Hey, staremerald here. No reviewers yet, (A.N. Duh) so I guess I'll just start.

Disclaimer: Just to remind you, Angel is mine! And of course, I wish I owned the Titans, but I don't….

She was floating. Actually to precise, it was more of a drifting sensation. Who knows what it really was. The point was after whatever she was just doing she immediately fell down into a massive library. She landed gracefully and then giggled like a schoolgirl, something she had not been able to do since she was cursed with the power of telekinesis. She ran over to the bookshelves and carefully examined the old, dusty volumes. She recognized some titles. "MAJIK" and "HOW TILL MAK" were ancient, practically classics if you ignored the fact that they were creepy magic books that no one on earth had ever heard of. Suddenly she needed to find something, it was very important. Frantically she searched.

But what is it? The voice in her head said.

Shut up and help me look! She shouted back into her mind as she firmly fingered the shelves.

"Aha!" she said triumphantly as her finger landed on a book called, "Dark magic and Ancient curses." Somehow she knew this book. But where from? She pulled it out and opened it. Magic swirled from the depts of the book and suddenly, the earth spilt under her feet. She fell but her hand grabbed the ledge before she dropped. Struggling to get up, she wriggled, trying to pull herself up. But her hand was slipping…suddenly Beast Boy appeared and grabbed her hand. She breathed. Beast Boy would save her. Suddenly he changed. In his place was a person, a figure she knew all to well. It was Angel. But he was ghost like.

"Thanks for saving me cutie," he said evilly.

"What?" she asked, angrily. He just smiled and let go of her hand. She screamed as she fell and she was falling, falling, dropping and that evil voice belonging to Angel laughed. But she kept falling and falling and…Raven of Azarath, fearless (A.N. Yeah right) gothic member of the Teen Titans woke up, beads of sweat running down her forehead as she tried to calm herself down.

I know it's lame right now, but Angel was pretty much all love stuff but this will be very much like 'Haunted' and it will have love stuff.


Readers: "Or else what?"

Staremerald: "You'll see…."