessing it and then grinned at the crowd, and said: "I shall lead the attack, and be the first one to engage the Antediluvian in combat… the rest of you make sure that there will be some sort of defence for me once I engage him, because I don't want to get killed by teat guy before I can drain him dry…' he gave a small laugh, and he watched as a determined glint entered the eyes of the vampiric Childe he had once sired through his three most faithful. He looked at them and breathed out, and said: "Let the games begin, ladies and gentlemen… Let the games begin and the wheel begin to spin… their blood shall coat our hands before they know we strike…" with that he jumped to the exit, the members of his clan following him I n his mad scheme to gain possession of the Antediluvian's blood, and become stronger then ever imagined.

Saotome Nodoka looked at the moon as it rose to the sky, full and radiating the light which would make her son transform into his beastly state. She watched the moon begin to ascend, and hoped that there were some vampires around which she could kill, for she needed to work off some stress from the flight. Hinako looked after herself, staying in a room in the Digger's compound, sleeping peacefully.

She drew the normal katana as she saw numerous figures jumping over the rooftops, led by someone dressed in black clothes, with black hair and black shades on, apparently the leader of the gang of vampires… she watched as a huge throng of vampires moved over the rooftops, towards a location which she didn't know. It would be suicide to go against them, since they were with so many, and she dialled a number on a cell phone, and her eyes shone with some small amount of hope as jack answered and said: "Jack here. You got a Situation, master huntress Nodoka?"

"Indeed I have. I have spotted what must be about 500 to a thousand vampires going to some place, and leading them is a vampire dressed in black, with black sunglasses. Can you contact all the hunters in the city please? We might do a mass extermination tonight." Nodoka heard jack fumble around for a bit and hard him say: "Sure, I'll call the rest of the family, including the rest of the hunters immediately, it should be nice to finally kill off most vamps in this city." The man sounded glad for that and Nodoka gave a hint of a smile as she steadied her katana as she heard something land besides her, and looked into the face of a vampire who looked at her and said: "You are Nodoka, aren't you? Your Child sends his greetings, and asks you not to interfere with the small bit of eradicating he is doing… We of Clan Shinigami have a treaty with him that allows him to fight our foes, while also making sure that no people are needlessly embraced. We wouldn't want to filthy the race with degenerate breeds… Especially when Gehenna is coming…" the vampire shivered before rejoining the group. All headed towards one destination: the resting place of the Antediluvian, leaving Nodoka to wonder what the hell her son had done to make an alliance with one of the notorious clans of the vampires.

"Alright, I'll bust the gates open with a grenade, and then you jump in, Master." Mike was next to him, and then he watched as Ranma slowly nodded and said: "Good, let's get started then. Once I am in, it's all for themselves! The Antediluvian is MINE!" he got a blood lusting grin on his face, he watched as mike pulled a pin out of a grenade, and lobbed it at the gates, which were blown off their hinges, allowing access to the manor.

Ranma transformed into his full werewolf form, his clothes falling off his form only a moment before the fur emerged, and like a walking engine of destruction and carnage, he ran straight for the door, trampling some of the Kindred in his way, making them all afraid of the silver fur and the blood lusting look on Ranma's face.

The sensations of being in his werewolf form made him feel the bloodlust far better then when in vampiric form. This was the essence of the Beast in its rawest form. He looked at a pathetically deformed Kindred, which tried to get away, and Ranma stood up, revealing a lot of muscle, and his privates, which were to say the least LARGE, if aroused, which wasn't the case at the moment, but it would be a good image if you were Brianna, or someone with as great a libido as she has. He looked at the vampire and brought down a clawed hand, making the man scream as a part of his shoulder was ripped apart, before another claw came down and ripped his head off his shoulders, letting dark red blood spurt from the wound.

Ranma didn't mind getting coated in blood., in fact he relished in feeling the red fluids soaking his skin and giving him that delicious scent of being stained with it, making him come across as some dangerous animal, which he was in his werewolf form, as swell as his normal form.

