Authors Note: I'm so sorry for not updating the story for a long time. I was very very busy with my school work and getting ready for my last year exam.

Another Note: I do not own Transformers.Only Anubus Prime and Serenity (I'll introduce her later) belong to me.

Chapter 2: Screamer Meet Autobots

Optimus Prime looked down at the young infant sleeping soundly in Jetfire's arms. Not long ago Jetfire arrived at the entrance of the base. As he entered the control room, a group of Autobots were there to congrat him for his retrieval of the Mini –con but turnedsuprisewhen Jetfire introduces the child he found.

"So you have no idea where this child came from?" asked Optimus Prime.

"Affirmative, sir." Answered Jetfire as he placed the child gently onto a recharge berth nearby. The child stirred but did not awake.

"It looks more like a miniature Starscream to me. Don't you agree, Smokescreen?" asked Hot Shot to his friend. Smokescreen nodded.

"Maybe a relative of Starscream," suggested Sideswipe. "Maybe he accidentally forgotten about the child when they warp out."

"Hah, abandon is more like it," snorted Jetfire. "The Decepticons are selfish beings. They never care about anyone…not even their own. So Optimus, can we keep the child and raise it like our own?"

Optimus thought for a solution for a few minutes and then answered the shuttle's question.

"First we must find out who he belongs to."

Jetfire clenched his fist. "What's the point of doing it?" exclaimed Jetfire. "What's the point of finding out the scum who abandon this helpless child?"

Optimus stared at his second-in-command. Why was Jetfire protective over this child he only met an hour ago?

"Jetfire, listen to me. If we would want to take care of this child, we must find out about its background. Do you understand?" said Optimus in a stern tone.

Jetfire looked away and just nodded. Satisfied, Optimus ordered Red Alert to bring the child to the med room and analyze him. The medic nodded, took the child into his arms and left for the med room. Optimus then turned his attention towards the rest of the Autobots.

"This might take awhile, so I want all of you to return to your quarters and do as you please. You are all dismissed."

As they were about to leave the room, the main door suddenly open and in came Anubus Prime, who was in jackal mode. Her ears flatten as she looked around and straighten as she rested her gaze on Optimus.

"Did I miss something?" she asked in her slightly deep female voice as she walked towards him. At the same time, the Autobots left the room.

"Yes, Anubus. You miss a lot this morning. Where have you been?" asked Optimus who sounded like a parent scolding a child. "Didn't I order all the Autobots to return to the base?"

Anubus sat on her bottom and lifted her snout towards her commander.

"The reason I was late was because I detected a strange energy after our victory at the rainforest. I tried to find the source of the energy but lost it. I'm sorry if I worried you."

Her ears flatten to show her quilt and waited for a response from Optimus. Optimus just smiled under his face plate and patted her canine head.

"It's all right, Anubus. I know you are capable of taking care of yourself. But just remember to inform me before you go solo."

Anubus ears straighten and also smiled. "So what I miss?"

Hay you all! Professor-Aiden here. Sorry if this chapter is short. But I promised the other chapters will be longer. So please stay tune and please review. Bye y'all!