edit: My apoligizes if this appeared twice some where. Fanfiction ate my document and I had to reupload it. Site is retarded.

Welp, I don't have much to say about this chappie. .o I was gunna make it longer, but decided against it so I could update sooner. There'll be more shuichixeiri in the next chappie, so don't worry about the lacking of it in this one.

I tried to add a little enthusiastic parody. This chapter is my very, very poor attempt at making you people smile/laugh/convulse etc. I don't know.

So yeah. This is one of the happy chapters. There won't be a lot of those. I wallow in a pool of angst. Yee.

Lossa Tohma in this chapter too. Some dirtyish scenes as well. Not really that bad, in my opinion, but I don't know how you people think.

I also attempted at making Shuichi super-cute. I pretty much made him my idealism of cute; except with the added loudness. I hate loud people; but Shuichi is loud, unfortunately. I'll just have to put up with it.

Enough of my talking. Read the chappie.




Chapter 6


And so, Shuichi, unintentionally, spent the night at Hiro's house – without burning down Hiro's kitchen once during his stay. Even though Hiro had limited the boy to only cutting vegetables during the food-making process (with a butter knife), and it seemed pretty unattainable to ruin his friends kitchen by scorching it in some form since he was not handling any source of heat, even so; to Shuichi this was a huge accomplishment.

With his stomach warm and full even after dinner had long past, Shuichi felt happy and woozy as he cuddled into Hiro's back, staring up at the familiar ceiling of the other mans room. There was no discomfort between them, on any intimacy level – being close to his companion made Shuichi feel loved, a feeling he hadn't experienced in awhile.

A cool darkness was enveloping the walls in a sticky, hot blackness that he was drowning in contently. He curled his toes up against his feet, stretching out the torn fabric that exposed toes as he did so. The clothes Hiroshi had given him to sleep in were so big and comfortable! Like one giant tent! He snuggled closer to Hiro, and Hiro grumbled, but Shuichi could hear the happiness in his voice as he questioned,

"Why are you sticking to my back? You know, you're like a leech or some thing…"

Shuichi pouted in the darkness, playing with his friend's hair. "That's so mean!" He sighed, nuzzling Hiro, who turned a little so he could look at Shuichi's face, highlighted in blankness. Ambulances squealed as they roamed the streets, reaching the pane of the room and bouncing off vibrations of noise which, as quickly as they came, dissipated. Lights of various cars flashed up against the window, darting square yellows and whites across the light blue sheets; giving Shuichi a glimpse of Hiro's expression as it illuminated a potion of his face. He was grinning.

"What are you so happy about?" Shuichi barked, holding back a smile. "You planning on seducing me when I'm asleep, aren't you!"

"Oh, you know it." Hiro whispered intensely, slapping his tongue against his lips lusciously and fully turning to the boy next to him. With quick movement, he pulled Shuichi beneath his own broad body, pinning him against the soft mattress. Shuichi squealed in protest, kicking around his slim legs, his hands spreading across his friend's plaid shirt, smoothing and ruffling the fabric as it dangled from the mans chest. He kept his pout on his lips.

"You gunna rape me, Hiroooo?" Despite acting at ease; as screwing around about stupid crap like their relationship was some thing they indulged in often, Shuichi did feel a little cross. The contact was swiftly bringing back memories of Eiri – the parts of his body that were still sore from the blonds touch and soft caress, the bits of his neck that ached from being nipped at and amorously abused.

He shut those thoughts of his brain out, screaming to himself that this was just Hiro – and he shouldn't be thinking such perverted musings of the man above him. Hiro was nothing like Eiri; they were practically opposites, and besides, they were only kidding around.

"You know, you're shaking a bit." Hiro chuckled, pushing himself off. "Even when its pitch black, I can still tell what you're feeling, without seeing your face – It's because of Uesugi-san, right? That I'm making you nervous?"

Shuichi knew he was teasing. "S-shut up! I've just lost my virginity yesterday!"

"Okay, okay." He smiled, patting Shuichi's head and then removing his hand, yawning. "Would you rather I sleep on the couch?"

"I don't want to make you sleep on the couch!" Shuichi gallantly protested in a whine of a sound, swiping strands of red-tinted hair from his face. "If there's anyone who should sleep on the couch here, it's me. I'm the one staying here. This is your place. But no, I don't want to have to sleep on the couch. I'm still fine sharing the bed with you."

"You sure?" Hiro asked gingerly, lying back down and pulling the covers back up.


