Disclaimer: This is a Star Wars/Harry Potter crossover and I own neither. The only Harry character actually appearing is Harry himself, others will be mentioned and maybe seen in flashback but that's it. Voldemort's long dead, Au from book 5. Sirius did not die in the DoM. For SW set after ANH but before ESB and obviously goes AU. Still trying to decide if there should be pairings. Opinions please? And if there are who should be paired with whom? Please review! Harry and Luke may seem OOC but there are reasons for it! On with the story!

Chapter 1

Major Thomas Snape watched as the guards dragged the unconscious Rebel towards the detention block. His companion, Captain Jon Neald, shook his head.

"That one won't last long."


"That's the Rebel responsible for the Death Star's destruction. Lord Vader's taken a personal interest in him."

"Doesn't look old enough to be a pilot."

"They say he's one of those Jedi sorcerers, who knows what he can do." Thomas flinched.

"I hope precautions have been taken."

"All to Lord Vader's specifications. The Executor will be rendezvousing with us soon to collect him." He glanced at his chrono.

"I'm due on the bridge, I'll see you later for diner Thom. Don't worry that scum isn't going anywhere."

Thomas headed for his quarters as Jon left for his shift. He lay back on his bunk and stared at the stark ceiling. Something about the rebel was bugging him. He mentally reviewed everything he'd heard about the pilot who'd blown the monstrosity to smithereens. Male human, between seventeen and twenty-one, native of Tatooine. He was missing something, the pilot's name. He got up and turned his computer on, searching through recent Imperial Warrants. The Rebels name… He groaned and sat back. So Anakin Skywalker had a son and obviously Vader knew of the boy. He pitied the child for what he'd soon be going through. But what if… No, it was crazy. The rules said there could only be two at one time and there was no way Palpatine was going to sit back and die. But if, and it was a very big if, if it did happen the Galaxy was screwed. He groaned again and fell back on his bunk. The question was, did he have any right to interfere?

"Of course you do Harry." He didn't bother sitting up at the familiar voice.

"Hullo Mace old chum, what brings you here?" He peered at the spectre, annoyed.

"You know what. Vader must not be allowed to get Skywalker's son."

"That's nice. Call Obi-Wan, I'm sure he'd love to rescue the brat." Harry rolled over, trying to ignore his dead friend.

"Obi-Wan is dead." That got his attention. Harry, current alias Thomas Snape, bolted upright.

"What? How?"

"Vader. He was buying time for Luke and his friends to escape the Death Star.'

"So the kid's trained?"

"Only very slightly. He needs to get to Yoda Harry."

"Fine! But you owe me big time. Do you know how hard it is to get fake id's set up these days?"

"Agreed. Just see him safely to Yoda old friend. After that he's on his own."

"Somehow I doubt that." Harry grumbled as Mace Windu faded from sight. Sometimes he really regretted revealing himself to the jedi, at least the knowledge had never been recorded and was kept within the Council or he would have had a lot of unwanted attention during the Purge. Hermione had been right, he rally did have a saving people complex, even if it had lessened greatly over the years. He quickly packed up everything he wanted, leaving nothing that could identify him. He felt bad leaving Jon without at least saying good-bye so he left a message in the system to be delivered to his friend in two hours. Imperial officer or not Jon was a nice guy, maybe they'd see each other again one day. Major Snape had been nice, pity to get rid of him so soon after all the work he'd put into him. He'd have to stay vaguely in character until he dumped the kid with the midget and then he was gone. Maybe it was time to try smuggling again, it was always good for a bit of fun.

No one questioned him as he wandered through the engine control room, after all no one could see him. The rescue would only become risky when he reached the detention block, he couldn't risk exposing himself to the boy. It was Childs play to set the overload that would knock them out of hyperspace so they could escape in his personal two-man fighter. Once he neared the cellblock he drew his blaster and easily took out the guards before checking the computer for the right cell.

Luke barely managed to raise his head as the door to his cell opened. Exhausted, he let his head fall back with a thump onto the cold metal bench that served as his bed. It had been stupid to fall for such an obvious trap but they'd needed those supplies. He only hoped the rest of the team had made it out. His leg throbbed from where the blaster bolt had hit him, with the way he'd fallen from it if anyone had made it back they'd probably reported him dead. But it was his ribs and head that were causing him the most pain. Unable to stand he hadn't been able to defend himself from the blows and the troopers had known it. They'd enjoyed roughing him up for 'resisting arrest'. Obviously it was time for the next round. He flinched slightly in anticipation as a hand came to rest on his shoulder.

"Skywalker, are you awake? Come on kid, hang in there." He blearily opened his eyes to see an Imperial officer crouched by his head, a look of concern on his face.

