Harry Potter and Dumbledore's Mistake

a/n: Sorry I didn't update. School got busier and I started softball and that's everyday…so I know though, no excuses. Here's chapter seven…I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update until school gets out in June…so please bear with me until then.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. If I did, I'd be JKR and very rich.

Chapter 7: The Will of Sirius Orion Black

The nest morning, when Harry woke up, he found himself very sore from sleeping all night on the floor. As he sat there, everything from the day before slowly came back to him. He was happy to find that the mess he had left the night before was still there. That meant that the Dursley's hadn't bothered him.

'Well,' he thought 'I suppose I should pack up everything into my new trunk.'

He started in the first compartment. He placed all his old school robes, plus his new robes (school only) in the compartment. He also added his new muggle clothes (he would burn his old ones from Dudley later), his wand, his invisibility cloak, and the Marauder's Map in with his school robes. In the next compartment, he put all his school supplies, including his sixth year school books. The third compartment he turned into his kitchen, complete with a refrigerator that would help food last forever, and a restocking bar with muggle and wizard drinks. He also added a freezer and table to sit at. He placed a door that would act as a portal to the other living compartments by the refrigerator so it looked like a storage cupboard. In the fourth compartment, he made his bedroom and bathroom. He made a wardrobe where he put all of his new robes and the other muggle clothes that he wouldn't' wear everyday. He made a cabinet for his TV and DVD player which he warded to play without interference from magic.

He didn't make his bed as luxurious as it was at his ancestral home, but it was still a very comfortable red and gold four poster. His bathroom wasn't as big either, but it was more than substantial. He also added a door for a portal which he placed in the bathroom to look like a linen closet if anybody came in.

His next compartment was turned into a study and library. In his study area, he set up a work area for practical potions work. He also added a desk with a very comfortable chair. For the library, he bought many shelves and put all the other books he had into piles with the title of each subject. It would make it much easier for him to find what he wanted. He put extra parchment, quills and ink in the desk so he wouldn't have to worry about running out for awhile. As in the other two compartments, this one got a door by the desk to look like a storage closet.

In the sixth compartment, Harry set up his training area. He padded the walls and put cushioning charms around the floor. He had bought dummies during his trip to Diagon Alley that could match his ability at dueling. They also had two other functions that helps tremendously. There was a built in spell meter that could tell him how much power he put behind his spells, and there was the option of choosing which level he wanted to fight the dummy at. He warded off an area for his muggle weights and punching bag, to protect them form stray spells. He then added the portal and went to the last compartment.

In the seventh and final compartment, Harry set up an obstacle course. He placed the other dummies that he bought and dressed them up as death eaters. These dummies would roam around the course and try to catch the person off guard. Harry also made a track for running to get into shape (when he couldn't' run outside at least). He made caverns and gorges with lava that he would have to find a way across. He had gotten the "death-eater" dummies because he could program them to work to his level and increase as he got better. He also decided to add a quidditch pitch to practice flying. He added the portal and climbed out of the trunk.

Overall, Harry was pleased with I work. True to the owner's words, none of the few spells that Harry used were detected. As luck would have it, Harry didn't' have to do too much magic, but he had needed to do some conjuring, which he realized that he really needed to improve upon. Everything else was provided or he had bought it. The trunk was also good in that it sort of had a built in warding system, so Harry hadn't needed to actually set up any wards. He just needed to say what he wanted and it was provided.

He wrote a quick note to Dobby and Winky, grabbed a few of his new school books, and climbed back down into his trunk to set his schedule for the next two months. Harry Potter would be a very busy adolescent for the rest of the summer. His schedule looked something like this:

