Chapter Three

A/N: The italics are a recap again...


Honestly, if I owned Voyager, do you think Seven and Chakotay would have got together? Really? So, that's a no. But I own 35 people! Whoo!


"Commander Chakotay," said the Captain, "You have the Bridge."


When the Captain, the Doctor and B'Elanna beamed down to the surface, they were greeted by a small child, holding a communicator. Kathryn was confused. She had expected the woman they had talked to, or another adult, not a child.

"Come." He jerked his head and walked out of the door. The three of them shared a look, before following him out of the room. When they left the small building it became apparent that there were only children in the complex. They were playing out on a field, all the different species taking part in one and another's cultural activities. They could see human children play fighting with Klingon children and Klingon bat'leths. More human children meditating with Vulcan children. Ktarian children taking part in all these activities. It was amazing, if not a little disconcerting.

"Excuse me," she called to the boy in front of them, "Where are all the adults?"

He glanced at her from beneath his fringe, and then shrugged. "Not supposed to talk about it. Kea wants to talk to you."

This confused Kathryn even more, "Kea? I thought we were going to talk to someone in charge?"

"Kea is the boss." He shook his head, wondering about strange off-worlders.

They approached a large two story building, and went inside. As they walked down a hallway they heard raised voices.

"What do you mean 'you broke it'?" Kathryn recognised Kea's voice.

"I mean exactly what I said! I was trying to fix it and it stopped working!" The other voice was panicking, and speaking rapidly.

"Who was it?" After receiving no answer, Kea tried again. "Whose pod was it?"

The second voice said something, barely above a mumble.

And then Kea yelped, repeating the same Klingon curse from earlier. This time, Kathryn resisted the urge to swing around and look at B'Elanna again. Instead, she walked faster.

Kea was at a console in a small room, frantically entering commands. When the away team entered the room, she looked up and breathed a sigh of relief. "Captain! We could really use your help. One of our stasis pods has gone offline, and I don't know how long I can keep it running on the secondary systems before it completely gives way."

B'Elanna moved past the Captain and the Doctor and peered the console over Kea's shoulder. "I think I can fix it." She announced, "But it may take time." She looked at the Captain, who nodded. "Best you take us to where the stasis pods are than." Kathryn said.

Kea nodded and then went to a door on the other side of the room. "This way. Quickly."

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