Quick A.N.- Okays y'all I decided to rewrite Heart Killers. I didn't like the way the last one was headed so I decided to start over. So here is the new version, which starts out a bit different. Hope you like :O

Summary: Fifteen-year-old Sylvia Peters is doing her best to become the school slut. And Dallas Winston seems like the perfect guy to make that happen…no body ever said sex was safe…

Rating: PG13 for some use of language and sexual content

Author: Volleyballlover (duh)

Heart Killers

The Begining

Sun shined through into my eyes as I walked out of Herman's Grocerwith a full bottle of vodka in my hands. Walking down the sidewalk I paced back and forth waiting for my best friend to arrive in her beat Volkswagen. This was always the typical ritual of Brooke: being late. It was no surprise…but I'm VERY impatient.

Sighing I opened up the bottle and took a small sip. The liquor burned the back of my throat as it went down. Ouch! Sun shinned brightly on my fair skin. All I could think was that I was probably going to get a sunburn before Brooke actually got here. Just what I needed before my first party.

Where the hell was she anyways? I mean we planned on meeting at three thirty and it was now three fifty-two. Typical Brooke. She was ALWAYS late (like I said) and she ALWAYS had some good excuse. That was what was so hate able about her.

Pacing back down the street I leaned my body against the wall of the building. I really didn't care if Brooke showed up. I'd just walk over to Dick's place. It wasn't like I didn't know where he lived. EVERYBODY in the hood knew where Dick Phillips lived. He was the guy with the dough, plus he wasn't too bad in bed (that is according to Brooke though, I'm still a virgin).

"SYLVIA!" I heard a loud honk. Looking up I saw the grinning face of my wild friend, Brooke, driving towards me. A small smile flashed across my face as she stopped her car.

Brooke Shrew was the coolest girl I'd ever met. We met this year, my freshman year of high school. And let me just say: Brooke is the CRAZIEST person that you'll ever meet. I mean she knows just about every guy in the hood (from sleeping with every one of them) and hates just about every girl in the hood (from fighting with them over guys).

"Sorry I'm late…I got caught up in the moment with Kevin," she apologized flashing me her pretty white teeth. Her brown curly hair was perfect even though she had just had a huge make-out session with her boyfriend, Kevin Jackson.

"No biggie," I replied as I hopped into the car. Brooke wasted no time as she drove off, burning some rubber. That was the coolest thing about Brooke: she wasn't afraid to be crazy.

Flipping down the mirror I applied some red lip-gloss and black eyeliner from Brooke's purse. "Fix your boobs, hun." Brooke said from the driver's side. Nodding, I 'pushed them up' a little. Brooke knew exactly what guys wanted…and she knew how to teach how me to do what they wanted. She was a professional and was only sixteen years old.

"Move it, asshole!" Brooke whined. Her finger was flashing this old guy the bird as we drove by. Laughing I put the mirror back up.

"So," Brooke began as she pushed a brown curl behind her ear, "Here are the guys attending…" the only reason why Brooke told me what guys were going was because I was still a virgin. And Brooke's #1 goal was to change that by the end of this summer, "…Dallas Winston, Kevin, who's mine, Dick Abraham, and yea. Very good selections…just watch yourself with Dallas Winston. He's a nasty little hood."

I nodded taking all of this into consideration. I remembered who Dally was from school but I had never met him...nor did I really care about him. Personally I really wanted my first time to be with Dick Abraham since Brooke had talked about how good he was in bed.

"Here we are!" Brooke shrieked as we came to a halt in front of some creepy looking house. It was a small one story with chipped tan paint and an old picked fence that was slowly eroding.

Cringing slightly I got out of the car and followed Brooke inside. She seemed to know what she was doing (at least by the look of her face she did). She led us both into a large living room where it was wall-to-wall people. I was a little scared. We passed by so many guys. And each one seemed more interested in the cleavage that my tank top was revealing than me. Music blared from the kitchen area, which was where we were headed, until…

"Brookie!" both Brooke and I turned our heads to the sound of a guy's voice.

"Oh God," Brooke moaned, "Curly Shepard." I nodded as I noticed a puny little curly haired boy come up to us. "Who's the babe?" he asked Brooke motioning his eyes towards me.

Brooke rolled her eyes, "Bug off, dork." Brooke grabbed my elbow and began to walk off into the kitchen.