He looked at the hallway where the rest of the manor stretched out for him, before deciding to jump up the stairs to get more vampires, and hopefully find the Antediluvian. He looked at the rooms there, and saw people come out of them; a quick sniff confirmed them to be normal kindred of the Tzimiche clan, and after a minute none of them were left alive, safe one kindred who had half of his face tripped away, and was now sobbing for the pain to end while the blood dripped from the wound on his neck where an artery had been opened.

Ranma lapped at the blood, and then transformed into his vampire form, looking at the corpses with a barely held in check glee, and he looked at the blood splattered walls, and could distantly hear gunfire, probably from his forces engaging the foe.

Jack looked at the carnage as he stood next to Nodoka Saotome, looking at the Kindred massacring each other. "They are truly fucked up to fight so much, aren't they, Nodoka?" she looked at him, and then could hear a lupine howl, making her smile a bit and said; "The attack was probably planned out by Ranma, since he is there and probably fighting with the vampires there…" she gave a small smile as she watched some bodies fly through the air, them standing on a rooftop of one of the hunters house, watching the fight between the vampires.

Ranma cleaved one vampire in two by using a clawed hand infused with his blood talents of super strength, a bit of tweaking done to his body by his own mind which made the werewolf strength be transferred onto his hands, and made into his strength… he grinned and then continued onwards, seeing a feral looking kindred block his path and he said; "Does the little Gangrel want to play with the big bad Antediluvian? Well then, mutt, come at me." He began to transform, a howl once again coming from his throat moments before the Ggangrel's claws tore into his chest, and with an enraged roar, he threw the kindred away, looking at the Kindred with blood lusting eyes, and then saw the opportunity, and took it, ripping out the kindred's neck and head from the corpse, which turned to ashes the moment it died, leaving him with only a mouth full of ashes.

Ranma transformed back into his Kindred form, and spat out the ashes of the dead Kindred and then looked at the doors, which opened and a few kindred wielding guns all pointed them at him, and began to fire at him., Ranma simply watched how the projectiles came at him, and with a grin he felt one impact with his shoulder, drawing blood, and making his inner Beast growl deeply at him, and his eyes turned into a blood red, and he began to manipulate the blood within his veins, allowing his power to surge as a black bonfire sprang up around him, and a deep feral glint came in his eyes, and eh began to attack the kindred still firing at him, caught within the berserker rage which had been awakened., he noticed the wounds on his body, and then began to drain the last surviving Kindred dry of blood, looking at the dying woman's pleas to have him stop feeding on her, pleading to swear fealty to him, and he threw her away in disgust at the pleading, having drained her dry, and knowing that she wouldn't be able to survive. He looked at the door fro m which they had emerged, and a smile curved his lips, making him look like every bit the evil vampire that he was.

Nodoka watched through binoculars as the clans fought against each other. She noticed the heavy weaponry being deployed and smiled to herself, "At least they have started to use good weapons now… I see a rocket launcher there…" she gave a smile, and then unsheathed her katana when a rogue projectile came sailing at them, and with a shink, the projectile was cut in two, and fell harmlessly on the roof. She gave a serene smile and said; "Not as exciting as hunting vamps… Ranma would have a ball here, if he were the one standing here… he's more one for action, and I am more for action but with carefully planned out strategy… but then again, he's ALWAYS able to win, even when faced with a god…" she jumped down the roof, still smiling serenely and then joined the fray, slashing kindred up left and right, leaving behind only ashes, and the rest of the hunters.

Ichiro looked at the battle as it began to work to their advantage, hoping that Master Ranma was alright, he noticed the redheaded woman and the rest of the vampire hunters and shouted; "Retreat! Hunters have come!" with that shout, the Clan Shinigami members all fled the scene, leaving the Sabat members open for attack by the hunters. Jack didn't spare any time as he heard one of the vampires scream about the attack, and immediately charged, only to see the vampires running away, and jumping over hedges and the like.

