A/n: I don't know how long this will be so don't expect some epically long thing. I've recently gotten to the write for fun hase, which I think is better for both parties, because if I want to write it and you want to read it, I'll probably update more. If my plot bunny doesn't abandon me. But it hasn't on my other fun fics, so it shouldn't for this one. Oh, I think it's mostly going to be from Draco's POV, with the occasional harry stuffed in there. Read on!
Draco was irritated. Severely irritated. The stupid ditz would leave him alone. She couldn't take a hint could she? No, he had to tell her no, over and over again, but it never sank in!
"PANSY! I do not like you! I don't like girls, and even if I did, I would never like you! Now leave me alone you stupid pug faced demon!" he snarled mercilessly, not even flinching at her tears.
"You'll pay for this, Draco Taniel Malfoy. You will pay!" she snarled, well, as much a snarl as could be achieved while crying, and waggled a finger in his face.
"I highly doubt that. Get out of my sight." He wrinkled his nose in distaste.
The girl in question stomped off in a little hissy fit as Draco rubbed the bridge of his slightly upturned nose.
"You shouldn't have done that. She's gunna make your life a living hell, mate." Goyle muttered in his lazy slow voice. Draco looked up at him, his vision obscured on the left by his nearly white hair cascading over his left eye. He had stopped slicking it back a few months ago, in the beginning of his sixth year.
It was nearl Christmas Break now, and he was utterly relieved. He was tired of schoolwork, and tired of people. He was staying at school for this break, instead of dealing with more people at the Malfoy Manor. It would be a nice change.
"No body asked you, Goyle."
"you're both leaving?" Harry asked forlornly, trying desperately not to let his eyes fill with tears. This would be the first year since being accepted to Hogwarts, that he would be totally alone. The whole of Gryffindor tower seemed to leave, and the only other students staying in the entire school were none other than draco Malfoy, and Sarah Pekkins, a first year in hufflepuff, that was rather like a burgundy haired Hermione, minus the friendliness Hermione had aquired over the years.
Harry hated being alone.
"I'm sorry, but my aunt is having a baby sometime soon, and I have to wish her well!" Hermione said, giving him a brief hug before going to pack.
"Mum said I had to. I think she's going to scream all break though, or else you know she would have invited you. Sorry, mate." Ron muttered, going to pack as well. It was the last day before break, and they dumped it into his lap. Happy Christmas indeed. Harry thought miserably, writing odd symbols on the window as it fogged from the fire inside and the snow outside. He hugged his knees and stared out the window for quite awhile, the first tear escaping when he saw the carriages taking his best friends away.
"hey, Draco?"
Not again. Not Pansy. He didn't think he could take it if she decided to stay. He spun around to find himself face to face with her wand.
"Happy Christmas!" She smiled, before muttering an all too familiar spell. The one moody had uttered when he had cast a curse at Potter's back. His spiraled into terror as he felt his body shrink, his teeth grow longer in front, and hair sprend throughout his body and a tail grow out of the base of his spine. He was a ferret! She turned him into a ferret. He squeaked miserably, wishing the ferrets could cry, because that was what he felt like doing.
He didn't know how long had passed, before he uncurled from his position in a ball and scurried out of the common room, flopping up the stairs painfully, desperately trying to find someone, anyone, to help him.
He neared flipped for joy when he heard a soft sniffle. Pehaps it was the little hufflepuff that was supposed to be staying! But, as fate would have it, it wasn't a sweet, shy first year girl, it was Potter. Probably crying about not getting any fan mail. Draco thought nastily. Turning around, he went to walk off, when a pair of hands wrapped around his waist.
"hey, there." Potter muttered softly, if a bit naseilly from crying. Draco writhed around, trying to sink his teeth into some part of Potter's body to get him to let him go. "No biting if you please. Are you someone's pet, or a transfiguration project gone horrible awry?" He smiled at the ferret draco, who tried very much to roll his little blue eyes, though it didn't work.
"I think they wouldn't mind if I kept you just for Christmas break." Draco groaned mentally. Just what he needed. Listen to potter boast about his fame to everything and everyone. "My friends had to go for Christmas break. I haven't spent a Christmas alone since I came here. But you'll keep me company, huh? I have hedwig, but she's usually only awake at night." His friends left boo-hoo. But wait… did he just say he spent Christmas alone before? Draco wondered. Potter scratched behind his ears, which felt rather nice, so he just let it happen.
" Your eyes are pretty. Nice bright blue. You know something? I always wanted a normal eye color, like brown or blue or hazel. I'm already so weird, my eyes just add to it." Draco was oddly confused by this. He didn't want to be different. Why not? That was what he always did! Steal attention from everyone and rub it in Draco's face. Didn't he?
"I think I'll call you Tatsu. It means dragon. I think it suits you." Potter smiled, another thing draco found excruciatingly odd. Potter wasn't supposed to be human. He wasn't supposed to smile at him and talk to him, and play with his hair. And he definitely wasn't supposed to know that he was named dragon.
" I feel kinda stupid, talking to a ferret. But it's better than not talking at all. I don't like being alone."
You aren't supposed to like it…
"when I was little, my uncle used to abuse me. I never even told Hermione and Ron that. It started on Christmas. I cried, because I hadn't gotten a present. He clocked me in the face and stuffed me in my cupboard under the stairs. I hate that cupboard. I'm never owning a house with one."
Potter was abused? He slept in a cupboard under the stairs? He wouldn't lie to a ferret would he?
"Christmas always has bad memories. I remember the look on Ron's face when I went to the common room and just stared at the presents. I didn't know I had any."
Draco's stomach twisted uncomfortably.
"looks like dinner's ready, Tatsu! What do ferrets like?" He wondered aloud, stuffing Draco into a pocket in his robes. It looked like this Christmas break, Draco was going to have to get to know his enemy quite well.
I know it's not very long, but ti's a first chapter, and I didn't want to make it a one shot. Review and feed the plot bunny! points to giant bunny with fangs before it eats me…..