"Aww, Brookie," Curly cried as he grabbed my other arm causing us to stop. Even though he was a really puny guy, he was pretty strong. "C'mon, honey…all I want is a little…" Curly's eyes got bigger as he looked at Brooke's boobs.

"Step off, asshole," Brooke cried as she pulled me free from Curly's grip. But that wasn't a good enough answer for dear Curly. No! Her followed us into the kitchen crying out things like "Oh Brooke, we had so much fun last time" or "C'mon Brooke, I love you!" each time Brooke pulled my arm harder as a sign for me to walk faster.

"Hey, Curly!" a voice bellowed from the dinning room.

"Thank God!" Brooke mumbled as she stopped walking. "It's his older brother, Tim." I nodded as I noticed both Tim and another guy walk over to us. Immediately Brooke fixed her hair and rubbed her lip-gloss in. "That's Dallas Winston on the left." I nodded. Dallas was pretty hot with his free blonde hair and nice build. I secretly wondered why Brooke told me to avoid him…he was so cute.

"Hey, Brooke," Tim said slyly as he glanced my way, "Is this little shit giving you a hard time?" he asked holding Curly up by his collar.

Brooke nodded but didn't say anything. I could feel the eyes of Dallas on my face but I didn't say anything. I just stared at Curly as Tim scolded him. It was actually pretty funny since Curly was so confident before and now he was so scared.

"I'm sorry," Tim said as he pushed Curly off in the direction of the front door, "The little ass can be really annoying sometimes." Brooke and I both nodded as Tim talked about his brother.

"So," Dally said suddenly. His voice made me jump. I had never heard it before…and now that I had, I realized how sweet it really was. It sounded like something I'd like to hear whispering to me in the middle of the night. "Who's your friend?" I looked straight into his ice-cold blue eyes. Though they weren't too inviting I still couldn't help but look inside of them.

Instantly I heard Brooke's voice snap, "She's my friend, Sylvia…and she's not available." She sounded defensive, like she didn't want him near me or something. But I couldn't figure out why. Dally seemed so sweet…why did she care?

"Oh," Dally's face turned into a frown. This disappointed me so for whatever reason I replied, "No, I'm free." I guess I figured that since I hadn't found Dick, Dally was just as good.

Brooke glared at me angrily. Her eyes screamed what-the-hell-are-you-doing but I ignored it and added, "I'm Sylvia Peters."

Dally grinned a small smirk and replied, "Dallas Winston." Leading me away from Brooke I followed him out into the backyard. Looking back, I could see Brooke glaring at me. She was pissed, but whatever. I was trying to become the next school slut and by the sounds of it I'd have to sleep with Dallas Winston to get there.

"So," Dally started as he led me to the deck, "Ya new 'round here?"

I shook my head, "No. I'm a freshman at the high school." Dally nodded, seeing how young I was. I mean I was only fifteen. He was at least seventeen…maybe that was why Brooke was so protective. Maybe she was worried that Dally was too old for me.

"Oh, I see," Dally, replied as he rubbed his fingers across my cheek. Instantly I tensed up. He was fast…I wasn't. This reminded me of a saying that my older sister had told me when I was younger: boys are like microwaves, they heat up in seconds, but girls are ovens they take time to heat up. And right now…that was what it was like.

"Ya want to…" Dally's eyes looked towards the house. I looked there as well. Wondering why he had brought me outside, I followed him inside. Leading me up the crowded steps, he held my clammy hand tightly. There were so many stoners and make-out couples. I was shocked. Maybe it was because this was my first party though…

"This way," Dally whispered into my ear as he led me down the hallway, passed all of the stoners and drunks, and into some bedroom. I knew exactly what he wanted. I remembered what Brooke had told me a few weeks before: never turn a guy down when he invites you inside a room. I guess this was what she meant…

Instantly Dally closed and locked the door. This made me nervous…what if I needed to get out? What if there was a fire? What if I died? Wait…I don't think you can die from your first time. Brooke didn't.

Dally came towards me, a smirk on his face. I smiled back, trying to hide how nervous I was…I mean I had no idea on what to do. But Dally seemed to because he began to shower me with kisses. He started at my neck and worked his way up to my lips where he kissed harder and more passionately. Leading me backwards, towards the bed, he pushed me against it…

There was the first chapter for y'all! I hope it was good…I liked it more. The story will start out a bit slower than the last one…but trust me the pace will quicken soon. Lol! Anyways please R&R! V-balllover :0