Here goes my first shot at a Tekken story. It's just a piece mainly involving Jin and Asuka Kazama, but it's not necessarily a romance story. It really is a nice break from the King of Fighters section. And for the record...

Disclaimer: I am not the creator (nor the owner) of the renowned Tekken series. If I did, I wouldn't be writing this now would I? Besides, Namco sued the heck out of Lil Flip some time ago...


They Call Her Asuka



The woodlands never stood a chance. Every acre of the once beautiful display of nature were razed by the evil intent that had been welling up inside of me. I do not remember how but I knew for certain that the demon within me was responsible for the destruction. My father and grandfather... both be damned. Somehow I've managed to defeat them both in combat at temple Hon-Maru but...

"How did I get here?" I questioned myself. "I can't believe that I had done this." I surveyed my surroundings: most of the trees are burned to cinders and the stench of fresh smoke filled the air. It was very late of night but the wilderness was still beautiful in a macabre sort of way. The dandelions swayed in the cool breeze and the bluish face of the moon was looming over the horizon.

I finally rose to my feet and became highly contemplative all of a sudden. I can see her nowthe disapproving look on my mother's face. I just knew that she wouldn't tolerate this because she was very crazy about nature. I said, "Sorry mother, but the devil made me do it." Literally!

The devil gene. How ridiculous! What in the world it takes for me to get rid of this thing? What price do I have to pay? My father and grandfather can have it all day, everyday. It is nothing but redundant chaos. Chaos...

That's it. Chaos... Chaos can be brought to order. Somehow, when that thought entered my mind I just knew that I was starting off on the right foot. I've came up with a game plan that nightyes, obscure, but a plan nothing less. I started to wander... searching for answers.

Since then, I never would have thought that I'll find someone a lot like me and yet, obviously different. Fortune works in mysterious ways. This person... she keeps the evil inside of me at bay and most importantly, reminds me of what I've lost years ago. She reminds me so to a point that even I almost could not even believe it.

This person... Fate and curiosity definitely got the better of me. I've wondered from Yakushima all the way to Osaka. Once I was there, I couldn't help but pay heed to the numerous rumors of a woman committing peculiar antics and heroics. Among the gossip, I've heard...

"She's really just a nosey kid that always like to get in other people's business... and solves their problems usually by knockout."

"She's an Amazon. She's freakishly strong too. I remember a when a night club owner wanted to hire her as a bouncer during the summer."

"Man, that little broad's a demon! I don't like her, she's a little piece of hell itself!"

"When I grow up I wanna be a lot like her! She's just the role model that a low esteemed schoolgirl like me needs in this day and age."

"Man, let me tell you, that is one sexy karate chick. She the type of chick that I would allow her to get on top and let her have her way with me..."

Well... that last quote wasn't really necessary.

"Uh... I know she's a senior in high school. She was captain of the volleyball team and she once tried out for football. Rumors has it she was cut from the team because she was injuring most of the players."

Sounds like quite a woman. But after I heard this from a person, finding out about her was all I had in mind.

"Here name's Asuka, I think. Asuka... Karisuum, no... Kazama! That's her name. She sure is a Kazama. All the Kazama girl's are pretty."

They call her Asuka.

Maybe she can put an end to the nightmares? Or perhaps maybe the devil gene? I had to find out.

Weeks after the incident at Hon-Maru, I finally met her. So, our story begins...


"Okay, attempting to steal people's bicycle after school is not very nice in the first place." She lectured with her arms crossed over her chest. "But trying to steal mine in the process is straight out intolerable." She jabbed one of the bandits in his gut. "Man, you guys should have known better."

"We're... sorry..." One of them groaned pitifully beneath one of her school loafers. "We had.. ooh... no idea that one of the bikes were... ugh... yours."

"...We never thought that you was riding one of those bicycles to school." Another one of those bandits regretted. This guy was suffering from broken ribs thanks to a roundhouse kick to the said area. "We're terribly sorry. Please don't pound us again."

