AN: Welcome, wandering children of the Internet, and congratulations on having stumbled upon my masterpiece. Jycellaemynthia (but you guys can call me Jycei) welcomes you to her oeuvre d'art. Yes, you thought this was just an ordinary story, didn't you, when you clicked on that link? In your great fortune, you have uncovered a grand and epic tale of love, rebirth, and good overcoming evil. So R&R plz!

One year after Meteor, Cloud is haunted by memories of Aeris, but he can't find happiness…until a mysterious face comes back. Who could it be ;)? But there's more…just keep reading…

Kudos to my beta reader. Vinniesbitch245, you go, girl!

Disclaimer: Final Fantasy VII was created by the good people of Squaresoft. But all characters are MINE! Because Jycellaemynthia says so! Well, except Tifa. They can keep that stupid fugly slut and her implants.

UPDATE: Jycellaemynthia is mad! You see, they've told her that she's not allowed to use song lyrics in her creations anymore :(. Now, Jycellaemynthia could have sat around and cried. But no, she realized that it was not Xing, but Fate who made that new rule. Yes, Fate itself wanted me to use this occasion as a chance to stretch my creative wings. So I wrote my own poem, and it's MUCH better than anything that cow Amy Lee could write. Remember, "Like a Hexagon" belongs to Jycei, and Jycei alone! So, if any of you jealous writers try to copy my masterpiece, you will pay!

Shattered Flowers for My Beloved

A lone traveler walked through the dense, secluded, obscure, and ominous forest, full of overreaching limbs of furious and elongated arbor clad in soft forest green foliage, his dark and tormented thoughts of anguish like knives into his fragile and vulnerable consciousness (AN: Don't you luv that line? My muse must have inspired me to write that metaphor). Finally, he arrived at the gates of The Forgotten City, but Cloud paid no attention to the stunning crystalline beauty of the ivory pillars of the temples, with their mighty majestic magnificence (AN: look, I've got some alliteration there! LOL), and flowing ceramic majesty reaching twelve feet and supported the roof of the abode. He tired of this superficial beauty, of these lies.

Shattered flowers in the wind
My love I have sinned

Ever since that horrible day when his beloved had been stolen from him, he could no longer function. For days now, he could not eat, he could not sleep, he could not breathe, such was his overwhelming and oppressive grief. All of the others worried about him, since they had noticed how thin and gaunt he had become, and the dark circles that grew ever more pronounced under his eyes. But he cared not. Oh, no, he only thought of her sweet face…

"Areis," he whispered piteously. Just saying the name filled his ever-so-tormented soul with woe and agony.

Everything is so sad :(
It makes me mad >:(
I miss you beautiful Aeris
I want to give you a kiss

Aries had been his true love. His only reason for living. They had been soul mates.

You're dead my love
I wish I was a dove

Memories of holding her hand, of kissing her in the Gondola, of her and him going on dates together, of them going to high school together, of him proposing to her right outside the Temple of the Ancients…

These memories will haunt my fragile soul
Inside there is a gaping hole
Where Sephiroth killed you
Oh flower girl, I miss you

"ARREIS!" he wailed, his forlorn cries shattering the tranquil silence of the northern forest.

"Oh flower girl with the sapphire eyes," he sang softly to himself. "I miss you, I hate these lies." It was an old song, a favourite of his, one with such incredibly poignant lyrics that he was certain that whoever had written it was a genius, and it expressed his grief so well.

He was finally there, at the edge of that forsaken familiar place where his heart lay at the bottom of the depths of the water. His tear ducts were exhausted from the abundant supply of aqua that they had released.

(AN: Oh noes, poor Cloud is sad :(. Poor baby. -gives Cloud-kun a hanky- Sorry for being too mean to him. Jycellaemynthia HATES it when ppl are mean like that to him. But just wait and see ;).)

He kneeled at the lake where he had last placed Aerrith's body, its beautiful watery surface like the visage of a clear and pristine mirror. It was beautiful here. He felt in his pocket, and pulled out a tender, delicate flower, its blood red petals clasping out together like a lover's kiss. It was a rare sort of daisy, whose name meant "blessing of holy angels" in the ancient Cetra dialect, a variety that – when grown under the light that shone in the church in Sector 5 and sprinkled with the holy water that ran through the stream in the garden in Arris' old house in the slum – grew to be a violent red as beautiful as pure condensed Mako energy. It was enchanting in its magnificence.

Yes, it symbolized Arries' beauty, purity, and passion. It was in memory of Airith that he placed the flower in lake. It floated gently on the surface of the water for a few seconds before it sank to the bottom. Such a shame, to sacrifice such beauty, but it mirrored the loss of his virtuous Cetra soul mate. One final gift for his beloved.

