The Wails of a Lion

Chapter One. Laughter and lollies

I do not own Harry Potter.

The night that he had been born, over 2000 had died; the night responsible for bringing him into the world had also taken his two remaining grandparents.

His mother also nearly didn't make it, but in the weeks that followed she also would make a full recovery to raise her son through the first few years of his life.

Though only for a while this love that she inspired spread through his veins and made such an impression that this boy would grow to destroy hate, indeed this child held in his heart the gift his mother had given him… the power that the dark lord knew not.

When Harry Potter was one his mothers belly was blotted with the great news of a new arrival.

Though Harry didn't understand what this all meant he felt the joy that echoed through his house and through all that visited.

Both his parents loved him with all their heart, and though their world was shadowed with an ever-growing darkness they managed to make his beginning sheltered.

Harry had spent his first year as any happy baby would, in his mothers arms or only a cry away from so. His room was pail blue his crib white with red and yellow blankets.

Numbers and letters and funny pictures scattered about the walls with off course pictures of him self and his parents.

A variety of toys lay about the ground and in the toy box.

Lilly his mother often spent hours gazing at his sleeping form dreaming about his future, his first day at school, acceptance letter to Hogwarts, graduation and one day marriage.

Her grandchildren running around like he would soon.

But things could not stay sheltered long enough for young Harry Potter… his destiny waited silently creeping its way towards there house at Godric's hollow and it had no intent of being kind to this boy that would need more strength that could have imagined.

The Order of the Phoenix was in the middle of another meeting; this one however would forever change the course of history.

The main members of the order were in Albus Dumbledore pensive. Watching wide-eyed as a prophecy was made.

During the following months there were more and more visitors to Godric's Hollow and when Harry was fourteen months old his baby brother was born.

Michel had black hair and dark eyes, which were green in the middle but spread to brown on the out sides.

Now this child was a very special one to both the family and to the Order.

For this boy was prophesised to bring the down fall of Voldemort. Wards and been placed all around Godric's Hollow and a watchman was constantly on duty.

But none of this would matter when destiny came to claim what was it's to take and that day was dawning as little Michel reached the age of one.

As night came over Godric's hollow one evening a soft breeze moved its way through the trees.

A splatter of orange and red leaves mingled with the usual carpet of green.

Lilly Cradled Michel in her arms softly singing to him.

Harry sat quietly on the ground with some toys watching his mum.

Listing listlessly to her soft voice as she strung her words together like an ancient form of poetry.

"Lay still my child

In my loving arms

Keep closed your eyes

Away from the scaring sun

Keep still my child

Feel my heart beet

My blood pumps with love

For my child so sweet

Live life and learn child

Each day at a time

And know that my heart of love

Burns all of the time

Play in the fields

Under the stars

Listen to the wind

She sings in my mind

Lay still my child

In my loving arms

Keep closed your eyes

Away from the scaring sun

Keep still my child

Feel my heart beet

My blood pumps with love

For my child so sweet"

Unfortunately no song can last forever not even when sung with such love for a mothers sons.

And so with the wind blowing singing in her mind it brought a warning of the coming storm.

Lilly stood up listening intently her baby lying against her chest she glances down at Harry, and wonders 'could we have all been mistaken?'

Meanwhile foot steps make their way closer, bearing with them hate and evil that would destroy.

Lilly carefully places Michel in his crib.

She leans down and picks up Harry who has fallen asleep but even so in her arms he bends into her his head against her heart.

She holds him close for a while not quit wanting to let go, but knowing she must.

For a moment she just holds him and hums her tune, she watches his face as if for the last time.

His eyes flutter open and steers into hers, a tear of deep sadness trickles down her cheek.

"I Love you Harry, my little prince" she clutches on tighter for a moment before carefully putting him in his cot.

"Mummy" his little voice asked sounding unsure.

Lilly forces a smile "its ok sweaty go back to sleep" she speaks softly and Harry nods letting the heaviness of his eyes take him off into dreams of laughter and lollies.

She stays there unmoving watching her baby's sleep.

Watching them breathe, and finds her self sliding to the ground tears falling freely but silently.

The door creaks open and James peeps his head around "Honey?" she looks up "I'm here" she says, he walks in and closes the door quietly behind him.

He slides down next to her pulling her into his arms where they stay silently.

Lilly wipes her eyes and pulls back "I love you" she whispers.

He steers into her eyes searchingly "I love you too".

She clutches a sob in her chest. James frowns "Lilly?" he asks.

They just look into each others eyes each trying to read the other "he's coming" she says finally, "he's coming for us"

James steers at her alarm evident in his eyes "why didn't you say anything before? We need to get out of here, we need to get to the order!" he says

But still Lilly just looks deep into his eyes.

She turns her head listening "its too late, he's already here" an explosion shakes the house and James looks back at his wife.

"Lilly you need to get your self and the boys out!" then more softly he says "I love you" pulls out his wand and leaves.

Michel wakens and begins to cry and Harry sits up and watches as his mother rushes around the room picking up a blanket and rapping Michel in it.

Another crash echoes, there's screaming but her attention is directed solely at getting her baby's out.

Harry starts to cry building off the fear.

Lilly picks him up from the cot and places him on the ground before lifting Michel into her arms she graves Harry's hand and quickly leaves the room.

Another scream and Lilly's heart stops briefly; the entire house rocks and Harry's cry's tern into frighten yells.

She holds his hand tighter fighting her own sorrow, and turns down the back way out.

She reaches the back door with relief and grips it to find it locked.

"Ahhh Lilly" she turns around to see a Wizard in a dark clock.

She instinctively pulls Harry behind her.

The clocked wizard laughs.

"Give me the child and ill allow you and your baby to live"

"No" she says her voice shaky

"Very well" a streak of green light and her body goes still and drops to the ground her baby crying still rapped in her arms.

The wizard steps forward, now looking intently down at Harry for a moment, Harry looks back his back against the door.

"And the baby who was to defeat me" he turns to the baby and raises his wand, muttering the spell, green light explodes forward towards it's pray.

Harry throws himself forward to defend his brother not quit understanding what he's doing till it's done.

The green light cannot distinguish between whom it is meant to hit and whom it hits.

Harry's forehead explodes with pain but his cry's are not alone as the other figure crumples to the ground in an agonising scream.

Harry crawls to hide beside his mother before passing out.

Leaving his brothers cries to eco into the wind.