Disclaimer: This is the duh factor. Bleach and none of its characters ain't mine. Look to Kubo Tite if you want the real owner.

There's no need need to worry about any spoilers in the manga/anime as far as I'm aware of here. Oh yeah there's some slight fluff too.

Papercuts and the Sunflower
by Prince Leon

The sound of pen to paper could be heard throughout the room as the sun was preparing to make its last goodbyes before turning in for the night. The silver-haired boy was slouched over his desk with his chin resting in his hand as he scribbled away. His eyes were droopy and his movements were getting sluggish as he moved from line to line. Surely he was grumbling to himself for letting the paperwork of his division getting this out of hand.

He lazily threw his gaze over to the sofa in front of him to glare slightly at the sleeping figure that rested there. He thought to himself a bit about how he could've let her take on all of the paperwork that was near the ceiling this morning. Instead of slouching all over his desk today he could've been practicing the release of his ban kai or causing some trouble for the other shinigami by quickly changing the weather from a sunny day to rainy one. However, he knew that it was not possible to wake her from her silent slumber. He was used to seeing her rest there everyday ever since he became captain of the 10th Division and she had been allocated as his vice-captain. Most importantly that would mean waking up the sight of an angel…

Resting his pen on the desk, he shifted the few papers he had just finished to the side, placing his head on his folded arms. Glancing at the time the boy genius wondered why there was not that much activity today. None of the other captains or vice-captains had stopped by to relay anything of importance and none of his subordinates had run in without knocking stammering at the top of their voices about a skirmish they were having yet again with the low level shinigamis of the 3rd Division. "Bastards are probably sitting around in the lounge," he whispered as he looked at the little amount of paperwork still left to be done.

The boy genius once again darted his eyes over to his vice-captain still sleeping peacefully. He was used to seeing a few of her golden strands of hair draped across her face each time she laid down to rest in the office. It was almost impossible to not notice how she wriggled her nose when a strand rested upon it. This never ceased to give him a slight smirk each time his eyes caught the rare sight. Never did his eyes fail to see when she swiftly moistened her rosy pink lips with the tip of her tongue as she shifted her body around. There was also that beauty mark just below her lips that further complimented her already goddess-like appearance. His eyes, still innocent however, always pulled away violently when they would notice themselves trailing a path down her slender neck and over the necklace that she wore and to the valley of the cleavage between her ample breasts. "Dammit Matsumoto why do you…" he started as he accidentally slammed his clenched fist down onto his desk causing his vision of admiration to stir.

The blonde shifted her body to the side before placing her hand on the top of the sofa. She raised herself up into a sitting position and slowly opened her eyes, still filled with sleep. Her dark blue orbs found their way over to her captain who was already peering into them. She yawned as she stretched and then rubbed her eyes gently to rid herself of the last of the sleep.

"I thought you weren't ever going to wake up," the silver-haired boy breathed as he pushed himself back against his chair, with the usual expression of boredom on his face.

Matsumoto smiled slightly as she brushed away some of the wrinkles in her robe. "Good evening…Captain Hitsugaya." She was used to Hitsugaya's face always being the first one that she saw each and every time that she woke up and she never hid this fact each time she greeted him.

"You're lucky," the boy genius replied. "I was about to turn out the lights and leave you in here."

The beautiful blonde laughed softly as she held her stomach. "Don't be like that Captain. You know that this couch is too soft to resist."

"Heh," Hitsugaya answered as he placed his hands behind his head. "You use that excuse for your laziness every time."

She laughed once again as she pulled away some of her blonde locks away from her face not knowing that Hitsugaya was carefully observing the act. Through his bored expression it would seem as if he was just blankly staring, but the skip in the beat of his heart as he saw her pull away her locks said otherwise. Glancing back over at her captain, Matsumoto noticed his blank stare. "Is there something wrong captain?"

An expert at hiding everything he felt with that almost permanent expression of boredom on his face the young man blinked as he shifted his eyes on the papers left on his desk. "It's nothing. I'm really just dead tired."

Looking over at the large amount of papers in the outbox Matsumoto's eyes widened. "C-captain you did all of these already?" She arched her eyebrow in shock as she looked over at the few left in the inbox.

"Yeah. No thanks to you of course." Hitsugaya grunted as he grabbed the remaining work to be done and showed it to her. "These are for you to do."

Matsumoto was puzzled. 'He could've left the majority of them for me to complete and take the handful he has right now for himself to do,' she thought as she stood to her feet. 'I wonder why…"

"Well?" Hitsugaya said as he shook the papers in his hand. "Are you coming to get these or not?"

"Oh I'm sorry Captain," she replied as she blinked her eyes quickly to clear her mind.

