Title: The Secret
Author: SweetAsheyPie
Summary: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley are involved in a serious but secret relationship. A night of passion leads to Ginny becoming pregnant and changing the two lives forever.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter (and associated characters, likenesses, concepts, etc.) belongs to J.K. Rowling, Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic, Inc. AOL/Time Warner, Inc., among others. I make no claim, written or implied, upon Harry Potter. No money is being made and no infringement or disrespect to the creators / copyright holders is intended.
A/N: Okay so I'm a horrible person and haven't updated in a while. It's half from school and half because I'm lazy. I had planned on finishing this a few weeks ago but I did fun teenager stuff like going out and stuff. I have no excuses. I want to thank Kelly as always. If it weren't for her I would never update lol. Well I'm going on a trip tomorrow to Montana and taking a plane and everything (I love planes!) Wish me luck!
"Oh no." She gasped. "My water just broke!"
With those few words, everyone jumped into action. Hermione rushed to help Ginny down the steps and onto the couch to breathe out her first contraction; Harry ran back to their bedroom and packed a suitcase to take to St. Mungo's; and Molly Flooed St. Mungo's to prepare them for Ginny's arrival.
While everyone was rushing around the house, the Weasley boys stood around and tried not to laugh at their frantic expressions. Once Ginny had recovered from her first contraction, she was rushed over to the fireplace and whisked away to St. Mungo's with Hermione and Molly. Harry raced down the stairs just as the flames turned green with suitcase in hand. He looked around and noticing the obvious absence of Molly, Ginny, and Hermione, he flooed to St. Mungo's. The rest of the party guests followed suit.
When Harry arrived, he saw Molly and Hermione talking to a Healer and walked over to them catching the last few words of the conversation.
"…distress and we may have to operate if the heart rate doesn't improve. Just fill in these papers and then you can see her." The Healer said.
Harry stood shocked. "My baby is going to be okay right? Where's Ginny?"
Hermione bit her lip before answering. She purposefully avoided the first question. "They took Ginny up to the maternity ward. I can take you there while Mum fills out the paperwork 'kay?" She asked and then began to lead the way without waiting for a response. She knew what it would be.
"Yeah, okay." Harry answered while following her lead.
They walked up three flights of stairs; all the while Harry ran scenarios through his head, each getting progressively worse. Finally he looked up when Hermione gently touch his shoulder.
"We're here." She said while motioning for him to go though the open doorway. He could hear Ginny breathing and groaning through a contraction.
He walkedthrough the door and began to tear up at seeing his wife in such great pain. It hurt him that he could do nothing to relieve her of it.
"Harry! You're here!" Ginny exclaimed when she recovered from her contraction. "I was worried about you."
"I was worried about you. How are you and the baby? The Healer said something about him being in distress." Ginny's face fell at that.
"They said they may have to cut him out of me. I'm scared Harry, really scared."
"Everything will be okay Gin." Harry reassured her. Soon another contraction hit her and Harry ran over to hold her hand and help her through it.
An hour passed and people kept coming and going making sure everything was fine. Hermione and Molly were now in the room with Harry and Ginny while the rest of the family waited in the lobby.
Then a loud beeping echoed through the room and Healers ran into the room and began to check Ginny over.
"Okay the baby's heart rate is dropping radically! We need to perform a caesarean. Prepare the operating room. We're moving!" The healer yelled and started to move the bed while another healer threw Harry a pair of scrubs.
"Put them on and follow us." He commanded. Harry got them on as quick as possible and ran after the healers and Ginny's bed. He could hear her voice crying, "What's going on?"
He caught up in time to hear the healer's response. "Don't worry Mrs. Potter. You and you're baby will be fine. It seems like the umbilical cord is wrapped around your son's neck and he is suffocating. We need to cut him out. We will perform a numbing spell on your abdominal area and them make a small incision to get the baby out and then we will cut the umbilical cord. Then you can see the baby while I seal your stomach. There will be no scarring so don't worry. We will do everything possible so your son will be okay."
They finally reached the operating room and the healers rushed around getting everything they would need.
"Mr. Potter, I need to stay by your wife's head while we do this. We're going to put up a screen so you can't see this. It's a bit disconcerting to see someone being opened up," one of the assistants said.
They worked quickly and efficiently. "I've got him!" Harry heard the healer say. "Now cut the cord and suction the fluid." After all this was done Harry heard his son's first cries and saw the assistant come around the screen with his son wrapped in a blue blanket.
"He's so beautiful, Ginny. You did so well." Harry said and then kissed her on the forehead while she silently cried.
"I want to see him. Is he okay?"
"He's perfect." Harry responded with a watery smile. The assistant healer walked over and presented the baby to Ginny.
"Aww he has red hair! A true Weasley. Hi little Zachary. I'm your mummy." She cooed. "And see the scary man next to you, the one with the scary hair and green eyes? Well he's your daddy."
"Oi! Ginny!" Harry exclaimed, making Ginny laugh.
"He is beautiful, though. I wonder what his blue eyes are going to turn into." Ginny wondered.
"I have to take him to be cleaned and checked now. Then he will go to the nursery." The assistant said.
"Okay. Bye-bye Zachary! Mummy and Daddy will see you later." Ginny called. "I love him so much already. It's so amazing. We're parents Harry."
"Unbelievable." He responded.
"Okay Mrs. Potter we're going to wheel you back to your room where you can shower and rest. Then we will bring your son to you so you can try feeding him okay?" The healer asked.
"Yeah." Ginny replied.
Three days later, the Weasley's were gathered in the Potter's house waiting around for the Potter newlyweds and their newest edition. They wanted to make up for the failed baby shower so planned this welcome home party. Sarah Weasley's eyes were glued to the window looking out for her aunt and uncle's return.
"They're here!" She screamed.
"Okay everyone you know what to do. When the door opens yell surprise." Hermione told the group.
All was quiet while they waited impatiently for the door to open. After what felt like 10 minutes, the handle turned and the door opened to reveal Harry cradling a sleeping Zachary in his arms and Ginny behind him with the baby bag and suitcase.
"SURPRISE!" They all screamed and Harry looked up, startled, while Ginny grinned. Zachary amazingly stayed asleep through it. The party was a hit. Everyone cooed over Zach while Ginny and Harry relaxed on the sofa opening presents.
"So Gin, do you still want to have more after all you've been through?" Harry quietly asked.
Ginny gave him a big smile before answering. "Well I would love to if you think your up to it Potter. I want to give my parents a run for their money. How about we have eight. We started young. It's possible."
"Woah! That's a lot of kids. Are you serious!" Ginny smirked in response.
A/N 2:Have a great summer everyone! Thanks for reading and reviewing!