Prolouge: Where are you?

A cry came from a very injured Sailor Venus that was struggling to stand up. A attack shot out towards the Marsian. Before she could react the blast had her flying in the air, making a hard landing. Sailor Jupiter called out her couterattack defeating the youma that hit Mars. She noticed that they were still surrounded by many black ninja looking youmas. Venus ran over to help Mars up prepare to combat once more.

"Damnit! Where is that klutz"
"She's not answering her comunicator."

Sailor Mercury said as she typed on her mini computer to find a weakness for their opponents. The girls stepped back into a circle where their backs were against each other and the enemy coming closer. All of them breathing heavily,waiting for the youmas to attack.

"Ugh..where is that Meatball Head. Jeez she is going to get a death sentence when I wrap my hands around that tiny neck of hers!"

"Calm down, Mars. We have to consintrate on matters at hand...THEN we'll all deal with Serena!"

Two of the youmas starts charging Sailor Mercury and Sailor Venus with their swords powering up. The ground below them began to shiver, then came a loud rumbling sound before a flashing light blinded everyone. When the scounts uncovered their eyes the youmas were defeated. They looked up to see Darien transformed as Prince Endymion only a few feet from them.

"Where is Sailor Moon?"

The girls glanced at each other and shook their heads. Sailor Mars curled up her fists into balls, fire showing in her eyes. Venus laid a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. Mercury cleared her throat to relieve some tension in the air.

"She never came. She wouldn't even answer her communicator"
"This makes the fifth battle she's went MIA"
"Now that you bring that up, I didn't see her in class after lunch."

The scouts were silent for a long time wondering what has happened to their friend. The wind blew a slight breeze that all made them shiver and cross their arms. It was unlike Serena to act the way she had been for the past month. Then a thought entered Mercury's mind.

"What if she overheard us at the meeting? The conversation?"

The thought processed to everyone's mind for a short second before they all went wide eyed. The looked at each other with disgrace, then over at Endymion. All he could do was bow his head. The same question entered in their minds: Where are you Serena?

"She's dead."

A deep voice came on the other side of where the scouts were standing. They all jerked their heads up in shock. A stranger dressed in a metalic blue armor and black cape stood before them. He had blinding silver hair that was held in a loose pony tail behind his back. His eyes were a deep aqua color that had no depth in them, almost inhuman. A grin slightly touched his lips making a errie feeling go through the scouts. Prince Endymion clutched his sword in his hands and lowly growled.


The stranger laughed whole heartly , if he even had one at all. Endymion grew angrier. Venus narrowed her eyes suspecting something from this man. She spoke up.

"Then who killed her? You?"

Tuxedo mask nor the scouts could hold it any longer.They powered up as the prince charged. The silver headed man merely smiled as he held out his cape. Endymion neared him he held out his sword to get a clear shot of the man's chest. As if everything were going in slow motion Endymion aimed. The stranger lowered his cape to reaveal Serena in her princess dress and hair down. She held an almost heartbreaking expression. The scout's attacks had hit her all at once, yet she still stood. Before he could stop himself, his sword went straight in her. The man smiled watching the sight from the side.

"No...YOU killed her?"

The scouts gasped in fear and ran towards their falling princess. The strange man had vanished silently. Serena stood their with her hands placed on his shoulders not even looking at anyone, only open space. Her eyes slowly met Endymion's as a single drip of blood streamed down the side of her lips. She curled her lips into a smile and thrusted herself closer to him in a hugging embrace. Serena grunted at the full length of the sword in her. Endymion began to cry and held her tightly calling her stupid for doing that. She lowered his head with her hands and whispered.

"...Thank You..."

Without any other sign, she was gone. Darien opened his eyes to discover he was holding air. He turned to the Sailor Scouts, their babble expression matched his own.