Author's Note: REALLY SOORY ABOUT THE LONG WAIT! Don't really have an excuse, other than writer's block, and pursuit of another story. (Which is still in progress, by the way.) Gigantic thanks to all my reviewers. They really help with the story, and I enjoy being appreciated. Here are some answers to a few questions.

To Sky 2005: The other Treasures will play a part in this story, just try to be patient. Ah, well, I can't really answer that without giving away part of the plot. As to the Harry/Rhia situation, it will be a little bit of both. About the powers, possibly. What do you think? Should he gain more power? I'm not sure I like that idea, as it seems like overkill. After all, there is a saying that goes, "Too much of a good thing…"

To Your review intrigued me, I must admit. I'm actually looking for a beta at the moment for this story, as I have a few ideas, and need someone to fall back on when I hit a writer's block. Would you be interested? If so, please email me at my private email address. The address is… wait a minute. I better not put this in m story, or I might get some odd emails. I'll email you.

To wen.hopeful.wishing.: Well, time travel is a tricky business. No one can set the rules of time travel in stone, so writers can vary on their views. Personally, I believe that the timeline is not affected until the event happens. As to Merlin suspecting a trap now that he knows about Nimue ahead of time; I'll have to blame it on destiny. I guess it was Merlin's destiny to be imprisoned and then released.

Also, there have been a lot of questions regarding the release of the Half Blood Prince. I guess, all I can do is subtly work in some details, such as the horcruxes, but I can't kill off Dumbledore. (Or can I?)

Well, this chapter should surprise a lot of readers, so enjoy!

"This is an example of parseltongue. When the conversation is in bold, it is in parseltongue."

"This is an example of animal speak. When conversation is between animals like Mira, Godric, Hohn, etc, it will be like this."

This is an example of thought, or possible telepathy.

Merlin took hold of Harry's arm, leading him to a room. Harry followed, slightly bewildered as to where they were going. When Merlin stopped, they were at what looked like a crystal staircase. It was the most beautiful thing Harry had ever seen, and seemed to glow with an inner light. Merlin began to walk up it, Key in hand. Harry followed, treading lightly. He would hate to break this pristine beauty. As he followed, he saw Merlin halt. A second later, he realized why.

What looked like a wall had shot up in front of Merlin. It was a deep, blood red, and seemed to be made of light. Merlin smiled, licking his lips in anticipation of his long awaited freedom. He brought the Key up to his chest, and pointed it at the blood red wall. The emerald in the hilt flashed, and a green beam shot forth. It impacted the wall, a small crack appeared. As they watched, the crack began to widen, very much like glass that was having weight placed upon it. The cracks continued to spread, until the entire wall was covered in them. All at once, it shattered, and Harry felt a breeze sweep through the cave.

Merlin turned to him, beaming. The Key had returned to its dull state, but Merlin carried it reverently down the stairs nonetheless. He turned back to Harry, and said, "Well, we did it. I'm finally free." His voice broke, and tears of happiness began to fall. Harry smiled, and walked over to the Key. It was as if all of the light had been drained out of it. At the thought, Harry was strongly reminded of the Dementors, which caused him to shudder.

He picked up the Key, which felt cold to the touch. He grasped it in his hands, his fingers curving around the metal. He closed his eyes, and began to funnel his power into the Key. He didn't really know how to do what he was doing, but he followed his instincts. They had worked before, hadn't they? His eyes became brighter than they ordinarily were, and his aura flared. As a blinding flash of gold light filled the room, he dropped the Key. It had suddenly become very hot, and he was unable to hold it.

Merlin walked over to where the Key had landed, and muttered some strange words. He smiled at Harry, and said, "Well, my boy, you've done it again! Incredible! Simply Incredible!" He picked up the Key, and looked it over before handing it to Harry. "Here, why don't you take this. You're probably going to need it some day. Maybe not, but it's best to be prepared."

Merlin conjured up a golden chain, and attached it to the Key. He held it out to Harry, who began to put it on. As he did, the Galator bumped against his chest. When Merlin saw that, he shook his head, muttering. Harry could have sworn he heard "Full of surprises, that one."

Harry looked down at the two pendants around his neck. It was somewhat awkward having both there, as they kept bumping against each other. "Uh, Merlin? Is there some way I can fuse the different necklaces? I mean, they're both great and all, but they are a little annoying. And would there be any way to diffuse them later?"

Merlin chuckled, and strode up to him. He placed a hand on the two necklaces, making an intricate motion with the other. They glowed a soft blue for a moment before turning into a glass orb. In the very center was the Galator, still glowing slightly. Looking closely at the glass orb, Harry found but one imperfection: there was a small carving of a key in the glass. It glowed a faint blue.

Harry ran his hands over the soft glass, and felt a sense of peace flow over him. He tucked the object back under his shirt and looked up expectantly. Merlin was looking at him with a twinkle in his eye. Yet another uncanny resemblance to Albus Dumbledore.

"So, my boy, shall me see how the world is doing?' Merlin looked like a kid in a candy shop, what with his eager face and seemingly endless energy.

Harry couldn't help but smile, and said, "Lead on, Old One."

Merlin stopped suddenly and turned to face Harry with an indignant expression on his face. "OLD? Why you insufferable pup! Old, me!" Merlin shuddered at the prospect. "Well, anyway, let's go!"

