Disclaimer: Harry Potter is from the creative genius that is J.K. Rowling. I am not her.

In Hogsmeade, across from Zonko's and diagonal from Honeydukes, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley stood in the upstairs apartment of the new Weasley Wizard Wheezes store. Fred and George had decided to expand business over the summer and decided to open a shop in Hogsmeade. To cut down on labor costs they hired their old friend, Lee Jordan, to run the shop and somehow convinced Professor McGongall to let their sister, Ginny, help on Hogsmeade weekends for students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Because of her long hours (or because she was literally stuck to the floor thanks to portable swamps), Ginny was allowed an apartment above the shop to keep a change of clothes and other odds and ends in case she needed them.

Unfortunately, there were dark times ahead. Death Eater attacks were growing closer and closer to the small town and many were taking caution. WWWs was to be closed, but not before it was rigged to give some surprises should any Death Eaters approached.

Ginny Weasley was sent to help pack up inventory and get all of her things and get back to the school before sunset.

"Come on Harry," Ron snapped as he pulled items out from the closet and placed them inside a bag in Ginny's apartment. "If someone catches us here we're dead."

"I know Ron," Harry sighed opening a drawer in the nightstand. "Let's just hurry up. At least Ginny won't have to worry about packing her things."

"Bloody good thing to. You wouldn't believe some of the curses people can use just with one item someone else owns. Scary really."

Harry nodded to his friend and shoved his hand into another drawer. Expecting jumpers or socks, he was surprised to find satin slipping through his fingers. He looked down and suddenly felt very warm.

"Er, Ron are you sure Ginny wouldn't want to do this herself? I mean there might be some personal items that er –" he said shakily.

"Come off it Harry," Ron said climbing up to get things off the top shelf of the closet. "What do you think you're gonna find? Some sappy poem she wrote ending with the lines 'Now you can kiss me, Harry,' and the two of you running off to the Americas somewhere? "

"Nevermind," Harry whispered to himself. Still a little embarrassed, he started blindly shoving items into the bag, until he pulled something unusual out of the drawer.

"A quaffle?"

At first thought, he believed Ginny Weasley had a broken quaffle in the drawer, but then he realized that wasn't what it was. In his hands, he held a matching set of bra and knickers, however the bra itself looked like two quaffles stuck together. Harry shook his head and looked back down at the garment.

"What ya' say Harry?" yelled Ron.

"Nothing," Harry croaked, before gulping and looking down at the matching knickers. Sure enough, a snitch was featured predominately.

"A snitch," he gulped.

"What are you going on about Harry?" Ron said as he came into sight and plopped on the bed. "You're talking about quaffles and the snitch. You fancy a quidditch game later?"

Harry was glad Ron had his back to him. There was no way he'd be able to hide his blush. Gulping again, he looked down at the garments in his hand. Did he want to play Quidditch later? Blushing, he quickly shoved the items into a bag and vowed to just grab and shove all the rest of the items into the satchel as quickly as possible. However, the action proved a lot harder that it sounded.

As he stuck his hand into the drawer again it was swiftly bitten. Crying out, Harry yanked his hand out.

"What's the matter?" Ron asked as he coming over to him.

"Something bit me!" Harry said holding his wounded digit.

"What?" Ron asked as he peered into the drawer. "Oh that. Must have been a booby trap."


"Don't worry, it's just a spell to insure no randy buggers get to close. You know what I mean? All they do is snap at ya. I mean who'd want to go after them if a guy's hands keep getting bit."

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Nope. Bill came across the curse that did it in Egypt while breaking into the tomb of a wizard's daughter. We brothers just decided to utilize it. Pity Ginny caught on, I think she must not know that one's curse though."

"I do now," came a very irate voice from doorway.

Turning, the two boys found a very put off Ginny Weasley standing there, hands on her hips. "I have half a right to owl McGonagall right now and tell her the two of you snuck out."

"We're just trying to help you pack," Ron quipped.

"Looks more like the two of you are having a panty raid."

"Ginny, I, er . . . that is to say," Harry stuttered.

"Save it Potter. You're both prats. Now please release my knickers and leave. Dumbledore's got something special to announce, and we're all gonna miss it if we don't hurry."

"See the gratitude we get for helping pack?" Ron said sarcastically to Harry.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Fine then. Thank you for packing for me and invading my privacy. I'll be sure to return the favor and make sure Hermione gets to riffle through your boxers shortly."

"You wouldn't," Ron said as the tips of his ears turned red, while the rest of his face went white.

"Try me," Ginny said crossing her arms. "I'll even make sure she sees the ones with the rubber ducks on them that Dad got you that Christmas he went all muggle."

Harry bit back a snort of laughter.

"Why is your finger bleeding Harry?" Ginny asked as a big of concern seeped through her anger.

"It was bit, by well one of those things. You know the ones in there," he said blushing as he pointed to the drawer.

"They're called bras Harry," Ginny said amused. "You're a big boy. You can say the word."