5:30 am -6:30 am: Wake up, Get Dressed, Stretch

6:30 am -7:30 am: Running and Physical training

7:30 am -8:30 am: Dueling and Sword Combat Practice

8:30 am -9:00 am: Shower and Breakfast

9:00 am -10:00 am: Charms and Transfiguration Study

10:00 am -11:00 am: DADA and Potions Study

11:00 am -12:00 pm: Animagus Training

12:00 pm -12:30 pm: Lunch

12:30 pm -1:00 pm: Search for Wand Materials

1:00 pm -2:00 pm: Apparation and Stealth Training

2:00 pm -3:00 pm: Occulemency and Legillmency Training

3:00 pm -4:00 pm: Dark Arts Study/Training

4:00 pm -5:00 pm: Potions Brewing

5:00 pm -6:00 pm: Dagger Training and Muggle Combat

6:00 pm -6:30 pm: Dinner

6:30 pm -7:30 pm: Laws and History of Politics Study

7:30 pm -8:30 pm: Transfiguration Practice

8:30 pm -9:30 pm: Charms Practice

9:30 pm -10:00 pm: Flying/Quidditch Practice

10:00 pm -10:30 pm: Healing Study/Practice

10:30 pm -5:30 am: Sleeping

Over the next week, Harry improved greatly with is studies. His muscles also became more defined. He grew a little too, with some proper meals, and all the running paid off. He was starting to get a tan fro his daily walks to find his wand materials. These walks were meant for him to find the wood, but he never felt any pull or connection to any of the trees he passed. Also during the week, he received a reply from Dobby and Winky. They would love to work for Harry and would be ready when needed. He told the elves that he had a place at the Potter Family Home for them, but they could stay at Hogwarts for now and he would call them when he needed them.

On the morning of July 9th, Harry's routine was no different. He got up did his running and other training. He had taken a shower and was just finishing breakfast when the doorbell rang. Uncle Vernon, who was home that Saturday morning, got up to answer it. Harry, figuring that it was Remus and he might need to stop a fight, cautiously followed his uncle.

When Uncle Vernon opened the door, his face went from pink, to red, to purple, and back to pink in about 3 seconds. For a minute Harry thought that his uncle would slam the door in Remus' face. He was proved wrong, howeve4r, by what Uncle Vernon managed to grunt out.

"May I help you sir?" he asked.

Harry could tell it was costing him a huge effort to talk to a "freak".

"Hello, yes, I'm here to pick up your nephew Harry. You are Vernon Dursley I presume?" Remus said.

"I'm right here Remus. No need to bother them. Come in, I just need to make sure I have everything," Harry answered as he stepped out of the shadow of his uncle's body.

"Harry, is that really you?" Remus asked. "You look so different. I wouldn't have recognized you. You've really grown."

"I've been busy this past week," was all Harry said.

He felt Remus follow him to his room and saw him look around as Harry grabbed his wand and wallet. He had already hidden his daggers inside their respective holsters.

"All set," Harry stated.

They took the Knight Bus to the Leaky Cauldron and from there walked to Gringotts. As they sat waiting for the manager, Harry and Remus chatted about unimportant stuff. They talked about each other's summers so far (though Harry did not mention any of his training or Potter Manor, as he still wasn't entirely sure where Remus stood with Dumbledore), and Remus updated Harry on some of what was going on with the Order. He sounded fed up that Dumbledore didn't seem to be doing a whole lot about Voldemort.

When Richard Stevens came in, the three exchanged formalities. Richard pretended not to have known Harry previously. When they were settled, Richard told Harry and Remus that Sirius had left a written will and a recording of his voice to read it. Harry had to blink back tears when Sirius' voice filled the room.

"This is the last will and testament of Sirius Orion Black, I being of sound mind and body. If you are listening to this, then I am gone. I hope I went down while fighting. I wouldn't' want to die because I hit my head on a table or tripped over Kreacher. Please don't grieve for me, as I'm sure I'm in a good place. Now, on to the "good" stuff.

To the Weasleys: You guys took care of Harry for me and for that I thank you. I leave you a total sum of 1 million galleons.

To Hermione Granger: You were one of Harry's best friends. Thanks for sticking by him. I leave you 500,000 galleons.

To Albus Dumbledore: I may not like your ideas you old coot, but you did give me my godson back. I leave you 1 million galleons. Use it smartly. I also leave you Headquarters, for which you know what.

To Severus Snape: I may not like you, but you are a huge asset to Dumbledore. I leave you any potions ingredients in Headquarters.

To Fred and George Weasley: You two were the best pranksters in your generation, second best to the Marauders. I leave you a total sum of 1 million galleons to help towards that joke shop of yours.

