"Come my son's, it is time for bed." It was 8:30, which was the time all his sons went to bed. All the baby turtles got up from playing and went to their beds. But as soon as Mikey went to his bed, he heard an eerie sound that frightened him. He covered himself with his barney blanket and whimpered, soon the sound got louder. Peeking out of his blanket, he saw a pair of GLOWING RED EYES!


Splinter's heart suddenly stopped as he heard his son's cry and ran up to his room. Entering his son's room, he saw Michelangelo crying and shaking from fear. "My son what happened?" But Mikey was too scared to explain. He cried and cried, Splinter went to him and held him in his arms. Rocking his son back and forth, his other sons heard their brother crying.

"What's going' on Master Splinter?" Raphael asked, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"Why's Mikey crin?" Donny asked.

Splinter look at Michelangelo, who seemed to have calmed down, and sighed. Without looking at his other sons, he told them to return to their beds; but as for Mikey, he would stay in Splinter's room for tonight. Placing his son on his bed, he sat on his rocker and sighed. "Why were you crying my son? Did something frighten you?" Mikey looked away from him and silently nodded. Splinter tilted his head; Mikey's silence was concerning him deeply. "Do you want to tell me what you saw?" Mikey's eyes filled with fear as he shook his head. Splinter went to his son and embraced Michelangelo. He wanted to keep his son safe from whatever scared him, but he also didn't want his son to live in fear.

"I…I could draw it…" He got up and brought some paper, from the kitchen table he left this morning, and took a black crayon. Running back to Splinter's room, he sat down and began drawing the creature. The creature was hunched over and had two large arms, with long nasty hair and large glowing eyes. Splinter took the drawing and examined his carefully. "This is what you saw?" He nodded.

"How about this, I'll sleep with you tonight and keep a lookout for this monster." Mikey's face brightened, as he held Splinter's hand and walked back to his scary room. He turned on the light, Splinter's eyes widened. WHAT A MESS! He thought, no wonder he gets nightmares, with this mess anyone would be scared. He smirked a bit; he almost made himself laugh. "First let's clean this room, okay?" And that's what they did, after about an hour of cleaning, Splinter sat down and rubbed his back; he needed to find Mikey a smaller room or maybe less toys. Mikey yawned and crawled into his bed, waiting for Splinter to come with him. Turning off the light, Splinter went underneath the covers and felt his son cuddling next to him. Suddenly, the eerie sound he heard before rose.

Whimper "S-Splinter…"

Turning on the light, Mikey was surprised that the source of the sound was a small mouse. Mikey laughed, "It's just a mouse, Splinter." Splinter knelt down and placed the mouse outside of his son's room. "I wonder if he's your cousin, giggle." Splinter arched his brow and wondered that himself. Returning to bed with his son, he turned off the light. Suddenly the glowing red eyes, he saw, reappeared.


"No, no, no my son. Shhh, look," Turning the lights on, he pointed to his son's toy bear that glowed in the dark. "It's just your glow in the dark bear."

"B-But the eyes…why are they red?"

"Perhaps you had them sent on a red color instead of yellow." He took the bear and showed his son.

"Oh…so all the things I was scared of…was just that mouse and my teddy bear?"


"Wow…I got scared for nothing."

"No, you got scared because the moon was playing tricks on you?"



"…Okay…I feel better now." Seeing his father leave, he moaned. "Um…could you still s-sleep with me. Just for tonight?"

Splinter smiled and nodded; he covered himself and his son as they both fell into a blissful slumber.


Hoped you all liked it n-n!