Hey guys, here's that epiloge you wanted!


spirtual-s: I know, animal man! funny eh?

broken.ballerina: I know, but she does lose her powers. I decided to make all the titans lose their powers so that they all lead normal lives.

chainedfreedom11: I'm sorry I had too, see I really wanted her to have powerless kids.

devilleader: Unfortunetly, her hair is brown. Because I am the writer of this story, I have the power!

Phishy2: Yes, she did actually lose her powers. Her hair color changed because I wanted it to! We'll talk about HP later, so many things to critisize. And your the one who put Pete in your review, not me, so you should know.

Disclaimer: I only own the titans kids, nothing else. Oh yeah, Angel. But that's it. Oh and Sam. But that's it.

12 years later...

Raven sat in her favorite cushiony chair by the fireplace, gently stroking the book which lay in her hands. Her book. It was a biography of her life, but of course she pretended it was a fantasy book that she had made up. The book itself was a dark blue and across the top in cursive silver letting were the words, "The Half-Demon." On the bottom in identical silver writing were the words, "By Raven Garfield." In the middle of the book, separating the two sentences was a picture which Victor had drawn for her. He had taken an old photograph he had found of Raven with four eyes fighting Dr. Light and drawn an exact copy to put on the book. The book didn't actually look all that bad, what with a silver sticker stuck on the book saying, "Newberry Honor." Another sticker sat near it with, "Book of the Year." And yet another two were stuck on the back reading, "Most imaginative read" and "The most popular book of the year." It had only been out for a month and yet millions were already fans.

"Mommy?" Aphrodite's voice broke into Raven's daydreams, shattering them. Raven looked down at her five-year old daughter.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Dinner's ready. Loki told me not to get you yet but Artimis said it was done."

"Okay." Raven put her book down and reached down to pick up her daughter. She carried her into the kitchen. It was full of smoke. Raven waved the fume away from her face and looked at Artimis. Her fifteen-year old daughter was pouring some slightly burnt pasta onto the plates. She slid one in front of her thirteen-year old brother, who looked at it in disgust.

"What is this?" He asked, emphasizing the 'this'.

"It's pasta, Loki," she replied. Raven let her daughter down, who ran to her chair and she took a seat beside her son as her husband walked in.

"Hey Baby," he said, leaning down to kiss his wife.

"Mom! Dad! Please! You're grossing me out!" Loki complained as his parents kept kissing.

"What's for dinner?" Logan Garfield asked.

"Pasta," Raven said as Logan sat down beside her.

"Or trash disguised as pasta, which we will eat and then when we try to poo-"


"Fine, when we try to excrete -"


"Fine," Loki humphed as his sister took a seat and announced:

"Let's begin!" At that, everyone began to eat, except for Loki who hurled some pasta at his younger sister's face, made her cry and was sent to his room.

An hour later…

Raven's point of view.

"Is everyone ready to go?" I asked my waiting family. They all nodded. I opened the door and we all walked to the car.

"How long are we gonna be?" Loki asked me, walking beside me.

"Well, we're going to see the fireworks. And then we'll probably see Kori and Richard-"

"Aww, but they're boring!"

"Boring?" Logan asked from behind us.

"And-" I continued, ignoring my husband, " Mr. And Mrs. Stone."

"Cool! That means we'll see Adam!" I sighed. Cyborg and Bee's son, Adam, was the same age as Loki. They also happened to be the best of friends. We all got in the car and Logan started the engine.

Ten minutes later…

"Are we there yet?" Aphrodite asked for the millionth time. We were driving to a park which was near a dock where we would watch the fireworks and countdown the seconds until the New Year. Bee and Victor Stone were bringing champagne for the adults and juice for the kids.

"I think we're finally there," I answered. I looked back at the kids. Loki was playing his game boy, no doubt playing that new game that Adam gave him, where you blow people up every two seconds and their bodies go flying everywhere and blood splatters on the screen. Artimis was listening to her i-Pod, probably Green Day's 'Wake me up when September ends.' Aphrodite was the only one not doing anything, not knowing it would be a long trip so she hadn't brought her Barbie Fairytopia doll. I turned forward just as the cars stopped. We scrambled out.

"Raven!" Bee called, running over. I grinned and waved. "How are you, hon?"

"Good. Yourself?"

"Never better. Sparky got a promotion!"


"Where is 'Sparky?'" Logan asked Bee.

