Haku stood on the spot, where he would stand every other day in the afternoon, watching the waters rise.

Watching, waiting, wishing for only one thing.


Broken this fragile thing now
And I can't, I can't pick up the pieces
And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason

"Haku, you cannot beat yourself up over this, your emotions are seen by everyone so naturally everyone feels sadness for you dear boy, they see you grieve each day, and it upsets the workers and the customers too," Yubaba said. Standing behind Haku.

She paused then continued. "What I am saying, is go out there Haku, find her,"

Haku turned around, looking at Yubaba in the eyes.

"How can I Yubaba, I am a spirit, you know that no spirit can pass the gates to the human world," Haku said, his voice filled with hurt.

Yubaba looked beyond Haku's eyes, to the waters.

'I was only trying to help,' Yubaba thought.

'If I could, in anyway pass the gates Yubaba, I would have gone just now,' Haku replied in Yubaba's head.

Yubaba stared opened mouth.

"Reading my mind again," Yubaba said, with a glare. She then smirked after.

Haku chuckled, turning around facing the waters.

"She'll return one day Haku, don't you doubt that," Yubaba said.

Yubaba changed, a lot too, ever since Chihiro came, she became the sweet Yubaba.

She became less greedy over money, and instead caring more for her workers and customers.

I feel so broken up (so broken up)
And I give up (I give up)
I just want to tell you so you know

"She will come, I know she will," Haku whispered to the wind.

Yubaba smiled. "So much courage the boy has," she thought before turning around and walking back to the bath house.

He fell to his knees.

He shouted to the wind. "Chihiro," He screamed.

"Come back to me," he whispered, looking down at his knees.

"I should never have let you go, but I did it for the right reasons," Haku said looking up.

He thought about Chihiro's smile, her voice, her touch.

He smiled.

"Chihiro," he whispered.

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one

"I remember that day, the day you returned my true name, I felt love at its greatest limit, something I've never felt before," Haku said to the wind, hoping that it would reach Chihiro some how.

Haku chuckled. "That day at the bridge, that frog must have given you a fright," Haku said, with a smile.

"I will always remember the day that I let your hand go, watching you walk away,"

"I wonder if you still remember me Chihiro, you're probably all grown up by now," Haku said.

He looked down at his hand, big like an adults.

Haku had paralleled his age with Chihiro's, so what when she did return, he would no longer be that little boy, but a grown up.

"I bet you'd be the image of admiration back in the human world," Haku said.

He paused for a second, looking back up.

Made my mistakes, let you down
And I can't, I can't hold on for too long
Ran my whole life in the ground
And I can't, I can't get up when you're gone

"Back at that building when I first saw you, I knew all along you were something special, by the look from your eyes," Haku whispered.

"One thing though that I still cannot come across to believe, is the bravery that you showed when trying to save my life, that I will never forget," Haku said.

Haku wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Chihiro, where are you," he whispered.

He looked back up at the sky.

The sun was setting, leaving the sky with a orange tinge. The clouds floated away, flowing with the wind.

Hearing the train pass Haku turned around.

"Rin," Haku said.

Rin stood behind him, heard everything that he said.

"You love her don't' you," Rin said.

Haku turned back facing the waters.

And something's breaking up (breaking up)
I feel like giving up (like giving up)
I won't walk out until you know

Rin had never appeared behind him in the days that he would wait here.

"I love her more than I ever would love something, I will love her till the day I pass, I love her so much that I would gie my life for her" Haku answered.

"Than find her Haku, I watch you each day kneeling at that same spot talking to someone who isn't here," Rin said, with a attitude that she has never shown before.

Haku stood up, turning around he gave Rin a smirk.

"My whole life Rin, no one except you has ever told me off with that tone before," Haku said.

Rin paused for a moment. "Should I be scared or happy," Rin asked.

Haku chuckled. "I meant it in a good way, if it wasn't for you, I would have done so many stupid things in my life, thankfully, you were always there to push me in the other direction," Haku said.

"Well someone has to, everyone else is too afraid to," Rin said.

"So how's Koji and the kids," Haku asked.

"He's still struggling with the youngest, says that its unfair that he has to look after them while I work, that he should be the one working," Rin said with a laugh.

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only my only one

"Koji's a nice man, I'm happy for you Rin," Haku said.

Rin took a step forward, beside Haku, looking at the waters.

"But you wish that you had something like that too," Rin asked.

Haku looked to the floor.

He felt his tears falling, quickly wiping them away.

"each day," he whispered.

Rin turned around, placing a hand on Haku's shoulder.

"She will come Haku, one day," Rin said.

Haku stayed silent.

"Remember the ones who cry are always stronger than the ones who keep it in," Rin said.


Here I go...so dishonestly leave a note for you my only one
And I know...you can see right through me
So let me go...and you will find some one

"Thanks Rin, you were always more than a friend, like a big sister," Haku said.

Rin smiled. "You'll have a family one day Haku, I know you will, you'd make the perfect dad," she said walking back to the bath house.

"Who would be the mother," Haku shouted.

Rin smiled, and turned around.

"Chihiro," She shouted back.

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one...no one like you
You are my only my only one
My only one(x3)
You are my only my only one!

Haku smiled. "One day, that's my wish," Haku said.

He wiped away the tears and walked back to the bath house.

Smiling. The thought of him being a father to Chihiro's children, was something to smile about.

Should I continue? how Chihiro and Haku made it back together and have that family?

Or should I end it there?

It's your call..I'm leaving it up to the reviewers...

Review and let me know what you think