Yea this is my new story it's based on a book series called the Alanna Stories. anyway hope you like it all.

Disclaimer: I dont not own Cardcaptors Sakura or the Alanna Stories. I am only using them to make a fanfiction.


Sakura 10

Sohma 10

Prince Syaroan 13

Yamazaki 12

Eriol 12

Hiroshi 12

Princess Meiling 11

Kero 50 (he is human)

Yue 29 (also human)

Duke Takeda 45

Tomoyo 15 (she's a thief and does't act at all like she should. You have been warned)

A Girl in Boys Armor

a fanfiction by Mars-Child

A girl with auburn hair and firey emerald eyes strode into her twin brothers room with an angry look on her face. "This is an outrage how do they expect me to go to the missionary. I have no use for dainty dancing and needlepoint. I want to be a knight." She was nearly screaming.

"Sakura what's going on!" Her brother asked with a surprised glance at her red face his green eyes, identical to hers, widening.

"This! This is what's going on." She threw a piece of paper at him.

As he read it his face got nearly as red as Sakura's. "But they know how useless I am with a sword and they want me to become a knight and go to the castle. I am much more of a magic user than a fighter. I can't even hold a sword right. Your more of a fighter than I am."

"Yes, I know. But what are we supossed to do. Father already has the letters written up and he left to study the ruins in Kyoto." Sakura said thinking outloud. She smiled, "I have an idea. Sohma, you have gotten very good at forging father's signiture right?"

"Yes." he said.

"Then that's it. We will write brand new letters. I'm sure Kero and Yue will agree with us. I mean Yue is always saying how he wished I had been born a boy and you the girl. I'll go to the castle and learn how to fight and you will go to the Missionary to learn magic." she explained excited.

"I doubt that Yue will like it much. Plus you can't join, your a girl remember." Sohma said with a sigh.

"Duh of course I'm a girl. But if you rewrite the letters you can say we are twin boys. I'll cut my hair." Sakura said.

"But what about when you start to grow... you know more womanly?" Sohma blushed to the roots of his auburn hair.

"I'll cross that road when I get to it. For now I am as flat as a wall. Anyway, let's go and talk to Kero first. If he agrees then Yue has no choice than to let us go, seeing how he is afraid of Kero's magic." Sakura told him. (A/N yes i know both yue and kero have magic but in this story yue is only trained in fighting and has no magic at all.)

"I still don't know about this." Sohma was always very hesitant about everything.

"Oh Sohma don't be such a wimp, let's GO!" Sakura said grabbing his hand and rushing down the steps to the courtyard of the House.

"Kero! Kero! KERO! We have a question Kero." Sakura wasn't even out of breath, but Sohma was panting behind her.

"What is it Sakura?" Kero asked.

"Well, we were wondering if we could switch places. I would go to the castle and Sohma would go to the Missionary. I have no interest in learning how to use magic and he does, but can't fight and I can." Sakura was speaking very fast hoping that Kero would just nod and say yes. Sadly Kero had caught all of what she was saying and was looking very thoughtful.

"It might work. Let us see what the fire has to say about it." He said turning to the orange fire.

Sakura and Sohma both gasped. "But Kero, we are not supossed to use the fire for future sightings. The Gods do not like those who have the Gift to use magic they were not born with." Sakura said. She knew that the consequence of going against the God's wishes would result in them being turned into ash and blow away with the wind.

"I am well aware of that Sakura, but this is a very hard decisian and I need the God's help to decide it. So stop worrying and come here." Kero said.

Both Sohma and Sakura went to Kero and the hearth of the fire and stared into it unable to take their emerald eyes away from the dancing flame.

Oh Flames of Heaven and Fires of Hell,

I call upon thee now.

To decide the fate of one's so small,

I need the help of the God's.

Speak through the fire,

In tongues of Flame.

Send to us now the visions of forsight,

So that with your guidance they follow their destinies.

Kero said the forsight chant with his eyes closed. "Both of you come here now, and give me your hands." He commanded.

Sakura was wondering what he was going to do, but she trusted Kero and gave him her hand. He took both of their hands and said to close their eyes. They complied and Kero thrust their hands in to the fire. Sakura felt a warm feeling spread over her, and she saw a castle, a black castle with high towers, and a single window and the tallest tower. She felt sadness and pain wash over her. This clearly was not a very good place to be, even in forsight. Suddenly her hand was yanked out of the fire and Kero had let go. Sakura started to check herself for burns or scars and discovered that there were none.

" I see." Kero said. "You will go to the castle Sakura and Sohma you will go to the Missionary. Yue will accompany you Sakura and I will take Sohma there. Now I must discuss this with Yue." He opened the door and ushered them out, then walked to Yue's hut at the edge of the House's grounds.

"Sohma did you see a black castle in your vision?" Sakura asked.

"No, I didn't. Why what did you see?"

"It's probably nothing." Sakura said and wiped it from her memory. "Anyway we had better go and pack, I want to get going as fast as possible."

Sohma agreed and they went to go and pack. Two days later they were ready to go. The four of them would ride together until the fork in the road that would lead them in separate directions. Sakura was on her pony, Mona. Kero said that Sakura would be the one to tell Yue that she and Sohma traded places. Sakura said that it was fine and that she would.

As they came upon the fork in the road, both Sohma and Sakura got off of their ponies and said goodbye. Sakura had to blink back tears, while Sohma just let them cascade down his face.

"The next time I see you brother, you will be a great sorcerer." Sakura said her voice cracking.

"And the next time I see you, you will be the first lady knight." Sohma told her wiping his tears with his hand.

"Goodbye, Sohma."

"Goodbye, Sakura."

They embraced each other and got back onto the ponies. This was the last time they would see each other until they left the Missionary and the castle.

"Well, let us go then Sohma." Yue said heading down the right side.

"Yes, Sakura let's go." Kero said.

With one last look, the twins looked at each other, Sakura let a lonely tear slide from her eye.

Mars: well that is the begining of my story. I hope you all enjoy what i have written. REVIEW YOU ALL! Or um ELSE.

:yea real smooth, they are sure to review now. ack.:

Kero: The first reviewer get's a cookie and a special place in the story. First reviewer please leave whatever name you want and whatever age you wish to be. If the first person doesn't leave a name or age then the second person can and so on. Thank you.