Title: The Real Folk Blues

Author: Adorkablebanana

Genre: Crossover, angst, romance, humor, action, drama.
Rating: Nc-17

Fandom: InuYasha/Yu Yu Hakusho

Warning: shoujo-ai, shounen-ai, sexual situations.
Summary: If problems time traveling didn't put Kagome down her warped modern day life will. Not only is Yuusuke Urameshi involved his life with her a case of kitsune obsession has her on the ropes. What's this? Her past is coming for her too? What's a girl to do under these conditions? A not so common Kurama/Kagome.
Disclaimer: I don't own or profit from the InuYasha and Yu Yu Hakusho series.

Chapter 14: Unexpected

P.O.V.: Kagome

"Do you know why God withheld the sense of humor from women?

That we may love you instead of laughing at you."

- Mrs. Patrick Campbell - to a man.

"Sorry can't talk now!" Yuusuke raced past Yuumi, rushing up the stairs. Leaving the words hanging on the startled woman's mouth.

Yuusuke rummaged his room, digging for a clean and suitable pair of clothes. Nothing. Damn it.

He dug, and dug and he dug…

Bingo! Found it!

He found a clean pair of black jeans, a decent button-up shirt and a dark shirt. Wearable for many occasions. Yuumi entered the room, quietly asking, "What's the matter, Yuusuke? Is something wrong?"

"No, all's good. Just lookin' for a decent outfit to wear to go to Keiko's performance. Remember Kagome spoke about it a while ago?"

"Ah, yes. Keiko-chan's ballet. I remember. Didn't Kagome leave earlier to go?" she asked. He nodded. "In that case, sweetheart, you better hurry. Why don't you hop in the shower and meanwhile I iron your clothes?" She offered, kindly.

Thank you, Yuumi! Yuusuke thought with relief. "Fine and thanks." He scurried to the bathroom as the older woman collected the clothing he left on the bed.

Yuusuke took a quick shower; washing his body cleansed of all the grime, blood and dirt covering him. The sensation of the spray of water after a long day refreshing and relaxing, scrubbing his skin.

The toushin discovered a disturbing thing in the bathroom making him mumble obscenities. Kagome replaced his razor with one of her pink lady razors. Why does she always do that?

It's so damn annoying sharing a bathroom with girls, he thought, bitterly. Damn her. Why doesn't she keep her grubby paws on her own things?!

Disregarding the disruption taking place in his private domain, he brushed his teeth, combed out his hair and gelling it to his preference.

Satisfied, he cautiously peeked behind the door as he cracked it open, checking to see if Yuumi might be around.

He didn't want to have an accidental walk in. It happened to him once already. A second time is not the charmer.

'Coast is clear.' Shivering, the cool air breezing into the room, Yuusuke hurried. Scooping the clothes Yuumi quickly pressed to wrinkle free perfection, he scrambled to get ready. Toweling himself, drying his body. Yuusuke threw on the black shirt, black jeans and a gray blazer jacket he long ago forgotten existed. Oh, well. Time to bring it to life.

He changed his mind about the button-up.

Right in the middle of process of pulling up his square-cut briefs, Kagome waltzed in to give him another round of "Hurry-up's" to prompt him to leave faster. Instead, her mouth suddenly was tongue-tied at the sight of Yuusuke's bare ass and exposed genitalia.

Yuusuke turned and gave her a funny look. The best way to describe is a cross between embarrassed and bewildered.

Kagome's beet-red face couldn't pull her eyes away from the, ahem, sight.

"Don't you fucking knock?!" Yuusuke shouted, yanking up his boxers and rushing into his jeans.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to barge in. I thought you were ready." Kagome turned away, embarrassed.

"I know this is the best thing you'll ever see in a long time—which you should really cherish—but, just knock next time like a normal person."

Kagome stalked out into the hallway, crumbling as she stormed off, "You—you! The nerve!"

Dressed to impressed, Yuusuke felt odd wearing such refined attire. It's simply not him...then again, it didn't matter. What matter today is Keiko.

Besides, Kagome would have a cow if he went down town looking like something the cat dragged in.

Dignified is the main objective here. Yuusuke rapidly left the house, dragging a pink-faced Kagome in tow all the while ignoring the stares his family shot him.

Right before they reach the building Keiko's performance was showing it occurred to Kagome to dig into her tote purse for the tickets to have them ready on hand.

And, much to her utter dismay, her ticket was nowhere to be found in the confines of her tote. Kagome continuously rummaged through her tote and no yellow ticket with a ballerina print anywhere.

Kagome stopped mid-step on the staircase right before entering the building. "Wait, Yuusuke."

Ahead of her, Yuusuke stops and looks over to her. "What's wrong?"

"I don't have my ticket with me. I think it's still in my drawer back at home," she said, sheepishly.

"C'mon! Really?" said Yuusuke, exasperated. "Keiko's on in less than fifteen minutes."

"I know, I know. I'm really sorry, she apologized. "You just go on ahead. I'll go back to the house and come back, asap."

"Are you sure? It's late now and I don't like the idea of you walking around at night by yourself."

"I'm a big girl. Don't worry about me."