He shot one of the vampires in the chest, watching the male stumble back a few bits before recovering and receiving a shot to the head, turning it into dust. He watched as a cousin of his appeared, holding a gun in his hand which was usually seen in those westerns, like the magnum revolver.

Nodoka beheaded another vampire, advancing into the manor, a small smile growing on her face as she saw the skeletons of the dead vampires lie there still, and then thought of an idea: she could give a party in honour of Ranma for making sure that there would be a massive vampire Slaughter at this night, and not the usual picking off of vampires…

This is just like a party that he organised, just unlike any, we arte now killing vampires instead of playing silly games. She thought while beheading a vampire with a swift motion. She looked at the blood splattered walls, and momentarily thought about maybe looting the place for some valuable stuff, but then shrugged and made her way to the basement area, which began to resemble a crypt, and she encountered a few leftover kindred, which were quite easily dispatched by some holy water being tossed at them.

Ranma looked at the tomb which held the Antediluvian, and he could sense that the thing was awakening, and when the thing had awakened, or so he felt, he watched as the lid slid away, and the Antediluvian got up from the coffin, and looked at him: "Are you here to join my in my devouring of my children?" Ranma gave a damning grin and said; "Not really… I'm here because I want to make sure that your blood ends up adding to my power…"

"Come then, foolish Childe, and see that you shall never mess with an Antediluvian." Ranma watched as the horrible creature, with huge mismatched features got out of the coffin, and he looked at the sharp claw-like hands which adorned the things hands and he grinned and then made sure that there would be enough to help him, for this would be a hard battle. He had the advantage at this moment, being physically more fit then the Antediluvian, and he hoped to win. He leapt at the Antediluvian, feeling that the time for the attack was nigh, and he watched as the Antediluvian grabbed him by the clothes, and threw him aside, letting him land on his chest on the ground, making him feel brief pain, and knocking his head against a wall: "You shouldn't have done that, Ojayi… I am one too, and I am much more powerful then you…" he looked at the Antediluvian, and then transformed into his werewolf form, the silver fur coating his body, making sure that there would be no spot which wasn't furry, and he leapt into battle easily coming to the Antediluvian, and then slamming his fist into the ugly and spongy flesh, smacking the Antediluvian against the wall. He watched as the old Kindred looked at him and then felt his body become painful to move, and knew that he had to be quick in draining the old thing, or else he'd be dead. He shrugged it off, putting his energy in speed, and jumped at the old vampire, transforming back onto a human, and knocking it to the ground, where he immediately put his fangs into the older kindred's neck, and started to suck the life out of the Antediluvian. It was fortunate that the Antediluvian had lain in torpor for so long because otherwise he wouldn't be able to defeat it with such a great ease.

He could taste the rich blood, filling his mouth and making him increase the drinking of it, ensuring that the Atediluvian got weaker. He could feel a piece of his flesh being ripped off, but paid it no heed. Killing the Antediluvian and usurping his clan was the only thought on his mind as he began to drain more and more of the blood within the decayed looking body of the Antediluvian, feeling the blood within his veins burn and sizzle as the foreign Antediluvian blood entered it and was assimilated into it, making him stronger and stronger, the power literally able to burn him from the inside.

Nodoka heard the sounds of combat from a few rooms ago, an d heard the dull thud of something sliding against a wall, and hearing the growls of a huge beast, and knew that there wouldn't be much for her to do if Ranma decided to go and get into his werewolf form. She decided that she should just go and watch. A noise like something sliding over the floor, followed by a deep slurping noise. She literally ran through the next room., taking no note of the vampire bones and ashes spread around. She came in the room, katana drawn to see someone in a black leather ensemble on top of another person, and took note that there was one of the ugliest things she had seen pinned underneath him, and the dark haired person's mouth clamped around the thing's neck.