And so they were off. Harry was struggling to keep up with Merlin, as he was taking very long strides, and didn't stop at all for a break. When Merlin finally stopped his marching, Harry nearly collided with him. The walk had not been an easy one. It was all upstairs, and Harry had been counting them as he passed. He had lost count at four thousand. Looking around, he saw why Merlin had stopped.

They were facing a door. It was huge, and made out a strange stone with intricate runes carved into it by magic. Harry tried to recognize the runes, but could only identify two of them. The two he could understand were Goblin runes. These were extremely useful for either keeping something or someone out, or keeping that someone or something in.

Harry looked up and down the door for a keyhole or a handle, but couldn't find one. He turned inquisitively to Merlin, who ignored him, too engrossed in the complex spell he was casting. As he finished, an intricately carved bird appeared in the stone, and gave a screech. A door appeared beneath the bird, and Merlin gently pushed it open.

Sunlight cascaded in, blinding both of them for an instant, before their eyes adjusted. They stepped out, and took a deep breath. The air smelled slightly of pine, with a hint of rain. Looking around, Harry saw hat they were indeed in a forest.

Merlin began to walk through the forest, reveling in the feel of pine needles beneath his feet, or the gently breeze that was caressing his hair. As they walked, Merlin began to point things out to Harry. Apparently, there was much about magic that could be taught by plants. Harry already knew this of course. His encounter with the tree had taught him much. However, Merlin told him that each plant a sort of spirit, and would lend it to those worthy in times of need.

As they reached the edge of the wood, they came across an open field. There wasn't much there to look at, but it did look like a good place for lunch. As they sat down to enjoy the overlarge sandwiches Merlin had conjured, a shape darkened the sky. Merlin, too busy with his sandwich, didn't notice. As the shape came closer, Harry poked Merlin.

"Merlin, what is that?"

Merlin looked up absent mindedly, and blanched. Waving a hand, the food disappeared, and he got to his feet in a hurry. Harry asked again, perplexed.

"What are you doing? Is that thing dangerous?" Merlin nodded gravely, and spoke one word.


They took off across the meadow at a sprint. The shape, apparently noticing its prey sudden burst of speed, abandoned its attempted stealth. It dived, and as it neared them, gave a terrible, high-pitched screech. It passed over them, causing a wind that nearly knocked them over. As it passed, Harry got a good look at the thing.

It was hideous. It resembled a huge bat, with brown fur. It had three large fangs; the tips stained a sick scarlet color. At the end of its dark wings were lethal-looking claws. Its eyes were completely black, and he realized at once that it was seeing using some other source. As he raised Merlin's staff high above his head, Merlin grabbed his arm.

"Don't be a fool! You can't fight a Kreelix! Run!"

And so they ran. It seemed fruitless. Every time they gained any ground, the Kreelix would dive, and catch up with them. Finally, they reached a stone wall. On either side were either more rocks, or a vast drop which they surely wouldn't survive. They were trapped.

Harry turned. If Merlin was so afraid, then it must truly be a formidable foe. However, he was NOT going to die cowering here against a wall. He had so much to live for! So many people were counting on him. He shuddered at the thought of what would happen if he never came back.

He gripped the staff tightly in his left hand, clutching Excalibur with his right. He dived into is soul, and found the powers the Dragons had given him. Stirring the power of lightning, he raised the staff: Big Mistake.

As the staff glowed blue, the Kreelix swooped again, knocking they staff out of his hand. It was encased in a scarlet light, and shattered into hundreds of pieces. Harry was devastated. That Kreelix had just destroyed what was most likely the most important magical artifact in history! Enraged, he raised Excalibur: Another Big Mistake.

As the sword came into contact with the Kreelix, the scarlet light flashed out, filling not only the air, but Harry's very mind. He felt a terrible pain, and emptiness like none he had ever known, and knew no more.

When Harry came to, everything was fuzzy. He saw something looming above him. A claw! No, wait. A branch! A sword! Harry couldn't think. He still felt completely overwhelmed by that terrible emptiness. As the world around him came into sharper focus, he found himself sitting in an al too familiar place: Hogwarts Hospital Wing.

Now he was truly confused. How on earth was he at Hogwarts? It didn't exist in Merlin's time! He looked around. The sight of Rhia, both Merlins, and his animal entourage, although welcome, only served to confuse him more. And the grave look on their faces did not look promising.

He tried to push himself up, but Rhia held him back down. She looked extremely upset. She was biting her lower lip, something she did only when she was in a very uptight state, or so the younger Merlin had told him. He looked around again and decided to speak.

"Um, why are we here? On second thought, HOW are we here? Hogwarts hasn't even come into existence yet!"

Both the young and old Merlin looked at each other, before chuckling. This did absolutely nothing to curb Harry's impatience.


"What?" both of the, said at the same time.

Harry slapped his head. This was going to get confusing. Apparently thinking along the same lines that Harry was, the older Merlin said, "To keep things simple, call me Merlin, call him Emrys. It's the name I used to go by before I adopted the name of Merlin."

"Okay," Harry said slowly. "But that still doesn't explain how we got to a place that doesn't exist yet."

"Perhaps we can answer that," said four voices from the door. Harry turned, and inhaled sharply.

He-he-he. Sorry about the short chapter, but I saw this perfect cliffy opportunity. Anyway, I decided to upload two chapters at once to make up for the short one. Enjoy the next chapter. Oh, and DON'T FORGET TO REVIEW!