"Can you understand me?" He must look really bad for him to ask that.

"Yes." His voice was a pained whisper.

"They really worked you over. I know it hurts but I need you to try and stand."

"Can shoot me laying." That earnt an amused snort.

"I'm not going to shoot you kid. Hyperdrive's set too blow in ten, we need to be at the hangar by then." Luke managed a puzzled look, at least that's what he was aiming for.

"I'm your rescue Luke."


"No. Can the questions wait, we really need to move." The officer looked him over carefully before digging through his pocket.

"Here, swallow these, it'll help." Luke forced himself to focus on the other mans open hand. Two pills lay on his palm. Luke pulled away, beginning to panic.

"Easy, I'm not going to hurt you Luke."


"Mace'd have my head."


"A really annoying ex-Jedi Master." Luke stared at him blankly.

"Master Mace Windu, he died before you were born. Shows up now and then to annoy me. He said you need outta here so here I am. Look, I swear I'll answer any questions once we're safely gone. Just trust me that long." Emerald eyes met blue before Luke nodded. His rescuer smiled and seemed to relax slightly.

"Will you take them?" He held the pills out again.


"Strong painkiller and antibiotic, your legs pretty infected and I don't like the look of those cuts." Luke opened his mouth, swallowing once the pills were on his tongue.

Thomas waited as the 'magic' pills went to work. Luke's eyes began to unfocus and glaze as the kid frowned, dazed.

"Trick…" He slurred before his eyes rolled back and his body went limp. Thomas winced slightly, he hated to do it but it'd be easier to escape with Luke unconscious. He knew that whatever trust he'd managed to gain was gone with his deception.

A day later and Luke was still out but was now safely tucked up in Orion Grangers spare bedroom. The pills would keep him out for only a few hours more, already he was moving towards a more natural sleep. Harry stood on the room's balcony where he could keep one eye on his guest while watching the waves crash against the beach below. The kid's injuries had been worse than he'd first thought which meant a longer recovery and more chance of discovery. Sure, had had the strongest wards and illusions in place that could be put on a piece of land but there was always the chance of someone with enough latent talent stumbling upon them. He really didn't want to have to fly through an Imperial blockade just because someone got overly curious. Corellia probably wasn't the best place to bring an injured Rebel but it had been the closest. He turned to the bedroom as a low groan sounded. He watched as Luke's head began to feebly toss, delirium had set in even with all the medical attention he'd been given. Harry didn't want to admit it but he was worried, the combination of magical and normal medications should have made it impossible for the infection to spread and initiate a fever and yet it had. If it didn't break in the next day or two there would be permanent damage, if he survived the strain on his already weakened body. The groans started to gain in volume and frequency as Luke began to move weakly in the bed as if trying to get away from something or someone.

Luke was trapped in a nightmare world of pain as the stormtroopers took turns abusing his already battered body. He watched in horror as their forms morphed into those of his friends.

"Told ya that hokey religion would get you killed." Han sneered as his fist slammed into his stomach. Tears began to fall freely as his friends took turns, Chewie holding him tightly across the chest, arms like steel bands.

"Please no." He sobbed brokenly. "Stop please." They ignored his pleas as he tried to fight against the hands holding him in place.


"Luke! Come on kid wake up! Whatever you're seeing isn't real. You're safe." He knew that voice, but from where? Chewies' arms were gone, replaced by cool, soothing hands. Over his friends taunts came a strong, gentle voice. Gradually his struggles lessened as he gave into exhaustion.

"Shhh. That's it, you're safe Luke. Just sleep, no more nightmares." Listening to the voice he didn't fight as a cool liquid was poured down his parched throat. Luke didn't fight the heaviness that settled in his limbs and spread swiftly through his body, stealing his strength and consciousness, plunging him into a welcome world of black nothingness.

Harry relaxed and sat back as the Dreamless Sleep kicked in, Luke's body going limp under him as his breathing evened out. He hadn't wanted to give it to him on top of everything else already in his system but the only other option was knocking him out. At least he hadn't fought him when he'd poured it down his throat or tried to fight its effects. Trying to explain to Mace that the kid had choked to death would not have been fun. Whatever Luke had been experiencing had obviously been disturbing, the drying tear tracks on his face were testament to that.

"I thought that was dangerous for anyone not like you." Harry sighed.

"He has enough raw talent that it's not a risk." He turned to face the spirit who'd taken a seat on the windowsill.

"Enough to be trained?"

"Yes." Harry studied his old friend carefully.

"No way! Jedi training can be rushed under the circumstances with few risks. I do this and I'm stuck with him for at least four years and that's if he's a prodigy."

"Palpatine and Vader are incredibly strong."