Ginny looked into the drawer to find a single bra left in it. "Was this the last thing to be emptied?"

"Yeah," Ron said. "I guess you'll have to get that one."

"Just leave it," Ginny shrugged.

"Just leave it? Don't you remember all those curses Bill and Dad were telling us about? Don't you know that's why the stock had to be moved?"

"I know all about the curses Ron, but I don't claim hexed bras as mine. Leave it. What's the worst it could do leaving it here? It might even attack one of the Death Eaters. Actually, I think I'd pay to see one of my former bras terrorizing Lucius Malfoy. Now get back to Hogwarts as quick as you can. I'll met you there."

A half hour later, every student of Hogwarts was backed into the Great Hall for an announcement prior to dinner. The hall fell silent as Dumbledore arose.

"First off, I would like to thank you all for coming down to hear what I have to say, granted if you can hear over your own stomachs," he said as on cue his stomach grumbled. "Alas, dinner must wait for a few more moments. As you all know because of this hazardous time, all visits to Hogsmeade have been canceled. However, because of the Valentine's Day holiday we have decided to grant you a special treat. The Room of Requirement will be transformed into Hogsmeade for one day for each of the houses. I believe most of you know how the room works and where it is located. Just think of Hogsmeade and it will be there. Using some various charms we have enabled the local merchants to offer their products and services to those students who attend Hogsmeade during their house's allotted time. The schedule goes as follows: Hufflepuff will have the room tomorrow the 10th, with Ravenclaw, Slytherin and Gryffindor following on each proceeding day. Now please dig in."

"Wicked!" Ron exclaimed as he piled food on his plate. Hermione looked across at him and shook her head. Harry and Ginny exchanged glances across the table and silently laughed at the two sixth-years.

"It really is quite ingenious," said Hermione. "Dumbledore has set up a password so only members of the house can get into the room that day. It will be open from midnight until 11:59 p.m., though I don't understand why. Everyone is suppose to remain in the dormitories until 6 a.m. and curfew is 10."

Ron merely grunted in response. "Hey Harry did you still want to play quidditch?"

"What? Oh, well all right," Harry said eating some chicken.

"Can I play quidditch with you?" Ginny asked.

Suddenly an image of Ginny in that bra and knicker set struck Harry. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat as parts of his body reacted. "No," he squeaked. "I changed my mind. I don't think I can play right now."

"Are you feeling all right Harry?" Ginny asked as she looked at him. "You sound off and you went a little pale."

"Actually I'm not. I think I'll go to bed," he said excusing himself from the table, and praying he could get that image out of his head.

However, for the remainder of the week, that didn't happen. He was normally all right as long as quidditch wasn't discussed near Ginny Weasley. That proved impossible though for team practice. She had been made a chaser, as Harry had come back on as the seeker. He had made it through quidditch practice, though uncomfortably.

Now it 4 o'clock in the bloody morning on Sunday, and Harry once again found himself awake. Of course, that mostly had to do with the fifth-year girl that just bound into the room full of energy. Ginny Weasley was bundled up in jeans, a jumper, hat and cloak and was currently trying to wake up her brother.

"It's our Hogsmeade Day all today and I want to go now. What's the password? We can go and get things from Honeydukes and everywhere," she said excitedly.

"We?" came a somewhat coherent voice as Ron stuck his head out from under the covers. "It's 4 o'clock in the bloody morning. Go away."

"I don't want to go by myself. How much fun is that? Now what's the password? Let's go."

"It's zinfandel. Now leave me alone," Ron said groggily before disappearing under his covers.

"Come on! This is the first Hogsmeade weekend I've been able to go to where I don't have to work," she begged. "I want to make up for lost time."

An unintelligible mutter followed from under the tangle of blankets.

"Come on. I don't want to go by myself," she pleaded.

"I'll go with you Gin," Harry said as he pulled the curtains back from his bed. Ginny jumped not knowing he was awake.

"I didn't wake you did I?"

"No. Hold on a minute, and I'll get my cloak and go OK?"

A few moments later, after giving the password and walking back and forth the required number of times, Harry and Ginny found themselves in Hogsmeade.

"It looks like the middle of the afternoon," Harry commented seeing the sun come out from behind a cloud as a light snow began to fall.

"That's because it is in here! Who cares if it's only four o'clock out there? It's noon here, and we have the whole town to ourselves!" Ginny answered happily.

"Where to first?"


"Zonko's?" Harry asked looking down at her. "Don't you get enough joke things from your brothers' shop?"

"Fred and George would kill me if I bought from the competitor's, and Mr. Zonko won't let me in the shop really anymore. He thinks I'm spying for the twins, but since he's not really here, I can go in and get some stink pellets."

"Lead the way."

Two hours later, Harry and Ginny had bought a package of stink pellets from Zonko's and several large bags of candy from Honeydukes. Harry's bag was full of chocolate frogs and every flavored beans, while Ginny was currently devouring one of five bags of sugar quills.

"Um, sugar quills," Ginny sighed as she stuck another one in her mouth as they walked down the street. "God bless Honeydukes and its candy."

