Title: Ultimate Crossover

I don't own digimon or any other TV show I use in this Fanfic.


Chapter 1: In trouble

Kari POV:

Season 1&2 world:

I sat on my bed staring blankly at the wall. Something big was going to happen I could feel it.

"Hey Kari it's time to go to Davis's game come on were going to be late." Tai said as he entered the room.

"Um, I don't feel so good go without me. Tell everyone I said hi." I said.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with moving back to Japan." He said. We recently moved back to Japan from the U.S. Dad's job made him cooperate president back here so we were able to come back besides we wanted to be closer to family and all our friends.

"NO!" I yelled.

"Okay geez sorry I'll see you when I get back from the game." Tai said as he left.

I was in the house all alone. I was still focused on the wall when something made me jump.

"You've got mail." I almost jumped out of my skin at the sounded of the computer. I got up and ran to the computer hoping it was someone I had met in America but it wasn't. The message was from Gennai. I was a little confused but opened it up anyway, and with each line my eyes grew with fear.


Please call the others can come to the digital world right away it's an emergency! There are evil digimon everywhere! Hurry! And your not going to believe it if I told you but just get your butt over here! I've got Gatomon and the other digimon over here just get the guys and hurry!

And faster than you can blink I was running to the phone. I just hope someone's home,I thought as I started dialing like crazy.


Season 3:

Takato sat doing what he did best, drawing. I miss Guilmon, he thought as he continued to draw. It had been almost a full year since he had seen him and it had taken a real toll on him. He looked over at a picture of him and everyone when Leomon was still alive. His scanned through the picture and rested on Jeri's face.

"I'm sorry Jeri," He whispered to himself, "so sorry"

"Takato!" came a scream from downstairs.

"Huh," Takato looked up, "what is it mom?"

"You've got a phone call I think it's Henry!" and before the yell could echo out he was downstairs fight his mom for the phone.

"Hello! Henry is it really you!" Takato said not being able to keep the excitement from his voice. Since they defeated the D-Reaper Henry had move to Hong Kong to study martial arts and Rika moved to France so her mom's carrier could move up.

"Yes it's me I think Guilmon and the other's are in trouble."

"WHAT! ARE YOU SURE?!" Takato screamed not knowing that the entire store was now looking at him.

"Yeah go check you e-mail quick." Takato then grabbed the portable phone and ran to his dad's office. He quickly logged on and opened up his account. In the inbox sat an e-mail from Shumbi.


I need you and the other tamers in the digital world right away. And make sure to bring the blue cards with you I think we might have a problem. Henry and Rika already know how to get to the Digital world from where there at and you know how to get there so grab everyone and met up at the Sovereigns tower oh and HURRY!


"I've already called Ryo, Kazu, Kenta, and Rika. There all on there way to there ports and Suzie and I will use this one so hurry up and get over –"

But before Henry could finish the sentence Takato was out the door and down the street.

I'm coming Guilmon just hang on.


Season 4:

Takuya and the others were enjoying a nice picnic in the park but unknown to them someone was watching.

"So Zoe you wanta-"

"NO J.P. how many times do I have to tell you?" Zoe screamed at J.P. as he was asking her out for the 100th time to day.

"Geez J.P. how many times has Zoe said no?"

"Shut up Koji. You know not all of us are chick magnets." And that's when J.P. and Koji broke out into a fight. But while Tommy and Kochi were cheering them on Zoe noticed Takuya Huddled off to the side.

"Hey you okay?" Zoe asked sitting down next to Takuya.

"I'm fine it's just that-"

"'Just that' what?"

"Well ever since we came back Life has been so boring and I mean no one believes us about the Digital world. I mean we saved the world and we don't even get a thank you. What's with that?" Takuya said with a slightly depressed.

"Well, come on a lot of people save lives and never get any thank yous. I mean the whole Digital World thanked us that should be enough and yeah so life is a little more boring but at least we don't have to worry that some giant monster is going to attack us every second of the day."

"Yeah your right! Thanks for cheering me up Zoe, you're a good friend." He said smiling at her.

"Thanks now let go make sure that Koji and J.P. don't kill each other." She said helping Takuya to his feet.