My one true love is gone
I cannot go on
Like a hexagon.

Yet all of the sudden…something happened. The water began to bubble, and the surface of the lake was alit with a luminous light. Then, in a pillar of light, a sinuous, shadowy, obscure form began to emerge from the water, and a young girl rose from its depths.

"Boo," said Aerris.

(AN: LOL! Did Jycellaemynthia surprise you guys? Yeah, she's back! This is an Aeris Resurrection Fic. But it's much better than all those other stupid and boring Aeris Resurrection fics, because I wrote it.)

A feeling of euphoria permeated Cloud. It was her, his one true love! She stood there before him, her wide green eyes sparkling.
"Arres! You're back!" He reached out and hugged the soaking wet Ancient. How wonderful it was to hold her close to him again whilst he heard her beating heart and feel her warmth anew.
"Yes, Cloud, it's really me! I've come back for you." She smiled – oh, how Cloud loved that smile! So warm, and yet so secretive.
"But Airieas, why now?"
For a while, Arrith was quiet. But when she spoke, there was an almost sad note in her voice.
"Now is not the time…But don't worry, Cloud. Soon, you will understand."
"Oh, Aereiss. There's so much to tell you! About Sephiroth, and Shinra, and…we won, oh, Earrith, we won…"
"Soon, Cloud. But first, look into my eyes. From now on, everything will be better." She leaned over, and gently kissed him on the cheek, now wet with his tears. She squeezed his hand.
"Come, take me home."

(AN: How kawaii! Isn't Aeris/Aerith so sweet? She's so purty. Hmm…but what will happen next? Jycellaemynthia wonders…)

The Costa del Sol villa was packed, because the whole gang was there to visit Cloud. They had begun to talk exuberantly amongst themselves, because everyone was happy to be together, and to share all that had changed since they had defeated Sephiroth.

Barret now lived in Kalm, with Marlene and Elmyra, where he ran a weapon shop. All of Kalm loved Marlene, because she was so cute. He was also the mayor of North Corel at the same time. Red XIII lived in Cosmo Canyon with Bugenhagen, where he owned a Materia shop. As a reward for saving the world, Bugenhagen had made his grandson mayor before he went away. But then he came back, and they were happy. (AN: You see, cause Red XIII said that he didn't die, so he didn't, so…it's too complicated for you to understand. Not everyone gets these things.) Cid went back to Rocket Town, where he was also mayor now, but he still found the time to fly around in his airship and earned money by giving people romantic tours around the world in the Highwind. He finally got married to Shera. Marlene now used the Cait Sith Moogle doll as a toy, because Reeves or Reeve or whatever his name is didn't need it. He was the mayor of Midgar, and he was in charge of the reconstruction efforts. Only Tifa wasn't mayor of anything, because she sucks! LOL! She worked in the local branch of the Turtle's Paradise as a barmaid, and she shared the Villa with Cloud (ew, not what you think, pervs!) Actually, Yuffie wasn't the mayor either. She went back to school in Wutai (but not before she stole all of your Materia! The little thief :) ). But she'll be queen of Wutai eventually. And Vincent went back to the Shinra mansion, where he spent his days in his coffin, suffering from the horrible nightmares that came to him. But they would have made him mayor of Nibelheim had he asked.

(AN: This part was soooo boring! Jycellaemynthia is bored! JYCEI DOESN'T LIKE BEING BORED! SHE WANTS TO GET TO THE SAP!)

They all waited in anticipation for Cloud to come back. They were so worried for him, and hoped that he would be able to overcome his grief. Well, not everyone was worried…

Tifa (AN: the bitch!) did not care very much either way about Cloud's happiness. There was a reason that she had kept the truth about Cloud's memories from him for so long, and had manipulated his thoughts in the Lifestream. Part of her was incapable of truly caring about someone, which was why she engaged in casual s3xx0rs with nearly every man she met, and why she had secretly plotted along with Sephiroth the whole time. But it didn't matter if she didn't truly love Cloud; she had had a pathetic, hopeless obsession with him (cuz she's desperate! BURN!) since they had been children growing up in Nibelheim, even though on the outside, she had been cruel to him, and had picked on him with her friends. Now Cloud was popular, so she sucked up to him. He was so handsome…and Tifa had wanted him for so long.

Tifa always got what she wanted. Soon he would propose to her…

So the reunited members of AVALANCHE waited in the living room of the Villa for the arrival of Cloud, exchanging gossip, sharing old memories, enjoying how wonderful and peaceful the world was, and talking about all the recognition that they had received for their efforts.

Then, the door opened, and in came Cloud…with Arreith in his arms!

Tifa nearly choked on her drink.

