Thanks to Mandysg1 and Xandria for reviewing.

A/N: xandria, have fun with german, yeah it is kinda hard but don't do what I did and forget your book for the whole year. You only end up with a very pissed off teacher and lots of catching up to do. 

If you like it review, if you don't, why the hell are you still reading it?

Chapter 10.

After much poking and prodding, and one very frustrated doctor later, SG1 were still not allowed to leave the infirmary.

"Aww, come on doc, cant we go yet?" moaned Jack for the fifteenth time that hour. Janet was VERY glad she never knew Jack as a toddler.

"Colonel, I would like to keep you here under observation" growled Janet "As I have told you before.

O'Neill decided to have selective understanding at that point.

"So we can go then?" he piped up hopefully.

Janet turned around to look at him fully, just about to shout at him, but realized that wouldn't make any difference. It was the type of look that, if looks could kill, Colonel Jonathon 'Jack' O'Neill would most definitely be pushing up daises at that very moment.

He smiled meekly at her with what he hoped was a 'butter wouldn't melt' look and she sighed.

Deciding he'd had enough of the Napoleonic power monger and her needles and lights,

Jack got up and tried to sneak out. Drawing on his years of special ops stealth work he carefully got up and proceeded to creep slowly out of the infirmary. Daniel raised his eyebrow at what Jack was attempting to do and smirked.

Jack was oh so sure of his escape. What he didn't count on was tripping over his own laces, diving headfirst into a gurney creating a sickening crunch as his skull connected with metal and came to an abrupt halt with an 'oof'

Before he even had a chance to get up, Janet was looming over him, barking:


Making Sam jump and Daniel wince. With a dramatic sigh Jack looked up at her.

Remembering he was completely deaf, she decided to gesticulate in the direction of the bed instead. He rolled his eyes and stalked back in the direction of the other two. He managed several steps before taking a nosedive towards the floor. Blackness overtook him and the last thing he remembered was the floor being a lot closer than usual.

The next thing he saw was Janet's trusty penlight shining in his left eye.

"Mmmmm" she mumbled.

"Colonel, can you tell me what your name is?"

Jack looked blearily up at the two spinning Janet's before him and rubbed his eyes, before Janet remembered he couldn't hear her. Before she had a chance to think about what to do next, something was shoved under her nose. Looking down she saw Daniels hand holding out a pencil and paper. She gratefully accepted it before scrawling down her question.

'Colonel, what is your name?'

Holding it up in front of Jack O'Neill's face, she waited for a response.

"cigarette" he guessed. She looked puzzled

Pointing to the pad of paper she looked worriedly at him.

"I ndddd a cigaretttt." He clarified, speech slightly impaired.

Janet scribbled down

"Colonel, I didn't know you smoked"

"I dnnnn't." he slurred, blinking slowly


Puzzled, Janet scribbled something else

'Colonel O'Neill, can you tell me where we are?'

Jack didn't actually answer this question, but looked around, somewhat blankly

"Okay, I think we should get you back to bed now Colonel, it looks like you have a concussion" she said gently.

Daniel sniggered at Jack's stupidity for managing not only to do the exact opposite to his intentions; now he would have to stay in the infirmary for even longer.