To Ron Weasley: You were Harry's other best friend. Thanks for sticking by him. I leave you 500,000 galleons.

To Remus: You'll probably protest, but I'm leaving you 50 million galleons and my flat in Hampton. There is a basement there that you can go to on those nights that Snape doesn't get you your potion. I also pass honorary guardianship of Harry to you. You'll understand why it's honorary in the next paragraph.. Be good to Harry and don't grieve for my death.

Finally, to Harry: I name you my heir and leave you the rest of the money left in the vaults; about 200 million galleons. I also leave you the contents of my family vault. Also, my motorbike and leathers go to you. They should be located in the villa in the Caribbean that is now yours. I made sure to set it up so that you could get the legal pares to be recognized as an official adult in the wizarding world. Remus can still be you unofficial guardian however. This way, you can practice magic and get away form Dumbledore if you would like. Do what you would like to do, but don't' grieve for me. Who knows, maybe I'll see your mother and father again. I love you pup.

That concludes my will. I don't think there is anything else. Just that, Dumbledore, if you're listening to this, clean Headquarters up. And I mean CLEAN it. Put Gryffindor colors and change the door knockers in it or something. Remus, get rid of Kreacher, and get rid of the house-elf heads. That is my last request. Goodbye everybody."

With those last words, the room went silent. Remus and Harry both clung to each other sobbing and lifting the final burden. Richard Stevens stood off to the side letting the "family" moment pass. He had known Sirius as a boy and held his vault while he was in Azkaban. He was grieved, but not as bad as Harry or Remus. He didn't cry, but was sad to hear Sirius' voice for the last time.

Both Harry and Remus composed themselves quickly. They didn't' want anybody to see them red-eyed and blotchy. Respectable men didn't cry or show their emotions.

Richard explained to both men that, even though the recipients weren't at the reading o the will, the gold would be transferred to the respectable vaults, and each who got something other than gold, would be sent a copy of what was given to them. So, if Harry wanted to be emancipated, Dumbledore wouldn't' have to know, he would just get the details o what he had received.

Harry was pleased to hear that. "Can I have the emancipation papers please, Mr. Stevens," Harry asked. "I still want you to be my unofficial guardian though Remus. I just don't' want Dumbledore controlling my life any longer. Can we go visit Sirius' family vault after the papers?"

Remus nodded his head in understanding when Harry stated his reasons for the emancipation. Heck if he could, he would have gotten away from Dumbledore too, but he knew he had a duty to Harry and some to the Order too. He also agreed to go down to the vault. He was curious to see what was in it.

Richard pulled up the documents needed for Harry to become a legal adult in the wizarding world. After what seemed like a hundred he had to go through and sign, Harry was free. He watched as a faint red, mixed with gold mist came out of the tip of his wand. It was the mist that told the ministry if under aged magic was practiced. Harry could now practice magic without worry.

On the ride down to the vault, Remus stayed pretty quiet. Harry could tell he just wanted to reminisce about he good times the Marauders had shared together. So, Harry stayed quiet and reflected on his time with Sirius. He remembered how Sirius always seemed to be there when Harry needed him the most. He remembered Sirius' white face as he recounted the graveyard. He remembered saving Sirius' life from the dementors, and he remembered most of all how Sirius had come with the Order to fight to spare Harry and his friends form the death eaters, but losing his own life in the process. He realized that he hadn't' really known Sirius that well. He vowed to get closer to Remus and eventually tell him what he had been up to all summer. By that time, the cart had reached the vault.

The Black family vault, like the potter family vault, was one of the oldest in Gringotts. The doorframe was encrusted with silver snakes with emerald eyes. The crest in the center of the door was a silver serpent with a black sword and wand crossed across the front. The back round was midnight blue with silver stars speckled in the background.

Harry actually found the crest to powerful and enlightening rather than evil like Grimmauld Place looked. It had a unique mesmerizing quality to it.

He had to speak to the snake in the crest because he wasn't of Black blood. He stated his name and then waited while the serpent seemed to judge him. He wasn't' acknowledged in any way other than a rumble as a door gave way to the interior of the vault.