"Well, okay then." Hiro sunk peacefully into the mattress, the covers, the pillows – soaking in warmth.

Shuichi, knowing this was the end of their little play time, sadly inched his way to the other side of the bed, not wanting to disturb his friend. He subconsciously toyed with the quilts fabric, bending it in odd shapes with his long, tedious fingers, wrapping and unwrapping it around his hands.

His violet eyes seeped with a wanting for sleep and a wanting to stay awake – he was not sure which he favored most, as he pondered of Eiri, warm washes of pink coloring his cheeks. Shuichi shuttered as he felt himself inhale, images of the blond penetrating his mind, completely and utterly consuming him.





Over the next 3 days, Shuichi found him self unable to leave Hiro's house. He feared Maiko's fury deeply, only growing more afraid with each passing day that she would only become steadily angrier with his absence. Maybe if I stay at Hiro's long enough, she'll forget she was ever mad. He bit his lip, sipping at a cup of hot chocolate the house keeper had brewed for him just moments ago. His eyes began to water up, but he held the dams back. She's gunna be so pissed at me. I don't want to see her! As if reading his mind, Hiro turned from the screeching tea kettle, switching off to another stove to end the rising noise.

"Hey, when are you planning on seeing Maiko again?" Hiro scratched the back of his neck, frowning a bit. "You have to see her eventually, Shuichi. Sooner or later."

"I know, I know," Shuichi bit the edge of his tongue to keep himself from crying. "But she got so mad at me! And I said I hated her!"

"I'm sure she didn't take it that seriously, you're siblings, after all." Hiro sipped his own drink that he'd only recently poured – coffee with lots, and lots of caffeine. He needed it to put up with his guest. Well, that was an exaggeration, but oh well. "To fight is normal."

"It doesn't matter if we're siblings or not," Shuichi counteracted, "You already know that Ryuichi is sick, which is bad enough as it is, and Maiko's stupid pregnancy is making her more pissed off then usual – and she just blames me for every stupid little piece of crap she can think of! It's not my fault!" He would have slammed his cup down as a show of his anger if he had not been so worried of breaking the porcelain mug. "It's not like it's my fault that Ryuichi's sick, OR that she's pregnant, but she acts like it is anyway!"

"Okay, okay, calm down." Hiro motioned, rubbing his head with his fingers. He checked his watch. "It's only 12:14PM; do you want to head to the store with me? Maybe it'll clear your head. The apartment is pretty barren of food, anyway." Hiro thumbed to the frigerator in the corner. "But after we come back, I'm calling Maiko. I'm sure she's figured out you're here but I need to confirm that. She'll throw more of a hissy-fit if she doesn't know where the hell you went. She'll get worried."

Shuichi scoffed, glaring bitterly as he drank the last of his hot chocolate. "She won't get worried. She doesn't give a damn."

"Don't say things like that," Hiro scorned, looking displeased by Shuichi's obvious misjudgment of his own sister. "Of course she'd get worried. Now," He pointed at Shuichi's clothes, which were technically his – consisted of a long sleeved, faded white sweater that came past Shuichi's hands and the bottom part all the way down to his lower hips, and the boxer shorts that, unless Shuichi held onto them, they slid off. "Go get changed so we can go to the store."

"Yay! We're really going out Hiro?"

Doing his best to be patient, Hiro smiled. "Yes. Now go."

"Weee! I flee!" Shuichi grabbed onto the rim of the shorts and hopped of his seat, bolting; his mess of limbs disappearing as they turned a corner to go up the carpeted stairs. Hiro sighed, walking to the chair Shuichi had sat at moments ago and sitting, trailing his fingers across the edge of the cream colored table. He took the empty mug Shuichi had used and made his way back towards the sink, placing it in, and dumping the rest of his drink to put it alongside Shuichi's. He'd worry about the dishes later. But right now there were more momentous things to have on his mind.





The cold seemed to be making the strawberry haired man more energetic as he skipped along the sidewalks beside his mellowed out friend, rolling on the balls of his feet. "Hiro! Lookielookie! It's almost Christmas!" He yelped in delight, pointing enthusiastically to the lights people had begun to hang that were blinking notoriously at the bustling crowds that past.

