Disclaimer: Harry Potter is from the creative genius that is J.K. Rowling. I am not her.

A.N: Hello everyone. Thank you for the reviews. Lady Lifecharm of course I remember you! I don't know if I will continue this past this. If I do it will be in May. Thank you again!


"Oh Harry!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed as Harry was engulfed in a hug upon entering the infirmary. "Ginny told us what you did. You save her life twice now. How can we every repay you?"

Unfortunately, all Harry could do was make muffled sounds because of how hard Mrs. Weasley was hugging him.

"Let him breathe Mum," said George. "You can't repay him if you suffocate him."

Harry felt Mrs. Weasley release her grip on him. He could see she had been crying, but had a light smile on her face.

"You don't have to thank me for anything Mrs. Weasley," Harry began guiltily. "It's my fault she was there anyway."

"Nonsense. Ginny always had a nose for trouble. It's from spending so much time around these two!" Mrs. Weasley said turning to whack both Fred and George on their heads.



"Quick sit down between us Harry. She won't smack us if she might get you too!" said George pulling Harry down in the empty seat between them in front of Ginny's bed.

"That's enough both of you," scolded Mrs. Weasley.

"Yes, mum," the twins answered.

Harry fidgeted in his seat as he looked at Ginny. She still had some bruising around her neck and there were scrapes on her arms and face. Her eyes were closed and she had a slight smile on her face. Harry took one of Ginny's hands and went to speak to her. Unfortunately, Fred cut him off.

"It's no good mate. About 10 minutes after you left Madam Pomfrey poured some of that sleeping draught down her throat. She'll be out for awhile."

Harry nodded numbly. "I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to frighten any one."

"No harm done, well expect to the 20 or so Death Eaters that need to change their pants after that," grinned Fred.

Mrs. Weasley was about to scold him again when George spoke up. "Remember Mum, you don't want to get Harry. The GOOD son remember?"

"Well he's not the son yet Forge," said Fred. "Not yet anyway. I'm sure Ginny might have some way of persuading him though,"

"I've got to go now," Mrs. Weasley said, fighting to grin over what Fred said. "Someone has to be at headquarters. Hopefully, Hermione was able to help Bill and Tonks, and they'll be back soon. Take care."

Harry felt Mrs. Weasley give him another bone-crushing hug, before she swept out of the room. It was only after she was gone that he turned to the twins and Ron.

"Where is Hermione?" he asked.

"She's helping Tonks and Bill look for a countercurse."

"To what? Who was hurt?" Harry said worried.

"No one worth anything," grinned Fred. "The countercurse is for a new and improved bat-boogey hex that was left on two Death Eaters and an old rat. One guess who case it."

Harry's eye traveled to Ginny's sleeping form, before he sighed and turned back to them. It was then that he noticed the condition of his best friend.

"What's wrong Ron?" Harry asked looking at his best friend. Ron's ears were bright red and he had a mortified look on his face.

"Hermione heard."

"Heard what?"

"What dear Ronnekins is saying," started Fred. "Is that the fair Hermione heard his serenade once we put the sonorus charm on the door."

"Unfortunately, she thought it was the sound of someone having an aneurysm," George said smiling.

Harry tired to hold back a grin. "Sorry mate," he said to Ron.

"It's all right," Ron sighed. "I just wish these two wouldn't use me for the butt of their jokes."

"Nah, we used that picture already," said Fred, as Ron's head whipped around to look at his brother.

"Wonder when she'll find it," George said smirking.

"What did you two do?" Ron asked shaking, as he grew pale.

"Nothing much," they answered in unison.

"Let's just say," Fred began.

"When Hermione gets to the bottom," continued George.

"Of her trunk."

"That won't be the only bottom."

"She sees."

By this time, Ron was paler than Malfoy and that was saying something. "Bloody hell," he nearly shrieked before taking off for the common room.

"How long do you think we should let him riffle through Hermione's unmentionables before we tell him we made it up?" Fred asked George.

Harry let out a chuckle as Fred and George began to roll on the floor with laughter.

Hours later, Harry found himself sitting alone with Ginny in the infirmary. It was very late, and despite any protests from Madam Pomfrey, Harry was not going to return to the dormitory. Sleep kept trying to steal him away from Ginny though, and it wasn't pleasant.

Closing his eyes visions of Ginny in peril seemed to close in on him. He saw Lucius choking her, the spell hitting her at the Ministry, her in the Chamber. Tears came to his eyes. Briefly, he wondered how she managed to keep it together all this time. If she felt even a fraction of what he was now every time he had landed himself in the hospital wing, he didn't know how she stayed sane.