"Aw man. Pitiful." She clicked her tongue in slight sympathy. "You guys are bitches. You should at least try to back up all the crap you were talking. That at least made me think that you guys were tough. My god, what is this world coming to?"

"Believe me, we tried." Another added his two cents. " You're just to damn good."

"Damn this is so sad." Asuka decided. "My little brat of a sister hits harder than you guys."

A few feet away from the scene a girl with long jet black hair nodded in boredom. She was Asuka's classmate and long time best friend (yeah, you know all schoolgirls has one of those). "Asuka, do you really have to add such insult to injury? Just get your bike and let's be on our way."

Asuka giggled sheepishly. "Right... right. I was really hoping for a good fight and I guess I got carried away with it a bit." She unlocked her bicycle from the bike fence and strolled it along with her. "Thank goodness it's Friday."

The straight haired cutie grinned. "You know, I'm surprised that you aren't kicked out of school yet. With all the fights you get into, it's a wonder that you're still attending here like nothing happened."

Asuka smiled back mischievously. "Hazuki, who would ever accuse cute little me of being a troublemaker?" She took on a mock innocent look. "Anyway, I tell em' it's an act of self defense. I can jump on a full grown man right now, beat the hell out of him and tell the cops that he attacked me. And guess what, he'll still get arrested." She joked.

"Ooh!" Hazuki grimaced. "That is flat out evil of you, Asuka!"

"So what's the game plan for the weekend?" Asked Asuka. "Going to a ball game or something? Or how bout some shopping at the mall? Or flirting with boy there for the matter?"

To Asuka's surprise, Hazuki suddenly squealed. "Speaking of boys...Girl, let me tell you something about Rio?"

Asuka gave some thought of what person her friend was talking about. "The new boy from Wakayama?"

"That boy has the hots for me!" Hazuki revealed. "I can tell he do, too. When he gets around me he starts blushing and often ask me out to help him study at study hall. He's really kind of cute, I have to admit. But he needs to stop acting so coy and step up to me."

Asuka sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fascinating..."

Hazuki was slightly surprised. "What? What I said?"

"Messing with him or any of the boys at school is a waste of time." She explained in her 'logical' way. "The guys at school are totally lame. Most of them are pansies and none of them are sexy to me anyway."

"But... but you were the one who suggested flirting with men at the mall this weekend, didn't you?" Hazuki reasoned.

"Of course I did." Asuka answered, nearing the traffic light. "My idea is flirting with guys from other schools. All of them at our school are afraid of me, it seems. Besides, I heard the guys from Osaka High really know what they're doing... if you know what I mean?" She emphasized.

Hazuki gasped, turning a great shade of red in the face. "Really? The other day, Makoto told me the very same thing but I heard those guys treat their girlfriends like shit." About a quarter mile down the road, a convertible with three college dudes noticed the girls. They noticed them because to car suddenly sped up.

Asuka nodded. "I ain't worried about that. I'm not really looking for a boyfriend. I'm really looking for someone to hang out and have fun with." She made a face before adding, "Plain old fashioned funno flings."

"Ooh, and I know just what you mean by having fun." Hazuki gushed. "Tell me something Asuka: What really matters, the size of the boat or the motion in the ocean?"

"Girl, that's simple!" Asuka laughed. "It's all about" Just as she was about to relay an answer, the convertible flew by at great speed. The velocity caused both of the schoolgirls' skirts to fly up a nice angle to supply anyone around a healthy view of what's underneath. The three men in the car gave catcalls at the two. "Typical..." She muttered. "Glad I'm wearing leggings."

Hazuki was folding smoothed down her skirt in embarrassment. "Easy for you to say. I'm wearing my favorite and some punks in a convertible just saw them in all their passion pink glory." She glared angrily down the street, waving a fist. "You perverts! Acting like you've never seen pink drawers before!"

Suddenly, a police officer on a motorcycle emerged from an alleyway and gave chase to the said car.

"Ha! Serves you right!" Hazuki laughed in triumph. "I bet you that car isn't insured."