Yuusuke pulled out his wallet from his back pocket and handed Kagome enough money to take a cab home and back. "Cab it back here as soon as you can. I'm going to be in near the front so I'll save you a seat."

"Thanks. The bus is almost here though. It will only take me twenty minutes to head back. But, to save time, I'm taking a cab back here. Go on ahead. You don't want her to get angry at you."

Yuusuke regarded Kagome with a serious look. "Remember, I'm up front."

"Got it. See you soon." Kagome waved her temporary farewell, making her way back to the bus stop three blocks east from the establishment.

Kagome disregarded the lack of people roaming the streets as she paced herself to catch the bus before the scheduled bus drives away. Her heels clicked and clacked the faster she ran. Only a few feet away from the said destination the bus decides to be horrible and pull off and away before she could have a chance to step in.

"Damn." Kagome frowned, annoyed at her luck. Sighing dejectedly, she started walking to the next bus stop. The next bus stop is more inclined to make local stops than the one she was currently departing from.

The streets are nearly vacant. Nobody in their right mind was walking around here after dark. Yet, this wasn't the first time Kagome roamed the streets as night approached. She has seen far worse things in her life time.

The whole feudal era trip doesn't necessarily count though, she thought.

All the tall buildings she passed are corporate and government buildings. Nothing terribly interesting to stare at, she thought, as she walked on, click-clacking her heels against the pavement.

A weird and sudden vibe brushed from the back of her neck right down to the tips of her toes. The feeling of uneasiness replaced her agitation over the tickets in seconds. The "off" sensation surrounding her was just enough to give her a strong jolt of paranoia. Kagome cautiously peeked from the corner of her eye to catch a glimpse of who and what may be following behind her.

The odd part of all of this, she could swear on her grandmother's grave that there was something following her. Kagome tried to keep calm and play it off coolly in order to not lose her nerve and try to not raise suspicion immediately. She could feel it in her beating heart there was somebody following her and it wasn't going away.

Kagome stopped walking.


Only the sound of driving cars passing by echoed the night.

Something wasn't right. The gut feeling inside her kept on insisting upon that. Kagome turned around and searched with her eyes. Nothing visible caught her eye. She mirror-like window of the bank she stood in front of was not her own reflection, but of Kikyou.

Kikyou stood where Kagome was currently, staring at her. It startled Kagome enough to make her jump a little.

A stern expression twisted the priestess' features. "Kagome look right behind you!" she exclaimed.

Kagome turned again and there on the grounds beside her shadow stretching behind her on the pavement was not alone, accompanied by another shadow figure.

Kagome gasped, her heart jumping to her throat. "W-What is that?"

A clawed, gangly hand reached out of the cement trying to grab hold of her—Kikyou's alarmed voice continued on saying, "Don't let it come near you! It's a demon, you fool!"

"Ahh!" Kagome yelped, pulling away, sprinting in a panic.

Kagome nearly toppled over herself. She abandoned her precious shoes and made a run after the bus that was slowly approaching.

The shadowy monster emerged from the flat surface of the sidewalk like a dark, transparent ghost, hissing and growling. It looked like a gargoyle crossed over with an ogre.

The mere sight of this thing only encouraged Kagome to further run, adrenaline pumping through her veins.

"I don't want to die!" Kagome squeaked. She shouted loud enough to draw the bus driver's attention. "Please, please stop! Something's trying to kill me!"

The bus slowly to a halt, opening its doors to her—without sparing a minute for a breath of air, she rushed on the bus, urging the bus driver, a bespectacled elderly man, to drive fast.

A bit surprised and nervous, the bus driver didn't argue. He pulled away and drove as fast as he could. Just the distraught look on the girl's face was enough to worry him.

Huffing and puffing, gasping for air. Her chest burned as she sucked in as much air as she could. She couldn't believe what just transpired. There's youkai and all sorts of demons roaming about. Making matters worse, they were after her. Again.

This isn't happening. Not again.

To get some fresh air, Kagome cracked the window open to let in air. She felt carsick.

Unexpectedly, the demon pounced on the side of the bus, pressing against Kagome's mirror.

Kagome's eyes shot open and a scream ripped through her lips.

She quickly stood, stumbling to the other side of the bus.

The demon roared with unbridled fury. The few passengers on the bus went haywire, panicking and losing their minds at the sight of the demon—punching fists through the glass and forcing his way in.

The bus driver looked at the chaos from the rearview mirror and nearly had a stroke. "OH my God!" he shouted, losing control of the wheel. The bus swerved around violently. All the passengers, including the demon, were thrown around against the seats.

The demon crashed against one of the poles. Kagome scrambled to another seat, trying to grip her way to safety.

Kagome and everyone inside flew in every direction. Holding onto one of the nearest seat handles, she managed to not fly through a broken window.

The bus collided straight into a school fence, turning the vehicle on its right side.

The demon yelped in pain. Immediately scratching its way out of the broken down bus and dissolving into the ground.

Kagome breathed in and out, slowly. Every part of her hurt a lot. It was a miracle she didn't die or fatally injury herself to the brink of death.

Crawling out of the torn open back door, Kagome limped out of the vehicle covered in cuts and possibly bruises. Her wrist hurt a lot. She limped out as fast as she could before the faint sirens could catch up with her.