"True, but I thought you couldn't afford to wait."

"Any training he could be given in the next two years would be a help."

"No! I don't train people. Don't do this to him Mace! I've been there. You'll end up with a weapon whose sole purpose is to destroy two people and no purpose once it's done. That's no way for someone to live!"

You survived."

"Barely and I fully expected to die that day. Mace please!"

"I can't force you to do this Harry, I don't think it's possible for anyone to do so. All I can do is ask. At least say you'll look out for him when you can, he's our last hope." Mace faded away and Harry frowned.

"No he's not." He turned back to his sleeping patient and sighed.

"Manipulative old ghost." The description he'd given was accurate, the jedi wanted the boy trained for one reason, to destroy the Sith. They'd never risk training someone so old otherwise. Just as he'd been trained for one thing, destroying the Dark lord. He'd done it, but it had cost him everyone and everything he'd ever loved.


Harry picked his way across the battlefield towards Tom and the remains of his inner circle. He stopped by two bodies and fought back the tears. Severus and Sirius lay side by side where they'd fallen defending each other's back. They'd put aside their childish difference the previous year when Voldemort had captured Harry, outing Snape as a spy in the process. Of his friends only Dumbledore, Moody, Mr. Weasley, Remus and surprisingly Neville were still standing. Ron had fallen defending his injured fiancée, Hermione who had been killed quickly afterwards. Ginny had been defending her mother when the vampires had torn through them both. All the professors had fallen defending the younger students who were still mostly safe in the castle dungeons.

Harry screamed in angry denial as both Albus and Remus fell within seconds of each other, a silver dagger felling his second godfather while a well-placed Avada Kevada took out the man he considered his grandfather. He tightened his grip on his wand and the sword of Gryffindor as he stalked towards Voldemort. Death Eaters backed away from the pure fury and pain the teenager was radiating, unwilling to get in his way or their Lord's.

"We meet again Harry Potter." Voldemort hissed in glee.

"For the last time Tom. You won't leave here alive Riddle."

"Such a brave threat. Look around you boy. You're friends have fallen and you're all alone. I give you this last chance, join me."

"I'll die first!"

Sooo be it." Voldemort raised his wand and also summoned a sword. Harry cast the first curse, which was easily deflected. They continued for hours, neither gaining ground.

"I'd expected better from the so called Saviour of the Wizarding World. Poor little Harry. Time to die boy." Harry paid no attention to what he was saying. He'd been fighting on what amounted to autopilot the entire time, concentrating on an Ancient spell he'd discovered six months previously. It was a last resort spell due to its price. To destroy another's soul required the casters own life. Few would be willing to give the ultimate price but as tom had already pointed out, Harry had no one left. He smiled up at Voldemort, emerald eyes glowing with gathered power.

"You're right Tom, but I won't be the only one." And with that he unleashed the spell. He watched as if from a great distance as Voldemort screamed, a bright white light surrounding his body and then destroying. He smiled as he felt his own body falling but was unaware of hitting the ground as the blackness swallowed him, ending his pain.

End Flashback

He'd woken an unknown time later, disorientated and amnesiac, in an alley on Coruscant. It had taken two years on the streets for his memory to fully return and a further hundred for him to accept that he was never going home. Instead of dieing he'd absorbed all of Tom's power making him practically immortal. Now, if given the option to return to earth he'd turn it down without hesitation, he'd changed to much to ever be able to return. This Galaxy was now his home, for better or worse. But what would be the result for Luke after his final battle? Death at the Emperors hand? Or would he fall to the old mans manipulations and forsake all he'd ever loved? The chances of him winning and not falling in the process were slim as things stood. Would Harry's training help or just make a more powerful tyrant?

Harry studied the boy, no young man, they were similar in so many ways and he'd managed to stay mostly true to his beliefs. Would Luke have the strength to do the same? He took a deep breath and made his choice. Harry Potter had stood an the sidelined for too long, he'd been trained as a warrior and that was what he was at heart, no matter how he tried to deny it.

"I Harry James Potter take you, Luke Skywalker, as my apprentice until you are able to stand on your own or until death parts us. I swear to teach you to the best of my abilities, to clothe you, feed you, care for all your needs and defend you against all who would harm you. So do I swear upon all I hold dear." As he fell silent he felt the air charge with their combined magic's as the magical oath he'd sworn bound them for life.

"Hope you're happy Mace." Harry carefully crawled into the bed beside Luke, wrapping his arms around the slender form protectively. He was tired from the magic the oath had required and needed to sleep, he'd already been awake for forty hours straight. It would take time for the magic to settle, until it did it was best for them to remain close and there was no way he was sleeping in a chair for who knew how long!