"C'mon. We can go on and cross the street now." Asuka informed with a chuckle. "Let's pick up a snack at the dessert parlor."


(Yeah, I know it's a lame divider, shoot me)

"... And let me have a triple decked hot fudge sundae. That would be all." Hazuki instructed to the employer.

"Hazuki, all of that stuff is going to fatten you up." Asuka stated, vaguely aware of all the dessert her friend was about to consume in a few moments. "And as wide as you butt is, it's best to stay away from this kind of food."

Hazuki snorted. "Ha! This is nothing but baby fat. As long as I have a tiny waist and my butt stays way above my knees then I don't have nothing to worry about."

"Or you'll be spending a fortune on fake ass John Basedow videos that does nothing but hurt your pockets." She pointed out. "And then you get offended when anyone refers to a fat joke." She walked to the counter beside Hazuki. "Big' gum."

"That's never going to happen." Hazuki laughed. "Not to me, Hazuki Awame!" She gave Asuka a shove. A really hard shove, too.

"What the" She yelped in surprised by Hazuki's sudden reaction. She was about to fall but fortunately for her she landed on someone's chest before she can hit the floor. "Oof!" She gazed up to her savior and noticed his face was hidden... in a hood. "Thanks, but I had that." Asuka merited.

"Don't mention it." Was the hooded man's smooth response.

Realizing the man's redundant choice of clothing Asuka asked him, "Excuse me, I really don't mean to sound rude, but, don't you think it's kind of warm for what you're wearing?"

"I'm fine. It's good for my exercises." He responded.

Somehow, she was intrigued. "Hmm... A country boy..."

Hazuki sudden prodded her shoulder. "Hey, my order's done. Aren't you going to get something here, too?" She saw the man Asuka was surveying. "Hello there." She introduced. "Nice weather we having aren't we? The spring heat is really kicking."

"So it seems." Jin nodded.

"Well, I'll be at that table eating the hell out of my desserts." Hazuki informed and headed for the table near the exit. "I'm here near the exit. A convenient place just in case something funny happens." Actually, the hooded man really creeps her out. He could be a armed robber for all she knew.

"My friend has a point." Asuka hinted at the man with a thin smile. "I don't like the way you are presented here either. You can make some people think that you are about to rob this place. Now, you wouldn't happen to have such a notion in your mind, wouldn't you?"

"My apologies." Jin bowed before removing his hood. "Does this put you at ease?"

'He's courting me... in a debonair sort of way. I like that.' Asuka thought. " Thanks for removing it. That's a mighty unusual hairstyle. It looks like something straight out of a comic book. But, I have to admit, you have a pretty face."

"Likewise." He took that moment to take in her features. She looked to be around seventeen or eighteen years of age. Her brown hair reaches her shoulders and was done in a trendy hairstylein a way the spikey hair reminded him of Miharu. The brown almond shaped eyes of hers had long eyelashes and they complimented her moon face nicely. Asuka's a girl of generous height and build as well, at five feet seven inches tall and pleasantly slim but not at all skinny. However, a careful glance at her arms and legs told of rigorous training and hardship, containing a sort of sinewy strength.

She definitely reminded him of his mother.

Lost in his survey over the girl's appearance, Asuka brought him out of his musings. "You like what you see?" She played. "You're looking mighty hard there. I do wonder , since I'm doing all this talking to a complete stranger, I would like to know your name?"

A news program on a television set on a corner suddenly caught Jin's interest, much to Asuka's dismay. "...In other news, it has been weeks since the temple Hon-Maru had been burned down and Heihachi Mishima is still yet to be found... Though he was supposedly assumed dead after The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4..."

The television screen flashes to what remains of the said temple, and to this, Jin narrowed his eyes. Even watching the scene on television he could still sense something was not right... The remains of the temple had to be due to an explosion. He noticed several scraps of metal laying about the area. Some of them look vaguely familiar to androids...

'Damn. It was an ambush? It must have happened when I escaped from there.' He wondered critically. 'Could it be that they are really dead?'


