The Empty Blackness of Space

Spoilers: None
Summary: A drabble on space.
Rating: K
Disclaimer: I don't own BSG, but I own all 100 words of this fic.

She's heard it called "the empty blackness of space," but a pilot knows space is not truly black and nowhere near empty. Space is filled with blinding suns and space is filled with dull planets reflecting light not their own. Space is filled with ships, with Vipers, with the Fleet. Space is filled with Cylon Raiders and Cylon Baseships. Space is filled with life and space is filled with death. Space is filled with floating bodies and space is filled with terrified screams. Space is filled with shouts of victory. And sometimes, space is filled with nothing but the rain.
review? i've never written a drabble before...this'll probably be the only one, though. ever.