Ranma could feel the power within his body accumulating with every drop of blood which he drank. He looked at the face of the Antediluvian, feeling a weak pulse still flowing and he released the ancient kindred's neck. "Didn't think that a puny mortal like me could be able to drain you dry of that blood that you hold so dear, Oyaji? Well then I have a surprise for you… I am the version of this world's future… I am both life and Death for the Kindred who walk this earth…" with that he put his mouth against eh wound in the neck again and he sucked deep to get the blood out of the body and into his body, filling him with the control that the Antediluvian had about the Children sired from him…

"You shall never manage to get my control, Necros… Of all the Children of Father, I was the one who struck you down all those aeons ago… You posed a threat, and now I lay here, dying from my blood being sucked out by your greedy persona…" the Antediluvian rasped, looking at Ranma with his ugly head looking like the devil itself. Ranma closed his eyes and sighed; "It would be nice to have a reunion with everybody… but you have to die now Malygos, and I shall assume the mantle of Leader…" In a rare stroke of mercy, Ranma simply withdrew his fist, and said: "Forgive me… brother." And then smashed in the Antediluvian's skull, a wet sound being heard.

Fire surged through his body, the death of one Antediluvian making the one with his blood in the veins the sole Antediluvian responsible for making new members for both Tzimiche and Shinigami clans, and him being the only one who would be able to make both by choice. He was now twitching heavily, blood beginning to come out of his ears as the power seeped into his body, the werewolf within his DNA structure fighting against the foreign unlife energy.

Nodoka watched as her son smashed the creature through its forehead, and then began to twitch and fell on the floor, blood coming from his mouth, ears and nose. She was besides him in a flash, and opened one of his eyes to see a shimmering red within them, and an agonised scream came form his lips and she left him alone, taking him in her arms and then deciding to go to the Diggers mansion so at least he would be able to get patched up. Whatever was happening didn't seem to be good for her son.

Jack watched as every kindred in the area screamed and began to twitch, like something was assaulting them from within, or through their mind. In countless cities spread across the world, the same thing happened to every Tzimiche as their leader changed from Malygos to Ranma, and thus they would owe Ranma allegiance. He sighed and instructed the rest of the vampire hunters to give them a swift death, and he watched as all turned to dust by the weapons form the slayers. He watched how Nodoka came out of the manor, holding a young amn in bher arms who was screaming bloody murder and was twitching an awful lot. "I'm getting my son to the Diggers. You make sure that none will survive." She was gone in a flash, using a human technique to speed up movement to superhuman levels.

She appeared in front of the Diggers house and then sighed and knocked on the dfoor, Ranma having quieted down and was now looking at her: "Mother…" he spoke, looking atb her delicious neck which was filled with blood. " Are you alright, Ranma?"

Oh sweet irony… my mother hunts my kind and still she cares for me, not knowing that I am one, a master at that… "Quite alright… that was one damn ugly mother fucker… Stupid Malygos, ruining it for the rest of them…" he muttered the last part, then raised his head and licked Nodoka's neck. "Your neck is a bit salty, mom. I suggest you take a long hot shower…" his red eyes looked at her brown ones and he licked his lips, the urge to feed being strong enough to make him want to bite, but the situation wouldn't allow for it, the feeling of being watched still within his head, and he knew that the Antediluvian's blood should be able to sustain him for a long time.

But still, the feeling of her body against his as she still held him made him want to make her into one of his own children, if not for the sensation of biting his own mother and making her into one of his Children, one of his prime lieutenants…

The door opened and he was carried to his room, to be left there to regain his strength while Nodoka talked to the Diggers.

A new chapter for this story finished… it's been almost a year, but I'm sure you'll like the new chapter…. Sorry I haven't been able to write much, but school is pretty hectic for one such as I, who incorporates Chaos in its purest form, and I had to finish some projects, and now am facing the HELL of school: Test week…

Give me enough reviews, and I might be able to get more chapters out soon…