A/N - This part is dedicated to one of my best friends, Steph for putting up with me writing this though our maths class in Yr9. She was the first one to read any of this and she was the one who encouraged me to continue writing though everything. This is also dedicated to Mr Cleary whos maths class this was written in, if he hadn't totally ignored me and Steph in the corner of the class this wouldnt have been written at all. Thanks Sir lol.

Disclaimer : Plot line is mine but all charaters belong to L.J.Smith. I wouldn't even bother to sue I'm that skint at the mo lol.

Part 1

Ash Redfern stood near the bottom of the grass covered hill staring up at the figure standing on the top. She dressed in pale jeans and dark tank top staring up at the stars. He stood watching her for a few minutes then glanced up at the midnight blue sky that surrounded her, hanging just as it had the year before was the planet Jupiter, it's light almost strangely bright to his vampire eyes. Just by looking at her he could tell that Mary-Lynnette had changed. He loved her more then anything else in the world, but the questions that formed in his mind scared him. What if she'd moved on? What if she didn't want to be with him anymore? What if he wasn't good enough for her? What if she didn't love him? He took one last look at her before disappearing into the darkness.

Mary-Lynnette Carter shook her long dark brown hair and pulled it back into a high ponytail, pushing several stray strands out of her eyes she looked back up at the stars. She glanced up at the planet Jupiter. It had been a year now since Ash, her soulmate, had left to try and make up for his dark past. She had missed him so much throughout the year, especially over the last few weeks, school had ended and she had nothing to do but wait and see if he would return. She couldn't wait to be with him. She was ready now. She hoped he had been able to change, to become a better person, but she wasn't sure if she could leave him if he hadn't. Mary-Lynnette took a quick look at her digital watch, eleven fourteen. She shivered in the cool breeze, the moon would be up in a few more minutes and its light would block her view of the stars but she didn't want to go back home yet. The lights of Burdock Farm glowed in the distance as Mary-Lynnette gathers her things and headed down the hill.

The farmhouse was in better repair then it had been the year before. Rowan, Kestrel and Jade along with Mary-Lynnette and her brother Mark, had fixed it up over the year. The hole in front of the porch had been fixed and the farm had had a fresh coat of paint. Mary-Lynnette fumbled for her key before letting herself in.

"Rowan? Are you in?" She called up the stairs after searching the kitchen and living room for her friend.

"Hi Mare, I'll be down in a sec," came Rowan's voice from one of the upstairs bedrooms. Mary-Lynnette headed into the living room and started to flick though the T.V. channels. Her mind wandered back to Ash, blond hair, lazy grin and ever-changing eyes. God she loved him. Mary-Lynnette jumped when Rowan spoke, "He's not here Mare." Rowan spoke as she walked into the room wearing faded jeans and black top. She hadn't changed a bit in the year that Mary-Lynnette had know her. Same trusting brown eyes and wise gentle look.

"That's not fair! You shouldn't read my mind like that." Mary-Lynnette mumbled, annoyed at herself for being read so easily.

"Sorry," Rowan replied. "For him not being here and for reading you mind." A small smile played around the corners of her mouth. "Though in my defence you were kind of projecting quite loud."

Mary-Lynnette sighed, "You do think he'll come back, don't you?" She asked, bringing her gaze up to meet Rowan's.

"Of course he will. He'll come back for you; he said he would didn't he."

"Thanks Rowan. I can't stay too long. I'm going to be late as it is. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay and if he still hasn't turned up I give you permission to kick him when he finally arrives." Rowan and Mary-Lynnette both burst out laughing.

"See you tomorrow Rowan, Mary-Lynnette called back as she reached the wooden gate at the end of the dirt drive. After a quick wave she headed home.

Mary-Lynnette had just lost sight of the farmhouse when she felt she was being followed. Several minutes later the feeling intensified. She was almost half way home when she heard a noise. A footstep. Then someone called her name. Mary-Lynnette spun around quickly, a smile lighting up her face. His black clothes make is blond hair seem like white moonshine in comparison. Her voice carried on the gentle wind as she whispered his name.

Ya'll know wnhat to do -PUSH THE BUTTON!