She walked slowly toward his desk as he held out his hand to pass her the papers. Hitsugaya had every step of her graceful movements etched within his mind ever since they've been together as captain and vice-captain. He could never forget when he accidentally described her movements on one of the reports he was completing. He called her every step 'a series of the purest water ripples in Soul Society that only an angel such as her can emit'. Never will he forget how long it took him to explain to the captain of the 1st Division how the line of poetry had gotten there. The old man simply smiled at the boy and sent him away when he looked at Matsumoto who was waiting at the door outside.

"Um…captain," Matsumoto said softly as she tugged at the papers in his hand. "Aren't you going to let go?"

Hitsugaya snapped back into his mind and quickly released the sheets from his palm. "Oh I must've been daydreaming."

"You actually have daydreams captain?"

"What's that supposed to mean Matsumoto?"

Matsumoto smirked as she held the papers to her side. "You always look too bored to be interested in anything. I would've thought daydreaming would be the last thing a boy genius as yourself would be doing."

"Idiot," he muttered as he fought to keep open his eyes. The beauty of his vice-captain was too radiant to not be taken in as much as possible. She had always accompanied him to wherever he had been assigned to go to even when her duties as a vice-captain were not needed.

Still holding onto his desk the busty shinigami looked into the dreary eyes of her captain. "Captain you look really tired. You should rest on the couch."

"No thanks," he replied quickly as he yawned. "I don't want to catch any of your laziness."

Hitsugaya was fading quickly as he rested his head on his desk. He didn't notice when his vice captain had made her way behind his desk. He felt her arms encircle his waist and was lifted from his chair. "Hey Matsumoto…put me down," he stammered sleepily.

"You know captain," she started as she made her way over the green sofa. "You can call me Rangiku-chan like you did in that beautiful poem and when you're alone…"

Hitsugaya was stunned but still could not shrug off any of his exhaustion. He lazily thought about how she knew about the poem he wrote about her. He was too afraid to give it to her on White Day and decided to throw it into the waste basket next to her desk. 'Idiot!' he thought to himself as he felt himself being lowered onto the cushions below. 'Why'd you throw it in her trash bin fool?'

"I know you're surprised beneath that tired face," she said as she removed her pink scarf from around her shoulders and wrapped it around his own. "It was quite beautiful I must say for someone your age."

Hitsugaya was too tired to form the words he wanted to reply. 'It's not what you think!' he thought to himself as what he wanted to say. He now knew what she was speaking of when she said that the couch was extremely comfortable.

"I don't know why you threw it away but it was a good thing I noticed the blue colored paper crumpled up in my trash bin." She placed her right hand onto his chest and pulled together his shinigami robe so that he would be able to gather some warmth. "I even memorized it word for word because of how many times I've read it."

Hitsugaya slowly moved his barely open eyes and stared into the eyes of his vice captain, Rangiku-chan.

"Rangiku-chan, you're the ripple that awakens me when I'm asleep on the riverbed. Each step you make is that of the sound of when a leaf gently falls into a body of water. Your sun bathed hair is rich in the scent of yellow roses that grow amongst a lake of ice. Your lips are the source that melts the ice that my ban kai releases. They're what I see each time you call my name. Just once would I love to see them say 'Hitsugaya-kun' or 'Toushirou-kun'. My face turns red when you kneel down to look me in the eye and my weak eyes wander from your deep blue spheres to your magnificent breasts. The few times I felt your skin against mine were like nothing I've felt before in Soul Society or the human world. Just once, Rangiku-chan, would I like to know if you think of me as something other than your superior and captain."

Hitsugaya wanted so badly to talk to her about the letter right then and there but his body wouldn't let him, especially not after a long day of reading and writing. His eyes gave up from staying open and slammed shut. The last thing he saw was Matsumoto's face nearing his own.

Matsumoto held the side his face with her other free hand and slowly tangled her fingers into his silver hair. She gently pressed her lips against the boy genius' forehead as he began to drift off to sleep. She laid her own forehead against his and playfully nudged his nose with her own. "Sleep well…" she whispered as pressed her lips against his forehead once more. "…Toushirou-kun."

She made sure the boy was fast asleep as she playfully poked him in his ribs. Wrapping the ends of her pink scarf around his neck she massaged her knees and stood to her feet. She walked over to her desk and slid into her all too comfortable chair and placed the small amount of paperwork at the center. 'He's so cute when he sleeps. That's the only time his face isn't so tense and refrained from expression.' Her thoughts were the only thing that she could hear in the tranquil space. Matsumoto opened her drawer to remove a pen and stared into it for a while. Her eyes were focused on a blue sheet of paper that had a few wrinkles still left in it despite the attempts to smooth them out entirely. Smiling she closed the drawer as she grabbed a pen and gave Hitsugaya one last glance before attending to her work. "We'll speak later…if you want to talk about it Toushirou-kun."

A/N: There you have it. My first Bleach fic and pairing. Personally I just like both Hitsugaya and Matsumoto as a team and so I thought I'd try to come up with my own version of how they interact. I tried not to make them seem too out of character. Hope you enjoyed it.