"...although the search continues for any signs of Mr. Mishima but the doubts of him living are soaring by the minute..."


"... under mysterious circumstances, The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 will officially start next month. We shall keep you posted."

"Don't you know it's rude to ignore a woman who is talking to you?" Asuka prodded. "Was that report really that interesting to you?"

Jin shook his head. "Ah! Sorry about that." He managed a smile despite his troubled thoughts. "It was really nice meeting you ma'am but unfortunately I have business to attend to. Maybe we'll meet again some day." He waved off and left the shop.

"Was that a diss?" Hazuki wondered why the guy left the store out of the blue.

"Hey, he seemed kind of cool to me." Asuka stated. "Don't you think so, Hazuki? I wonder what made him rushed out of here all of a sudden?"

Hazuki swiped her lips with a napkin and eyed her friend flatly. "I can already see he's the 'cool and reserved' type of man." She noted. "He's the kind the guy that's cool with females but doesn't really know how to put up with females flirting at him. That must have dissuade him. You were obviously flirting with him, Asuka. You didn't even catch his name."

"I was not." Asuka defended lamely. "I only said that he looks nice when he removed his hood. That was all."

"Shoot. That's not what I saw. You tried to make eye contact with the guy." Hazuki pointed out. "You're interested in him. There's no denying it."

Asuka quickly changed the subject by ordering a raspberry shaved ice treat. "Bah. How could some news about a phony martial arts tournament could be more important than talking to me?"

"Aren't you into stuff like that?" Hazuki asked before she took a goofy looking martial arts pose. "Your parents been teaching you every since you started walking."

"Aw come on. Tekken is nothing but publicity and special effects." Asuka scoffed. "I mean, I've heard they have bears and kangaroos doing karate and there's a middle aged man that turns into a devil. Hell, that guy was supposedly killed by his own father. I tell you, that bull-crap is more fake than televised wrestling and Ai Hattori's chest."

Hazuki burst out laughing at the pun on one of their classmates. "You're going to hell girl!"

"Ha! Tekken -smekken... If you wanna see some real tough martial arts in action then check out the Kazama Tradition Style Judo. It's grace, speed, and power in one packagelike me." Her icy treat was ready at the counter and she paid for it. "Thanks."

"Interesting..." Hazuki said thoughtfully. "Come to think of it, that guy did look like one of the contenders in The King of Iron Fist Tournament. He has the funny hair, he's cute, he's masculine..." Consternation dawned on her face. "Nah!"

"Whatever." Asuka replied as she sat at the table with her friend. "He's probably just a handsome son of a gun that's failing in college. The university have those kind of guys you know?"

"And he's out trying to get acquainted with sweet, innocent and naive high school girls." Hazuki quipped with a sly smirk. "Typical. Didn't R. Kelly got into trouble about something like that?"

At the said conspiracy, Asuka rolled her eyes. "Hazuki, they said the girl was fifteen at the time. She was underage."

"Hey, I'm eighteen, I would have took him. No worries right?" Hazuki giggled like an elementary schoolgirl. Asuka sighed. "What?"

"You're a pro." She replied flatly. "Let eat so we can head home in a few minutes, okay."

Hazuki was skeptical. "It was something I said about being eighteen and willing, wasn't it?"


"Okay!" She resumed eating her sundae.



Asuka challenges a couple of Jujitsu experts to a battle after eavesdropping on their blatant chauvinistic attitudes they shown against women practitioners. Hazuki tries to tell her that it wasn't her fight and she had nothing to do with their dojo but Asuka ignores her because of feminine pride. The experts seems kind of tough. Can she win? Also, Jin meets the girls again and he reveals to them who he is. So check out the next chapter...

Author Note: I just hope you've enjoyed that. You may have noticed Asuka's 'healthy' interest in the opposite sex in this fic too. Well, that's just for the comedy in this fic. She isn't a hoe or anything like that. To me, it seems most females are terribly shy towards males until they're eighteen (especially most of the girls I went to high school with). And once they reached that age... man!