Author's note: I was really bored at like 2 in the morning so I wanted to write something, and I guess this was the outcome of it. Anyways this will be a one shot and is really 'special' just as a warning. My brain is screwed up when I get overtired so give me a break.

Summary: The day he became a doctor the others treated him like a freak. They placed a potato sack on his head. They starved him and kept the chainsaw-weilding-manic-to-be in a confined space, under guard at all times. Dr. Salvador is just so misundertood...

Disclaimer- I don't own resident evil or any of their characters. I don't own a chainsaw, if I did there would be trouble. :P

There he stood, chainsaw in hand, standing near the town gates. The village cheif had given him direct orders to watch out for some American intruder.

This was all that he did. Day in and day out, all he would do was wait until someone came along that he was supposed to 'take care of', then kill them with one sweep of his chainsaw.

Over the years the deadly piece of machinery had become like another body part. It felt like it had melted into his hand.

Doctor Salvador glanced down at the chainsaw and spoke out loud in a dry, unused voice.

"My magic wand." He patted it with his other hand and stared into the sky and began to daydream about his past time...

The sun was shinning and the birds were chirping happily.

Doctor Salvador was sitting in a green, lush medow. He had a checker blanket spread out on the ground underneith him and had a picnic basket beside his legs.

The doctor was enjoying the day. He dug into the picnic basket and produced a thermous and a paper bag filled with bread, peanut butter, and jelly.

He happily snacked on the pieces of bread with the delicious contents on top then decided that it was time to pour himself some tea. Once it was poured, Doctor Salvador sipped the hot liquid regally like some queen at a royal tea.

Something fluttered in the the corner of his eye. He glanced to the side and saw a butterfly. He put the cup of tea down and stood up.

The butterfly flapped its wings and flew off. Doctor Salvador followed it, skipping merrily behind, chainsaw on and swinging around in his one hand. He hadn't noticed it.

The butterfly flew off and vanished into a patch of flowers.

Doctor Salvador looked around and saw something white. It was a rabbit.

He skipped over to the tiny rodent and opened his arms to give it a hug.

But he had forgotten to turn the machine off. Before he got to hug the furry creature the chainsaw blade made contact with the rabbit's neck...

Doctor Salvador twitched himself back into reality. He glanced towards the two villagers, one on either side of him. He looked at the guy to the right who looked at him.


"Oh nothing, sorry."

The guy to the left cleared his throat to get some attention.

"Don't talk to the doctor. He is not to be talked to or anything so shut up or I'll hit you with my axe that I sharpened and is sooo totaly shiny and its the best kind out there and-" he was shut by the guy to the right, who grabbed the axe away from him.

A third guy appeared and started to beat the guy on the left. He walked away after that and went to continue looking out for the intruder.

Doctor Salvador looked at the guy on the ground, who was knocked out.

"Think he's alright?" The guy on the right asked.

"Don't know, let me see." He extended his arm towards the guy's body, forgetting yet again that his chainsaw was running and he was using the hand with it in it.

"Here, I'll poke him."

The chainsaw blade dug into the guy's arm. Doctor Salvador's eyes widened.

"What should we do now?"

"I know," the guy to the right said.

They both started to panic, then decided to put the body in a bush and started to whistle like nothing had happened at all. Then all of the sudden gun shots could be heard.

Doctor Salvador made sure his chainsaw was still on and began running towards all the noises. He spotted Leon and ran straight towards him.

Leon looked at him weird. The crazy weirdo was running straight for a fence.

Doctor Salvador saw the intruder through his tiny eyeholes. It all faded when he tripped on something wooden and did a faceplant into the ground.

Leon brought his hand gun up and began shooting into his fallen body.

The doctor felt the lead bullets enter him. He stood up and charged towards Leon, who turned around and began running away.

He was just about to chop the guy's head off when the church bell rang. Everyone dropped their weapons and went into the building with the insignia on the door. All except Doctor Salvador.

He ran and hid in the house where there was a conveniently placed shot gun. He saw a bed upstairs and rolled himself under it.

Leon entered the house, broke some barrels, got the shot gun and went over to the bed. He swore that he had heard the sound of a chainsaw. He just shrugged it off and left the house, wanting to explore some more.

Doctor Salvador came out from his hiding place and looked out the window. He saw Leon heading towards the boarded up barn. He quickly ran out of the house and went over to the gates where he had been earlier.

Leon saw the blue gates and began to walk cautiously towards them. He looked to the side and saw a dark space.

"Pssst," someone said.

Leon walked to the dark area and a man appeared wearing a black trench coat. Leon knew who he was because the man had a potato sack on his head.

Dumbass, Leon thought.

"You've gotta help me," Doctor Salvador said.

"What do you want?"

"Take the potato sack off my head."

"And what's in it for me?"

"Free therapy?"


Leon put his gun away and started to tug on the potato sack. It wouldn't budge one bit.

"I think they super glued it on," Doctor Salvador said.

Leon pulled one more time and gave up.

"Do I still get free therapy?"

"No because you didn't get the stupid thing off my head."

"Damn you! I've had to fight hoards of zombies and battle weird creations. I've changed drastically because of them," he whined

Doctor Salvador just patted his back and walked away.

" I'll be waiting for you outside of the chief's house. Watch out for the guy in the crapper under the stairs. And if you go back into the room that you got the key, you'll trigger another cut scene."


Leon walked through the gates and entered the farm, leaving the doctor to wander around.