Axel looked at Sora. Without any words, he started the fight. As his opening move, Axel sent out a firewall towards Sora and then tossed one of his weapons. The Keyblade master used the spell aero to put out the fire, and then crouched down to avoid the disk. When it was directly over his head, Sora stuck his Keyblade into the handle and caught it.

"Stupid kid!" Axel warped forward and sent his remaining weapon down. Sora blocked it with the disk he was holding and then used his Keyblade to strike Axel's feet, but the man easily jumped over it. Axel instantly hit Sora's stomach, sending the boy into an airborne spiral and causing him to drop the disk. Sora swiftly landed on his feet and faced his opponent. "Here's a new technique that I don't think you can handle!" Axel held his weapons together and shouted, "Magma!" This caused a stream of magma to flow towards Sora. The boy thought fast and then decided to use a new technique himself.

"Aeroga!" Sora shouted as he began rotating his Keyblade like a windmill. He eventually caused a small tornado to come out of his weapon and impact on the fire. Both substances battled fiercely, and self-destructed.

"Take this!" Axel warped forward as Sora was still trying to recover from the attack. Three spiky-haired fiends appeared, each slamming their weapon on Sora at the same time. The small boy was sent back only to get hit again by Axel who had warped behind him. Sora flew forward and did a flip. He landed and expected to see his opponent, but Axel had warped behind him again. He prepared to attack, but like lightning Sora had spun around and blocked. He then tried a counter, but Axel blocked. They continued exchanging attacks until Axel and Sora made an offensive attack at the same time. They both pushed against each other, but neither backed off. Axel knew that he couldn't win at this pace, so he quickly jumped back and prepared his next attack. Axel launched one of his disks and shouted, "Fira!" Fire streamed out of both ends of the weapon as it headed towards Sora. Axel also began to run forward.

"Blizarra!" Sora shouted, sending icicles out of his Keyblade. The icicles put out the fire and sent the disk back to Axel, who caught it with ease. He then used both of his weapons to try and cut Sora's head off, but the boy instantly stuck his blade into both of them and launched each up and out of Axel's reach. "I'm gonna finish this now!" Sora shouted. Axel just smiled knowing that he was defeated. The Keyblade wielder spun his blade around and stabbed his opponent's stomach. He took out his weapon, and then swung it upwards. Axel flew into the air, and as he bean to fall, Sora jumped into the air. He aimed his Keyblade down and slammed it into Axel, who began to disappear. Sora disappeared as well, forgetting the battle he had just had.

"Sora?" came the voice of a small girl. Sora slowly opened his eyes, and saw a young blonde female in a white dress. He was sitting in a large capsule, and was very confused.

"Wh-who are you," Sora said in a tired voice. He hopped out of the capsule and stretched.

"I guess you don't remember anything, huh?" The girls seemed depressed.

"What do you mean? Remember what?" Sora was even more confused. By now Donald and Goofy were getting out of capsules too.

"Jiminy wrote it down in his journal," The girl said. Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Jiminy all looked at the journal and read each chapter.

"This all happened?" Sora asked in shock. The girl silently nodded. "So, you must be Naminé then. Well thank you." Donald and Goofy also thanked her. Namine told them everything that Jiminey didn't write down, including the things that had happened to Riku. Soon, Sora, Donald and Goofy were ready to leave.

"I guess we need to get going. What are you going to do?"

"You don't need to worry about that, I'll be fine." Naminé smiled. "Good-bye Sora, Donald, and Goofy."

"Bye Naminé!" Goofy and Donald said in unison. They all began to walk down the stairs and eventually were outside.

"I'm going to stay here for a while longer, but good luck to you guys!" Sora, Donald, and Goofy waved and then started to walk down the road they had gone earlier. Sora was full of a lot of questions, but he figured that they would be answered eventually. Sora would proabably find Riku along the way, but hecouldn't tell what would happen when he did. Sora decided to question everything later and just be glad. He was starting a whole new adventure.