"Yeah." But just as they were about to go over and break up the fight Takuya's phone rang. He opened it and as he read the text that had just been sent his eyes grew larger with fear after each sentence. "Guy's come here quick!" he screamed his cell still in his hands.

"What's up?" asked Koji as him and the other's ran up to Takuya and Zoe.

"Read this text I just got on my cell."

Warriors it Is I Serphimon I need you to get to the digital world right away Lucemon is back so head to the train station and do exactly what you did to get to the digital world last time there is a Trainmon there waiting for you.

And the Legendary Warrior's were off towards the station. The person who was watching the legendary warriors spoke into a wakie talkie and said in a harsh voice. "There on the way."


Somewhere in the digital world:

A tall dark figure sat in a chair computer monitor's surrounding them.

"Excellent all the Digidestion from all over as well as the Tamers and the Legendary warriors are on the way, soon my plan will be complete and the entire universe will fall beneath my feet." And as the dark figure laughed you could see just behind him a laptop computer showing:

1st target: Tai Yagami

Crest: Courage

Partner: Agumon

Location: Known

Status: Alive


Season 1&2:

I ran toward the school as fast as my legs would carry.

"Kari!' screamed a voice from behind me. I stopped to see Davis running up.

"Come on Davis we've got to hurry. The others are waiting for us." I said as Davis caught up to me and we started to run.

"So Kari gasp what do you think gasp Genni gasp wants?" Davis asked trying to keep up with me. Ever since beating MaloMyotismon I had been training.

"I don't know Davis. Let's just-"

"Hikari Yagami." Spoke a dark rasped voice from behind me. I stopped so abruptly that Davis almost ran into me.

"gasps Kari whgasp what's wrong?"

"I just thought I heard Dragomon's voice" I said the fear and hate growing in my eyes.

"Yeah but that shouldn't be possible. You and Ken escaped from the Dark Ocean along time ago."

"Um Davis, you can't tell anyone about this." I turned to look at him.

"What why not?" he sad looking at me confused.

"Kari! Davis!" screamed Ken running up to us.

"Thanks Davis. Come on guys let's get going." I said as I ran ahead. I was just imaging things, it wasn't real, it wasn't real,I thought even though I knew it was.


Season 3:

"Takato wait up!" screamed Kazu as he and Kenta started to catch up.

"Come on the Digital World and all the digimon are in danger and you want me to wait. Come on!" But before Takato knew he bumped into something big.

"Geez, Takato watch were your going." Takato looked up to see Yamaki holding out his hand ready to help Takato up.

"Sorry Yamaki listen we've got to-"

"I know just be careful alright." Yamaki looked into Takato's eyes and Takato could have sworn that something was wrong but was quickly snapped out of it by Kazu.

"Come on lets go!"

"Right, bye Yamaki." Takato said as he and the others ran into the gate to the Digital World.

"Good luck. Cause heaven knows your going to need it." Yamaki then turned around and walked into a Digital field.


Season 4:

"Come on the train's gonna leave we've got to hurry." Screamed Zoe as they all ran towards the station. As everyone ran to catch up with Zoe and Takuya a strange man sat in the shadows watch as all the Lendary Warriors bordered there train.

"Master, all the children are headed towards the Digital World shall I continue with the plan?"

Nothing but a rush of static for a minute or two then came a dark rasped voice.

"Yes, and make sure that you tell Piedmon to attack Tai and Tai only. I must see if he's the one we've been searching for."

"Yes master. But what if that sister of his gets in or way should we get rid of her?"

"No. If there is even a mark on her I will hold you responsible and you will die a slow and painful death. Make sure that she is kept safe at all times."

"Yes master as you wish." And with that the strange man vanished and all that could be heard from the spot in which he sat was a cold dark laugh.


Alright I know this has to suck but if you do like it and you want to read more please R&R and if I get enough good reviews all put up ch.2&3 in a few days and if not I'll put it up anyway and I promise that it will get much better and F.Y.I. this is my first real Fanfiction so please no flames and please be truthful. Thank you. P.S., Yes it will start to get even more violent. Alright thank you!