A/N: This fits in with all my other stories that are tying in FF7 characters and giving them KH lives and personalities. So…yeah. If you want more Vincent, go read A Time Before Nightfall. And if you want to see where Kairi is and what she's doing while Sora's doing this, go read When You Wish Upon a Star, which is also Cid/Shera. Because you love Cid/Shera. And it's RuTifa. Yay.

By-the-by, this is after CoM, and the Trinity is bebopping around in a gummi ship again.

Heebie Jeebies


"Donald! Come on!" hollered Sora, jumping actively out of his chair. Their new gummi ship had encountered a distress signal from an outdated ship that was just floating dead in space. Sora, intrepid leader that he was, had decided that they would investigate. Donald had objected quite loudly, stating that the ship was so old, anyone in there had probably died of hunger or asphyxiation by now. At least, Sora figured that was what he said. It was always hard to tell with Donald. Goofy had sided with Sora, mainly because the tallest member of the Trinity was feeling rather cramped inside the tiny compartment. Donald had finally acquiesced and got the ship into boarding position.

Sora exited the hatch, followed by Goofy and a still-reluctant Duck. The Keyblade Wielder drifted into the hatch of the second ship, and took a look around.

The ship was in disarray. Wires were hanging everywhere, lights were busted, and there was a thick layer of dust coating everything. Donald grimaced in distaste, and Sora snickered. The pompous bird hated getting mucked up in any way. Sora wondered why he didn't figure out some kind of keep-clean spell to use on his clothing. No, come to think of it, Sora really didn't wonder. Donald just liked having something to complain about. Not that he wasn't good at it.

Sora strolled down the hallway of the ship, whistling. He didn't know why, but the teenager felt like something was going to happen today, something important. It would be a welcome relief. The Trinity had been flying around for months trying to figure out the secret of Kingdom Hearts, but had found nothing at all. It had been several months since Castle Oblivion, and Sora was getting bored. If he couldn't be back with Kairi, then he might as well be doing something useful. Like saving the universe, or something crazy like that.

Sora could hear Goofy and Donald whispering about something behind his back. He wasn't always completely oblivious, contrary to popular belief. Donald was still upset about being there in the first place, and Goofy was attempting to pacify him. Good old Goof.

Sora turned a corner and found a long room, illuminated by these spooky globey-thingies. It was kinda weird, but the feeling Sora had been having suddenly twisted, like a million butterflies thumping on his ribcage. He moved towards a big table in the middle of the room. Donald saw where he was going and squawked, "Now, wait just a minute, Sora!" Goofy gasped.

Sora was walking towards a large coffin.

And he would have made it over too, if he hadn't tripped over three feet of agitated canard that suddenly appeared in front of his feet.

Goofy watched as his two friends tried to untangle themselves, Donald doing so while still attempting to restrain a very curious Sora.

"Oh come on, it's just a coffin!"

"Just a coffin? Just a coffin, Sora? Sora, it's never a good idea to disturb freaky-looking coffins that usually have something BAD inside, you stupid little human!"

"Who's stupid? At least I'm wearing PANTS!"

Goofy sighed. It would be nice if the two of them could get along once in a while. He strolled around the spatting friends, too involved in their argument to even notice him. Goofy wandered over to the coffin and peered at the inscriptions carved on the top. There were some swirly circles, and some squiggly lines, and even something that looked kind of like a pair of argyle socks if you were to turn your head to one side. At the center of the coffin surface…

There was a Heartless symbol.

"Hey, guys! Oo, over here!"

Sora and Donald looked up, to see Goofy gesturing frantically at the coffin's lid. They ran up to Goofy's side and examined the symbol. Donald became even more frantic. The duck had to wonder why Sora always felt the need to rush headlong into bad situations. He also had to wonder why he and Goofy always followed Sora regardless of the danger that dumbo of a kid put them in on a near-daily basis.

And now Sora was trying to open the darned thing.

Stupid, stupid, stupid human.

Sora had given up trying to lift the heavy lid, and was now attempting to pry the coffin open with his Keyblade. "Come one, come on, OPEN UP!"

Donald almost fell over. Well, if he was so determined to get it open, he might have better luck actually using the Keyblade to open the lock on the coffin. Donald waddled over to inform the young hero of this obvious fact. He had no idea why he was doing it; this was most likely going to get all three of them killed. But that was the effect Sora had on people. His enthusiasm was contagious.

Donald suddenly hit Sora upside the back of his head with his magic staff. The boy yelped. The duck looked at him scornfully. "Open the lock, poophead!"

Sora fell over. "Wow, I feel pretty dumb right now."

He quickly unlocked the coffin with the "super-awesome power of the Keyblade". There was silence, and the Trinity watched in nervousness.

An arm emerged, and then, a golden claw that made Donald squirm. A man hoisted himself out of the coffin. His black hair was long and shiny, and his aquiline face was unbelievably pale. He looked around in confusion before spotting the Trinity, and his sculpted brows furrowed together.

"Where-?" he whispered, his voice creaky and hoarse with disuse. "Where am I? The last thing was…Shera…pain, told her to run, take the guns, Heartless, coming, find…Cid….no, no, Lucrecia, I'm coming…what? Light…no, who? Who are you?"

Sora looked to Donald and Goofy. Did he just say Cid? Sora raised his hand. "I'm Sora, and these guys are Goofy and Donald. You're in a gummi ship. But, I guess I should ask…Who are you?"

The man looked down at himself, at his claw, which, now that Sora thought about it, was just like Cloud's, and his face showed a tiny, mirthless smirk.

"I used to be a man. A man with a name. My name, was…Vincent Valentine."

A/N: Wow. Should this be a longer story, maybe? I dunno. I likes Vincent…now go and read my other KH stories. They all kind of tie together and feature basically every major FF7 characters. And Review. Please.- Rose