A/N: I've decided to revise the prolog into a short few paragraphs, simple sentence thing, but I'll leave most of the real one up for those of you curious about the terror that caused almost every reviewer to "advise" me to shorten it.

Short prolog:

Kaoru and Kenshin hate each other, and have for a very long time. Ever since the sand box they've been bickering. Kaoru has Long ebony hair always tied in a pony tail, bright curious blue eyes and milky white skin. Kenshin has a fiery red mane pulled back in a low pony tail and his purple eyes rest just above a cross shaped scar on his left cheek.

Kaoru is a fantastic actress but loves to dance and sing more than act and Kenshin is an entrepreneur, and could sell anything. Both of them are still in high school and, though they are almost out, they still fight as if in grade school. Kaoru's parents died when she was young and she lives with an alcoholic Aunt Zoe and an Uncle Kio that refuses to stand up to her. And Kenshin's parents are abusive.

They live in a fairytale town were every one knows every one else and most are wealthy. Kenshin and Kaoru's parents are extremely rich but as you can see are not exactly the most kind people. Kaoru's and Kenshin's lives are full of hate and revenge, but will they learn to love and help each other or will they for ever hate the one so close and similar to their heart?

Long Beastly prolog:

Bitter enemies. Different and hated through and through. Both him and her despise the other with hatred as high as the sky. One head of hair a silky glimmering raven black, the other a messy mop of crimson red. One, dark clouded blue eyes holding mystery and wonder, the other light purple orbs that hold untold stories of anguish and triumph. Their differences are abundant and well pointed out. Both have been horrid enemies from the very beginning, back when they were young and played...more like fought together in the sand box their neighborhood shared in the park.

Both desire a better life, one away from the families they hate, both have lovers but are not in love. Both need to get away but are continually constricted closer and closer into themselves. Both hate their small loving neighborhood so they may be different and despise each other immensely but they are quite similar.

So why am I telling you this? Because these two kids have hated each other for years, never getting along and always pushing the other further from their lives but constantly being pushed together. There has never been a year they haven't been in the same class with the same teacher always placed right next to each other. For years they were convinced it was a conspiracy against them, forcing the two people in the whole world who wanted to be miles away from each other and the environment they grew up in together.

No matter how much they denied or ignored it, the fact was that their worlds revolved around each other. They constantly strived to know were the other was so they could avoid a confrontation. They desired to know who the other talked to or made friends with so they could pry secrets out of them in order to embarrass the other.

However all of this openly obsessive behavior is confined and reduced into the appearance of fear. To the untrained eye it just seemed they longed for a life with out the other. But deep inside in a place only few are able to see they long to hate each other.

Their town is very close to each other and any controversial event always tends to stir up old rivalries that no one really cares about. This boy and this girl realize the routine in their lives and need to escape. They both are the reasons the town is corrupt, even just a little. They try their hardest to stir up the most controversial topics and keep the towns people on edge.

The boy has messy long red hair light purple eyes and is rather short and has girlish features but is loved by all the female race. The girl has long raven black hair deep blue eyes and is a prize catch for the males around town. Both seem to have it made, seemingly loving parents, large houses, loads of friends and fan clubs, but they cant find happiness. The only thing that brings joy into either life is the torture of the other.

Kenshin Himura, the spunky boy in the crazed duo. His parents, abusive. Both father and mother work together as a team to gang up on their son and release the tension of work on him. He secretly thinks these continual beatings bring his parents together.

Kaoru Kamyia, the upbeat but temperamental girl in the devious pairing. Her parents are dead but she lives with an alcoholic aunt and a cowardly uncle. Aunt Zoe came all the way from the united states to help take care of Kaoru as a baby and with the pressure of the small spit fire took up drinking. Her husband, being to much of a wimp to say anything kept his mouth shut and took the harsh verbal beatings she would whip out daily. Her Aunt hardly being sober for a few days a year made it especially difficult for Kaoru to grow up in this town.

So if this town is so picturesque how do such horrible people survive? Well, very carefully. They covered their tracks well and made sure to keep their kids and neighbors quiet. This town may be a peaceful little place but its secrets are abundant.

Both Kaoru and Kenshin have insanely wealthy parents who are rarely ever home and always drinking or violent when they are. Kaoru takes after her deceased mother and is a wonderful dancer and singer. Kenshin takes after his grandfather who also passed away as he was a child and is an excellent salesman. Kenshin could sell anything.

Kenshin was destined for greatness and even though his parents are abusive they would pay any money to make sure he could support himself with a reliable job. Kaoru was dancing before she could walk and was always loud and delicately beautiful. Even when she was a child people could tell she would one day light up the stage with her smile. Both are still placed in high school trying to get the ball rolling, but school doesn't seem to pass fast enough.

Kenshin and Kaoru have very similar schedules which is strange for their diverse interests and career paths. They share math, physics, English, and History together. Life is plagued with things we hate. Kaoru's and Kenshin's lives are full of hate and revenge, but will they learn to love and help each other or will they for ever hate the one so close and similar to their heart?