"Well, of course. It's the beginning of November." Shuichi's eyes held a sad look at this news, as if he hadn't known. He probably didn't, thought Hiro. He doesn't have any particular plans so he wouldn't need to keep track of the date. The taller man then paused in his walk as an advertisement on the side of a building caught his eye. Shuichi, who had continued to walk, stopped prattling when he noticed Hiro was not listening nor following his lead. Shuichi rushed back to Hiro's side, calling,

"Hey! What gives?" Hiro pointed to the poster. Shuichi's eyes pulled to the advertisement, drifting over the words covered in white paint.






Shuichi stopped reading at this point, skimming over to the base of the long paper. Some instrument Shuichi had seen once or twice in his life, but did not know the name of was painted at the bottom, striking him with a tingling feeling in his chest, though he did not know why nor care to know why. "Yeah? So?"

"It'd be interesting to see some thing like that; A classical-instrument performance." He thumbed to the ad. "I've been seeing a bunch of ads for it since mid October. I'm thinking of getting tickets."

Shuichi gaped a bit at this. "I didn't know you liked that kinda music, Hiroooo!" He poked his friend in the stomach.

"You know, I heard at Hisano's party, she supposedly invited some really famous pianist and violinist. Kinda ironic since this has been on my mind."

Shuichi's face lifted. "oooo!" And then as quickly as it had, fell. Hiro caught this.

"Do you know what a piano and violin is?" Shuichi slowly shook his head from left to right, looking clueless. Hiro scolded him. "You need to have some background knowledge on ALL music, you know! And a piano is almost exactly like a keyboard!"

"Well it's not my fault!" Shuichi retorted, bringing his foot down on a box he'd just discovered, catching the attention of a few passing pedestrians as he did. Feeling high and mighty with his box, he announced, slamming his fist into his chest, "I'ma rock-n-roll singer allllllllllllllll the way, damn it!"

"Okay, okay," Hiro's voice was smudged in defiantness and boredom – he'd seen this kind of display from Shuichi constantly. "Chill out. Let's just get some groceries and get back. It's cold out."

Shuichi nodded in agreement, shifting away from the box and back to Hiro, wrapping his arms around himself and shuttering a little. White, crisp air blew past his lips, and he watched it swirl before it dulled, only to be replaced with the air of more jagged exhales.

Bothered by the quietness, as usual, Shuichi spoke up again as they began to cross the black paved, common streets. "Can we get lossa pocky, Hiroooo? Loossa and lossa." He slurred his words together, intertwining his left arm with Hiro's right, beaming for no reason like the idiot he was.

"Maybe," Hiro answered calmly, looking back and forth up the streets. Turning a corner, he led both himself and Shuichi into the containment of a grocery story that he was quite familiar with.

"I want pockeeey," Shuichi spoke in a voice thrown at a much higher pitch then his usual, fumbling with the end of his shirt sleeve as he muttered incoherently - chewing on the cotton material as if it were the very food he so longed for. His large eyes swiftly glanced up and down the long grey shelves and isles, scanning them. "Losssssaaa pockey."

"Sure, sure," Hiro beckoned the boy with the strawberry hair to follow, motioning towards the isles stacked with treats and goodies that would surely make his friend bounce off the walls for the remainder of the day – but it was fine, after all, he was used to it.







Tohma sighed deeply and heavily, drugged on the heat of the tub that was quickly dissolving – as he lay on his partner's chest, an expression of absolute satisfaction resting on his delicate features. Eiri felt drained; only able to hear the stimulus pound of his own heart and Tohma's gentle pants as he looked to the lightly colored ceiling, feeling air brush up and down his chest as a result of the man lying on him.

A few bubbles circled around the movement of Eiri's thin wrist as he lazily stroked and caressed the steaming liquid, unable to make him self move any further then just that. The water would turn cooler soon enough, and he'd move then. But for now, he just wanted to rest in this... numbing oblivion.

"Eiri…?" Tohma spoke weakly and softly and lovingly, the mask and lies that usually devoured his real voice having diminished along with the bathtubs steam. Eiri felt a fondness for this voice, yearned for this voice; its silken waves rippling down his ear drums like a rush of senseless alluringness – a cascade of poetry, a symphony painted in warm blues and yellows that danced before him, captivating him, making him forget there was any wrongs in his life or in the world. It was soothing. Unfortunately, Tohma rarely ever used it.

"Shouldn't we… get out?" Tohma looked like he was yawning as he curled his body up and the fell stiff again, nuzzling Eiri's naked chest, running his fingers along the violinists pallid abdomen beneath the water.

