(Decepticon Moon Base)

At the Decepticon training room, a certain red seeker was practicing with his sword. He did a double spin and turned his sword to the left. He then jumped into the air and slashed a boulder into half.

Panting, Starscream turned his sword back into his wing and replaced it. Suddenly he heard a sound coming from some machinery.

Taking back out his sword, Starscream approach the boulder with caution. Reaching it he looked behind, but before he could a bright light emerged from it and knocked him down. He only caught a glimpse of a bird's head before blacking out…


Demolisher was heading towards the training room hoping to find Starscream there. When he reached its doors he suddenly heard someone crying inside.

"What in the world?" he said as he entered the room.

There in the middle of the training room was a child transformer, who looks were like a seeker with red, white and black paintjobs. Its hands were near its face, which was stain with tears and is sitting on its bottom.

"What is there a child doing here?" Demolisher asked as he approached the infant.

He then bend down and picked up the child, holding it at eye level. Staring at the child for a few minutes he relived it was Starscream.

"S-starscream? It's that you?" he asked.

The child looked up at Demolisher with a frighten face and started to whimper.

"Better tell this to Megatron."

(Throne room)

"What now, Demolisher? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep here!" shouted Megatron from his throne.

Demolisher winced.

"I'm sorry, sir. But I have something to tell you."

"Well, what is it?"

"I was heading towards the training room when I heard someone crying. I opened the doors and found this child." Showing the child to Megatron who was still whimpering.

"So? Who those it belongs to?" he asked angrily.

"This child is Starscream."

"Starscream! Who could have done this to him?" asked Megatron, standing from his throne.

"I was thinking the same thing, sir," answered Demolisher.


"What can we do with him, Megatron?"

"Get rid of him away."

"Excuse me, Megatron?" asked Demolisher, a surprise look on his face.

"You heard me. Get rid of him."

"B-but Megatron, he's one of us. I can't do that to him!"

"I gave you an order, Demolisher."

"Can't we find a solution to this problem?"

"None of the Decepticons here are experienced in this kind of thing. Besides, if he stays it will only just bring trouble to us."

"But-"he hesitated.

"Do as you were told, Demolisher!" shouted Megatron.

"Y-yes," he stuttered. Taking the child under his arm, Demolisher heads towards the warp room.

(Warp Gate)

"Forgive me, Starscream. But Megatron gave me an order and I must obey."

Putting the infant on the platform, Demolisher went to the controls and pushed some buttons. Seconds later, Starscream started to materialized

and disappeared.

"Have a nice trip, Starscream," whispered Demolisher.

(Earth: The rainforest)

Minutes later, Starscream materialized inches above the ground and fell with a thud. Looking around his surrounding he relived he was alone. Feeling scared and rejected, Starscream started to cry loudly.

(Another part of the rainforest)

"Jetfire, this is Optimus. Have you located the Mini-con?"

"Negative, sir. There's too much mist up here, I could barely see what's in front of me," replied Jetfire through his comlink.

"Well keep trying. We can't let the Decepticons get that Mini-con," said Optimus with a stern tone.

"Roger that. Jetfire out."

Continuing his search in the air Jetfire suddenly froze in midair when he saw a green light coming from one of the tree's branches.

"The Mini-con!" He shouted.

Flying towards it he reached out to retrieve it but was stop by a laser beam.

"What the!" Looking below he saw it was Demolisher who shot the beam, a grin on his face.

"Great, the Decepticons are here."

"Sorry, Autobot, but that Mini-con belongs to us!" Shouted Demolisher as he lifted his hands and started firing at the second-in-command.

Jetfire managed to dodge the lasers and flew out of the Con's shooting rangeDemolisher tried to follow but missed which resulted one of his missed laser beam to hit one of the tree's branches, which contains the Mini-con. The Mini-con flew out of the branches and right into Jetfire's hands.

"Well Demolisher, I believe I've won this round." Taking out his gun he aimed at Demolisher's chest and fired. A direct hit! Demolisher walked backwards, stumble upon a fallen tree and hit his head on some boulders.

"Now to tell Optimus the good news." Tapping on his comlink Jetfire contacted his commander.

"Optimus, do you read me? I've got the Mini-con. I repeat, I've got the Mini-con."

"Good work, we'll meet you back at the base," Optimus congratulated.

Just as Jetfire turned off his comlink he heard Megatron yelled retreat from afar. He then saw Demolisher materialized and disappeared.

"Good riddance."

Getting ready to take off into the air, he stopped when he heard a sound from behind. Looking over his shoulder Jetfire saw some of the bushes rustled. He turned and walked towards it. As he reached it, he bent down on his knees, separated the bushes and looked inside.

He gasped.

There in the bushes was a child transformer sleeping and leaning on a tree behind it. Its face was stain with tears and looked a lot like a certain seeker he dislikes. It had the same paintjob as the seeker had the same body design and face feature. Its wings had the Decepticon insignia on it.

The child was like a small version of Starscream.

"It looks just like him, but can it really be him?"

Standing up, Jetfire put his hand on his chin and thought deeply.

"What should I do? I can't just leave it here. That won't be the Autobot way."

Looking down, he suddenly smiles under his faceplate when he saw how the child looks so cute and innocent when sleeping.

"But when they're awake they're a pain in the neck."

Thinking deeply again, Jetfire decided to bring the child to the base, hoping that Optimus Prime would know what to do.

Taking the child gently into his arms, Jetfire took off into the air and flew towards the direction of the base.