Psychic Ways of the Will

Chapter Four: When will he give up?

Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha. Boo.

Note: I really, REALLY apologize for not updating in such a long time! I have no excuse... I will start updating all the stories I have up again, hopefully, to make up for the long time that I've been gone! Please excuse this really short chapter.

'I can't believe him...' The school girl huffed, as she stormed towards the well. Her feet pounded harder into the ground, as her thoughts circled around the arrogant things the hanyou had spoken to her. 'It would serve him right, if I didn't come back for a long, long time.'

Being so absorbed in her raging thoughts, Kagome barely noticed her knee come in contact with the old wood of the well. Her head in space, she practically tripped into the dark depths of the old well.

As she fell downwards, her feet touched delicately with the dirt of the well, defying the gravity of her fall. She was soon engulfed by the familiar blue dimension, that transported her between worlds. Once the odd environment had left Kagome to her own world, the miko started her way up to the top of the well.

Once she'd climbed her way from the bottom, she was greeted by the inside of the room in which boxed up the Higurashi's ancient well. She towed herself out, and was soon flooded by a rush of thoughts.

'There's Houjou!'

'I wish he liked ME! He's been so bent on getting that Higurashi girl!'

'Where's he going? The Higurashi shrine? To see that girl? When will get give up!'

"Houjou-kun!" Kagome's ears rang as she heard the cries of the school girls, drooling over a boy.

"Oi! Houjou!"

Kagome stood frozen for a moment, listening to the giddy school girls, before she realized how intently she'd been listening. 'Wait... Houjou is coming up here...!'

"Higurashi!" The miko's eyes dropped, as she hesitantly turned to face the tall, grade nine boy. Once their eyes met, he rushed joyously hurriedly towards her.

'Gosh, she is so beautiful!'

"Houjou-kun..." She watched as he dropped a plastic bag near his feet, and grasped her hands in a similar way Kouga would do.

"I haven't seen you in so long!" He smiled sweetly, his grip on her hands rather tight. "I would come by to see you, but you'd always be sleeping, and have a terrible disease! I hope you're okay now!"

"I'm actually pretty healthy, I think I might be around for a while..." she said think of the argument with Inuyasha.

"Great! What about Saturday?"

"Satur... huh..?"

"Saturday. Is that fine? I mean since we haven't had a good day since the time you actually did go with me..." He seemed a little miffed from this comment, and did not mask it well.

"Well, see, about that..."

'I hope she'll go with me...'


"That stupid wench, who does she think she is!"

"I believe she knows who she is, Inuyasha."

"Shut up." The hanyou growled, leaning against the wall of Kaede's hut. "Well I'm definitely not going after her, this time. If she wants to be a bitch, then so be it."

"Inuyasha!" Sango snapped. "Don't swear in front of Shippou!"

"Okay, who do you think YOU are? Kagome?"

"So you're saying Kagome would have control over you?" Inuyasha's eyes grew large, before he became enraged.

"That's not what I said!"

"Pretty much, yeah." Miroku added. With one movement, Inuyasha was up, and walking out the door of the hut.

"I don't need this from you guys." He added angrily.

He hesitantly made his way towards the well, but stopped half way.

"What am I doing? I go back every time to see her! I'm the one who's giving in every time! I don't even care if I see her, she may as well stay there forever, why would I care." And with that, he turned around, walking back towards the village.

Alright, this was a reallllly short chapter, I apologize. I just wanted to show I'm not dead or something, and I'll hopefully continue writing my stories again. Sorry for the short chapter, R&R if you'd like.