"Let's just wait… for awhile," Eiri murmured, his voice etched in the same enthralling weakness as Tohma's. A smile touched Tohma's lips, and his pink tongue flicked out to stroke the skin of the violinists naked torso, the pink muscle stretching and curving with a practiced ease as it tasted the mixture of soap and water. Deep turquoise eyes narrowed, but if it were for his sleepy composure or slipping concentration, Eiri was not sure of.

He watched as the tongue glided up his chest, and as Tohma's hands came to lock onto his shoulders and push him downwards, enough so that his chest was back fully in the water.

Tohma gazed at him, face covered in a haughty sexiness as he smirked, licking droplets from his lips. No words passed between them as he drew downward, slinking his arms behind Eiri's neck, pulling him upward to match his mouth. They clashed with a slick prurience for one another and only for one another; kissing hotly and leisurely as their tongues danced simultaneously in equal rhythm and motion, only stopping temporarily for breathes.

"Mmmph," Tohma ended their heated battle as he moved, and Eiri made no motion to continue. "I love you."

Eiri felt himself pause in uncomfortably; only answering a simple "I know."




Eiri moved gauchely around the apartment, ruffling a towel through his blonde strands as he did so, trudging along. His body just ached; period – he hadn't played uke for awhile and Tohma's added roughness hadn't done much to help that situation. He sat down on the couch, sighing, at a loss for all energy. He just wanted to collapse somewhere, any fucking where, and go to sleep.

Damn it. But his thoughts were currently occupied by a certain skinny little red head that he knew he didn't give a damn in hell about.

Fuck. He could feel the comforting nicotine of a cigarette in his mouth before he realized he'd even pulled a stick out. Oh well; as long as he was smoking, it didn't even matter.

He sucked on smolder, feeling some what like a chimney as he blew puffs of ash out; hardly caring as the end of the stick disintegrated gradually and specks of black floated down to tint the clean floors.

Golden eyes peered to their corners at the notion of feet tapping as they scuffled across floorboards. Tohma emerged from a hallway a second later, pink apron and all, a smile for everyone to see and view on his face.

Eiri suddenly smoked his cigarette faster, bringing a hand carelessly to jut it between his fingers, pulling it out and exhaling as he did. Puff the magic dragon… He thought to himself, secretly amused.

"Eiri! Are you hungry? Want me to make some thing?" Tohma beamed. Eiri shot him a death glare. Tohma didn't waver as he took up a spatula in his left hand, waving it around like a flag pole as if to catch the other mans attention.

"Go away." Eiri put the cigarette out on the table. Right now he really didn't care. It was marble anyway. "I'm tired." He felt himself fall on his side, a little more due to gravity then his own wishing to. I stayed up all night screwing that brat. Tohma didn't need to know that though – silly, silly little details were unimportant. Eiri hid his smirk. It vanished as he shifted to pull his slender legs up on the couch, letting his feet dangle at the end of the cushioned sofa as his neck relaxed on the arm rest.

Grateful for the comfy piece of furniture, he shut his eyes, not minding that some of his limbs (one of them being his arm) were dangling from the couch like a tapestry.

In an instant, though, his peaceful resolve was disturbed by a rather annoying press against his cheek; Tohma's finger. He grunted, rolling over, only to be continuously bombarded with pokes. "Eiri, I know you're tired, but I also know you wouldn't be if you hadn't ditched the party yesterday. You should practice, or some thing. Besides, I need to talk to you."

The violinist grunted in a piqued tone, "about what?"

Tohma gingerly picked up Eiri's fallen cigarette, wiping off the ash from the table as he did with a nippy brush of his hand. "About your next performance."

Eiri visibly flinched as he shot a look that could kill to the other blond man. "Excuse me?" He spoke, his voice growing impaired with anger. "You know, it's my life, and I'd really fucking appreciate it if you informed me of these little changes you make in my schedule."

Tohma shrugged his shoulders, his mendacious grin still on his lips. "No need to get so mad. I was aiming to tell you, since you were requested of this at Hisano's party." Now it was Tohma's turn to frown – but it was more in disproval. "I would have asked you; in fact, I looked for you – but you left by then."

"Damn it, whatever." Eiri buried his face in a lacey pillow he'd just discovered.

"As I was saying," The pianist continued, taking up a spot at the edge of the couch. His hand calmly massaged Eiri's slim leg, staring at the other man with a gentle sincerity. He then stiffened back into his business posture. Eiri flicked a glance at him. "It'll be at the Niko instrumental hall, on December 22… I'm not so sure of the time yet. But you're going to be leading a small orchestra."