"You," she spluttered. "You're…alive!"
"I know," chirped Cloud. "Isn't it wonderful?" Tifa (the jealous slut) shot Eraris the most venomous look that she could muster. But Aeries, in her pure and innocent sincerity, could not fathom the malice behind her former "friend's" glare.
"It's good to see you," said Aires, ever so sweetly. She was always willing to turn the other cheek. (AN: I lurv Aeirrieth! She's so sweet ;))
"I…yes, wonderful! Absolutely wonderful." Tifa forced a smile on her (very ugly) face. "Yes…I'll be going now." She stomped off in a rage (AN: and her breast implants nearly fell out! DOUBLE BURN!)

No one else paid any attention to her.

"Hey y'all, foo', watchoo lookin' at," said Barret jovially, and extended his gun arm to Aeris.
"Why, Aerith, how did you come back?" pondered Red XIII quizzically.
"&#&#, Arreiss," quipped Cid, "You &#&#ing &#&#! You're &#&#ing alive, you lucky &#&#."
Cait Sith said nothing (Reeves had forgotten to turn his voice chip on), but did a happy moogle dance that made Cloud and Eiraeths clap their hands in delight.
"Omigod omigod omigod omigod omigod omigod omigodogodogodogod…..YOU'RE ALIVE!" squealed Yuffie, and ran up to Aireais and hugged her.
Vincent looked at Aearais neutrally. "So you have forsaken the tranquility of death and eternal slumber for the tormented nightmares of living. Such is your decision. But I believe that life is more torturous than death."

"Huh?" muttered Yuffie…and then looked away and blushed. Vincent shuffled his feet and blushed some more.

(AN: Guess who likes who ;).)

Cloud and Airrais sat together on the sofa, luxuriating in their blissful romantic union, and rejoiced in seeing all of their wonderful friends united. "Oh, Aretiths, my one true love," sighed Cloud romantically and fervently. "Now that my soul mate is here, I know that we shall live together forever in peace!"

"I hope so, my love," uttered Arriesthae melodically, undyingly, stupendously, and anthropomorphically. "And yet…I have a premonition. I can hear the voices of my Cetra ancestors calling to me from the Lifestream, and telling me that there may be more obstacles in our path, some other dark forces at work."

She sighed, and looked away. Her sixth sense was at once a blessing and a curse, for she was often burdened with horrible visions and a profound sadness.

"Don't worry, my darling," whispered Cloud soothingly, caringly, indigenously, courageously, quintessentially, and agnostically. "I'm sure nothing can go wrong. I'm here with you. Nothing bad can ever happen to a girl when she has a man. Only ugly girls with no boyfriends to take care of them get hurt in life."

Cloud gazed into Aewrwtisth's piercing jade orbs with his cerulean orbs and caused her ever-changing emerald orbs to light up at the sight of his sky-blue orbs, his swirling orbs of azure misting up due to his profound emotion. He ran his fingers through her sinuous, elongated, silky and tender mahogany-hued tresses, and stroked her soft, ivory face.

(AN: Aw, how kawaii! Jycellaemynthia luvs Cloris. Except Cloud should be mine, because he's hot! But oh no…is everything going to turn out all right? Will anything go wrong between the two lovers?)

Tifa sulked in her room, seething in fury at the wrench that had been thrown in her nefarious scheme to steal Cloud. She kicked the wall in disgust, and let out a cry of rage.

"Damn that bitch," she cursed under her (horrible) breath. "She ruined EVERYTHING!" Suddenly, a hideous smile played upon her lips.

"So you think that you've won this round, do you, my pretty? Just you wait and see. Soon Cloud shall be MINE! MWAHAHAHAHA!" Her shrill cackle rang throughout the house.

AN: So what do you think Tifa will do? The next chapter will contain lots of sap. LOL, I luv sap :) . Yes, Jycellaemynthia hopes that she has captured your soul with "Shattered Flowers for My Beloved". Writing this fic is a source of profound joy for me. The muses drive me forward, and inspire me, propelling me to toil to create a thing of beauty that will bring some joy to you all. But Jycellaemynthia won't continue unless she gets at least thirty reviews (stamps her feet)! Or else you'll never find out the next jarring plot twist and tragic event. And then you suck! Because there will be unicorns in here! I promise! And maybe…a new face, one with indescribable magic powers, one whose beauty surpasses even Eirriaristh's…but with a dark secret? Who knows what great and terrible things may occur? So REVIEW YOU &#&#ing &#&#s, or else…Jycellaemynthia will get angry. Jycellaemynthia isn't pretty when she's angry.

Oh yeah…and before you flame me and say that you've seen this before, look at the date that this was published. Have a nice day.