"Down by the dock." Logan ran off.

"I can't believe they're still best friends," Bee said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Just be thankful they're not playing pranks anymore," I laughed.

"Mom?" Loki asked. I looked down.

"Yes, dear?"

"Can I go play with Adam?"

"Sure, but you have to bring Aphrodite with you."


"You heard me." Groaning, he held his hand out for Aphrodite to grab, which she did and they both ran off to a tree where Adam was waiting for them.

"Hey Raven! Bee!" I looked over to see my best friend in the whole world.

"Kori!" She and Richard walked over. There was another boy with them. Kori and I embraced and then I only shook hands with Richard. We were close, like brother and sister, but Kori and I was closer, like a twins.

"So are the guys here?" Richard asked me.

"They're down by the dock." He mumbled a quick 'thanks' and then walked over to them.

"So who's this?" Bee asked Kori, pointing towards the boy who had arrived with them.

"This is Sam. He's Richard's nephew. He's staying with us for a few weeks while his parents work out their divorce plans."

"How old is he?" I asked quickly.


"And does he like Green Day?" I asked. A marvelous idea just popped into my head.

"Well actually, he adores the-"

"Brilliant." I pulled my bored-looking daughter in front of him. "Artimis, Sam. Sam, Artimis. Why don't you go talk about Green Day somewhere?" I pushed them towards an empty bench.

"Well, way to push their slowly developing relationship into something worth it!" Bee said, high-fiving me. "Bravo!"

"I read your book, Rae," Kori said softly. Then putting on a delighted grin, she happily exclaimed, "It was most joyous!" We all laughed. Kori knew earth language now, her happy phrases were a thing of the past, just like my depression and Bee's addiction to honey.

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" I said, trying to sound as boring as I could. I held up an imaginary book. "I'm reading!"

"Oh my god, what's that?" Bee squealed pointing to a diamond ring on Kori's finger.

"Well," Kori said, starting the suspense, "Richard finally-"

"He did?" Bee asked, smiling as her eyes grew large.

"Uh huh!" Kori said happily.

"He proposed?" I asked.

"Yes!" she screamed with joy. We all started jumping around and shouting and squealing and screaming with delight. The thing was, I married Logan after 5 years of dating, Bee married Victor after a 5 years and a bit of dating and Richard and Kori? He wanted to be sure, so they dated and went out for twelve years until now!

Just then, I looked at my watch.

"Uh oh! We better get the kids and head to the dock! 40 seconds till the new year!" We ran off, collecting first Aphrodite, Loki and Adam and then Sam and Artimis, who were just talking about the 'American Idiot' music video.

20 seconds later

"Nineteen…eighteen…seventeen…sixteen…fifteen…" We all said in unison. I was leaning against Logan. He was holding my hand and stroking it tenderly. "Fourteen…Thirteen….Twelve…Eleven…" Bee and Victor were holding hands and Richard and Kori were gazing into each other's eyes.

"Ten…nine…eight…seven…six…five…" I looked at the kids. Aphrodite was smiling her 'witchy smile' as we called it at home as her two front teeth were missing, Sam was looking at the water, Artimis was twirling a strand of brown hair around her finger and Adam and Loki were counting down as loud as they could. "Four…Three…"

"Get ready everyone!" Logan called.

"Two…one…Happy New Year!" We all shouted. The fire-works began. Victor leaned down and gave Bee a quick kiss on the cheek and Logan did the exact thing. Then we all looked over at Richard and Kori. She was bent over backwards as Richard held her around her back. Her leg was up in the air and they were both kissing.

"Richard and Kori, sitting in a tree," Victor and Logan started to sing.

"Don't you dare-" I began.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Adam and Loki continued. Richard and Kori immediately stopped, both of their faces a vibrant red.

"Males," Bee began.

"What a pain in the ass," I finished.

"And now, New Year's Resolutions," Logan said. We all shut our eyes. Well, I knew what mine were. To protect my children from the horrors of today's society. To become an even better friend, wife and mother. To express myself creatively by writing. Geez, there were a lot. And now I realize that one experience with Angel, once when he tried to steal my soul and the other when he tried again were all part of my mission. A mission to prove myself worthy, brave and true to my heart. And now I believe, with all my soul, that if you are scared to do something, be fearless and listen to your spirit. It can get you places. Believe me, I know.

The End

Raven finished the last page in her book and shut it. It slowly fell from her grasp as she fell asleep.