"The owner of the hall, Mr. Midas – he's requested you pacifically for the occasion." Tohma perked up a bit, patting Eiri's leg. "Hehe. You're getting quite popular. Oh yes. And I'll be performing too, but for a different piece."

"And what am I to play?" Eiri questioned with a sarcastic tone, rolling so he could lie on his back and stare directly at Tohma. "Jingle bells?"

Tohma giggled at that, knowing the violinist was getting rather sick of being asked to play Christmas pieces. He had little to disagree with his opinion, too; themed songs just sucked. They just did. "No, no. It's actually a bit challenging."

Eiri placed his hands behind neck, looking cocky and confident as he raised an eyebrow at Tohma. "Oh...?"

"It's called 'flight of the bumblebee' I believe. Although the piece is rather modified – so it goes with the orchestra, and such. Though Mr. Midas is considering having you do a solo for it instead – and I quote him, 'I don't want the other musicians to cover up the violin, or throw Mr. Yuki off.'"

Eiri smirked just faintly, leaning up. "Is that so?"

"Yup!" Tohma latched himself onto the other blond, yanking him back down. Eiri winced; which Tohma noticed easily enough. "Are you alright?" He asked, looking concerned.

"I'm fine." Eiri glared. "I'm sore. You were rough. And haven't you touched me enough? Get off."

"But you look so cute when you're tired!" Tohma exclaimed happily. "And you smell like soap." The smaller man leaned up, brushing his face against Eiri's yellow colored hair. "Mmm," He sniffed.

"Stop that." Eiri growled, feeling weak - he knew that if he had the capacity right now to move his leg enough to kick Tohma off, his body would surely rip in half – that's how sore he felt. But he was considering enduring it anyway - he really wanted to kick Tohma.

"It smells like…" He elaborated, although Eiri hadn't asked. "Some thing… Hmmm..." Tohma grew considerate in his descriptions. "Like a type of luscious cream. Some thing I'd put in an expensive mocha, perhaps," He placed his hand on the armrest to keep himself from falling, with his other hand cupping Eiri's cheek, his face nuzzling the silky strands that were still a little damp.

"Are you planning on eating me?" Eiri questioned, giving in as he tiredly slumped into the couch as the weight on top of him smothered him against the cushions.

"Maybe." Tohma sank down, his lips now resting against the shell of the violinist's ear. "Eiri-kun…" Yuki felt his chest tighten and his cheeks flush instantly at the breathy whisper, goose bumps traveling throughout his body with the addition of a shutter.

"Stop it." He muttered. "I'm in no mood."

Tohma laughed then, fully and heartily. "Okay." To Eiri's delight, he moved away, walking back to the kitchen. Eiri brought a hand to his ear, rubbing it when Tohma turned his back, and then moving it away, seemingly unaffected.

With effort, he stood up from the couch, dragging himself along to make his way to the bedroom. As he walked up the staircase, he could hear Tohma calling,

"I'm going to be gone tomorrow all day, planning stuff. So make sure you call Mr. Midas for the sheet music! I'll put his number on the fridge if you need it!"

"Yeah, yeah," Eiri responded, although he knew Tohma couldn't hear. He was already upstairs, pushing the door open and making his way to the cotton bed spread that was so wonderfully inviting. He closed the door behind him acutely, mumbling as he rubbed one of his eyes with his fist, "Just shut up already."



chp 6 end




Stuff you should probably know about this chapter:The song I used, flight of the bumblebee, does exist. The musical hall I invented, unfortunately, doesn't.

If you want to listen to the song "flight of the bumble bee" to get a feel for it, please just leave it in a review and I'll send you a link where you can download the piece. In fact, I uploaded it deliberately so people can listen to it, so if you want to, please just freakin say so. It's no trouble at all. I actually want people to listen to it, so I'll be happy if you pm me, or say so in the review, or whatever. You can even email me, my email's on my page somewhere. I don't care what your method is of asking. Just tell me. I'm not a mind reader; though it'd be pretty cool if I was.

And if you want any other sort of classical music, just tell me. I have a ton. If you haven't heard a lot of classical music, just tell me. It takes me 2 seconds to upload a song and send some one a link.

Oh yeah. And I don't play the violin. I wish I did. I'm a pianist, actually, which is ironic, since I haven't described Tohma playing so much.

Yeah, okay. Who cares. Please review. ; ; Your reviews make me super happy!