This is my New Story. Can Darien save her before it is too late?

Fighting Time

Darien was sitting at his usual chair at the arcade. Darien was tall, dark, and handsome. He had dark blue eyes and midnight black hair. "Hey Andrew, How are you?"

Andrew smiled, "I'm doing good." Andrew has blond hair and green eyes. He is two inches shorter then Darien. Andrew owned the arcade and was the same age as Darien, 20. At that moment they hear the bell of the door. A 16 year old girl walks to the counter and sits two chairs away from Darien. She has long blond hair, wrapped in odangos. She has light blue eyes and rosy red lips.

"Hey, Andrew. Can I have a vanilla milkshake?" She smiles.

"Sure Serena, One vanilla milkshake for the dame." Andrew cheers as she giggles.

"Meatball head, don't think you drink enough milkshakes to make you fatter then a cow." Darien looked down at Serena.

"Didn't I say don't call me that, you insignificant, Jerk wad." Serena walked to the table where her friends had sat.

"Apparently, she is starting to study?" Darien said proud.

"Why do you always mess with her? Can't you be nice?" Andrew sighed.

"I really try to, but I for some reason I can't control myself." Darien stared at his food.

"Have you ever thought that maybe you like her?" Andrew questioned.

"Her, no way." Darien said staring at Andrew. He looked around. "And what if I did?"

Andrew laughed. " I knew you were going to say that."

Darien sighed. "How long have you known?"

Andrew smiled. "It doesn't matter. You should probably be nicer to her. Maybe she likes you too." Everyone else knew they liked each other, but they couldn't see it.

Ta da. Ok kind of short but I have to update In the Name of Love, so I need about 5 reviews to update? Maybe with ideas to help me create a stronger plot faster. So please review.