Harry struggled with his emotions for awhile. He tried not to close his eyes, and focused his attention on watching Ginny sleep, but soon that wasn't enough. All he wanted to do was hold her close to know she wasn't going anywhere.

"Ginny, love," he whispered to her, gently shaking her shoulder.

"Harry?" asked a tired voice.

"Yeah. Uh, Gin, could you scoot over?"


"I want to hold you," he said sure that his blush could rival all of the Weasley's combined.

"That sounds heavenly," she said scooting over to make room as she woke up more. "I'm so happy you're here."

"I am too," he said crawling in beside her.

"There's so much I want to tell you," Ginny said happily. "Harry, you're my hero!"

"For saving you?"

"Heavens no," Ginny said. "I'm sure I would have gotten out of there somehow. No, you're my hero because my brothers are now intimidated by you. You've given me a protective git-free pass."

"Glad I could help," he said wrapping his arms around her.

"Me too. Love you Harry."

"Love you too."

"Please mark me down for rescue by snogging from now on. I liked that," she said snuggling into him.

"I'm save that just for you."

"You better," she warned. "Or else my hexes will get more creative."

Harry gulped. "I'll remember that."

"Make sure you do," she said settling her head on Harry's chest. "Madam Pomfrey is going to have a fit in the morning if she catches us like this."

"No, she won't," Harry said pulling Ginny closer.

"You seem pretty sure of yourself."

Harry shrugged. "Let's just say I know something."

"Like what?"

"You wouldn't believe me."

"Harry," Ginny warned.

"Oh fine. I heard she snogged Dumbledore once. Okay?"

Giggles erupted from Ginny. "That's it?"

"What do you mean that's it?"

"Merlin, Harry I knew that. She was so drunk during that New Year's party."

"What?" Harry said looking down at Ginny. "Where was I when this happened?"

"Brooding upstairs like a moody git. You missed so much. Why do you think I finally am able to understand potions? I blackmailed Snape into tutoring me."

"Snape? With what?"

Another giggle escaped. "You can't tell."

"Merlin, please tell me he didn't try something on you. I'll kill him."

"EW, gross. There wouldn't be anything left of him if he tried that. Nope. I've got pictures of this I will use until I graduate."

"What? Come on now," he said lightly tickling her.

"Stop, stop!" she shrieked before she started to cough. Harry stopped his attack right away.

"Sorry," he said in a fretting tone.

"It's fine. I'll tell you, but you have go to promise not to say or sing anything around Snape or it will be my head all right? Cross your heart, promise to be Fred and George's test victim from now on?"

"Fine. Now spill."

"He got really, really drunk on fire whiskey that night. I think Tonks and Remus had something to do with it. Anyway, let's just say the picture I have involves a lampshade skirt and someone singing 'I've got a lovely punch of coconuts.'"

"You're kidding," Harry laughed.

"No, and you promised not to tell."

"But this," he laughed so hard he had to sit up, making Ginny lose her pillow. "This is too good!"

"Harry Potter, if you say a word about this I won't ever kiss you again!"

"You don't mean that Gin," he said laughing. "I happen to know you like my kisses."

"If you tell," Ginny growled before she suddenly smirked. "If you dare tell I'll wear my quidditch knickers at every game and make sure you know it."

"But I won't be able to pay attention to catch the snitch! We'll lose the games!"

"Exactly," she said crossing her arms in front of her.

"That's evil Ginny," Harry said calming down.

"You're point?"

"Merlin fine. I won't tell," he sighed before motioning to her. "Come on now you need your sleep."

"Good," she said once against snuggling to Harry as he pulled the bed sheets up to her shoulders. He laid there listening to her breathe for a while and smiled. Suddenly he remembered something Dumbledore had said.



"Dumbledore said something and well, do you remember seeing any figures around us in that hubble we were in when we were, er, snogging?" Harry blushed.

"Harry," Ginny said lacing her fingers with his. "When I look at you all I see is our future. I see us together and baby Sirius and now Lily."

Harry felt himself smiling. "I think I like that."

"Good," she said. "Now let's go to sleep. I'm tired."

"Goodnight my love," he said kissing her.

"Goodnight Harry."

This time where Harry closed his eyes, his dreams were filled with visions of a small cottage where two small children played and every night as his wife checked their family clock he would kiss her hand before he held her as they fell asleep.