"You're going to ruin your appetite Gin," Harry said smiling, before a shop came into view. Harry felt his heart settle in his stomach. "Oh no."

Ginny followed Harry's eyes to the shop and looked back at him. "What is that place?"

"It's Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop."

"It look's festive. Let's go in."

"No, I don't think ," Harry began but it was too late as Ginny drug him into the shop.

Opening the door, the duo was assaulted with pink and red everywhere. Cupids shot all around the room. Their bows and arrows were arched ready to strike. Glittery pink hearts floated down from the ceiling as Harry and Ginny took their seats. Harry had barely sat when he felt something sharp cut into his bum.

Ginny giggled as Harry reached down to find was poking him. "Are you sitting on what I think you're sitting on?"

Grunting, Harry pulled out a small bow and arrow dropped by one of the cupids. "Stupid buggers."

Ginny laughed hard. "Thought you actually squashed on one of those cupids!"

"They should all be squashed," grumbled Harry.

"Ah come on! Where's your Valentine's Day spirit? I mean yes, this place is way overdone, but remember we're in the Room of Requirement just make it whatever you think is romantic or nice."


"Honestly, Hermione's right both you and Ron are hopelessly daft. Here."

Harry watched as Ginny scrunched her face up in concentration. Suddenly the walls and area around them began to shift and swirl. It reminded Harry of being sucked into a pensive. A moment later, Harry found himself and Ginny in what appeared to be the kitchen of the Burrow (though clearly the layout was the teashop's not that of the actual Burrow). Instead of the long table they all sat at for breakfast there was a nice round oak table with two glasses of wine and candles.

"Your idea of a romantic place is the kitchen of the Burrow?" Harry asked smirking.

Ginny shrugged. "It can be. For example, over there every day before he goes to work dad kisses mum on the cheek, and right there before she goes to bed every night mum checks the clock to make sure we're all fine. Then dad holds her hand and brushes a kiss across her knuckles before they go to bed. They've been married for forever, and they're still in love," she said before whispering. "It gives you hope that maybe one day you'll be happy like that."

Harry merely nodded and got up from his seat. There were some other changes to this Burrow other than the table. The walls seemed bluer, and although it was lightly snowing outside warmth seemed to be coming out of everywhere. There were drawings stuck to the cupboards and walls showing dragons and fairies and other such creatures. Finally, Harry looked at the family clock.

"Hey, I'm on here," he exclaimed as he gently touched his face on one of the hands.

"Why wouldn't you be?" Ginny asked. "Mum and dad consider you one of theirs."

"Ginny, there are a lot more hands on this clock," Harry said as he examined it closer. "Look there's Hermione and Fleur. Here who's Cielle? And look . . . Sirius, but it's not."

Harry looked at the face in the clock hand. It said Sirius on it, but that wasn't who was pictured. Instead a small boy, maybe six looked out at him with dark hair and a missing bottom tooth. Harry peered at the child noticing the light sprinkle of freckles across his face. "But it's not Sirius. It's a boy. He looks familiar in a way. He ."

Suddenly the world swirled around Harry again and the clock disappeared. Harry twirled around to see Ginny sitting at the table in Madam Puddifoot's, her hands in her lap and her head bent down to look at them. She had a light pink tinge to her cheeks.

"What did you do that for?"

"It's your turn Harry."


"It's your turn to show me what you think is romantic. I showed you mine now you show me yours."

Suddenly, very inappropriate thoughts burst through Harry's mind. Not wanting the shop to warp into what he was imagining, he tried to clear his mind and think of something different. Unfortunately the first thing that cam to mind was quidditch – bludgers, hoops, brooms, beaters' bats, quaffles, a red quaffle bra – oh no! Harry slammed his eyes shut as the room began to spin.

"Well this is certainly an unusual motif," commented Ginny. "I wasn't aware you and Oliver Wood had so much in common."

Harry didn't want to open his eyes, but curiosity got the better of him and one eye flew open. Where there was once hearts floating from the ceiling, little golden snitches roomed out and about. Bludgers rammed back and forth from the pillars and a miniature stadium was set up at each table.

"I'm not sure I completely understand your view of romantic Harry," Ginny said looking around. "But I must admit this place is interesting."

Ginny got up from the table and started to walk around the shop. Pictures of famous quidditch plays hung from the walls. There were some display cases up showcasing items such as someone's broom, and a rough snitch which was touted as one of the first wizardmade ones.

Eyes now wide open, Harry began to look around the shop too. This really wasn't his idea of romantic, but it was wicked. Some butterbeers would top the whole thing off, but he knew they didn't have any at the teashop so there was no use trying to buy one.

He was enjoying the various quidditch items when a display case in the far corner caused him to pale. There, mocking him that his thoughts once again turned to it, was that blasted bra and knickers set. He turned to see Ginny wondering around across the room from it. Bounding up, he rushed to stand in front of the case, hoping to distract her.

"How about we order something to eat? Or let's just go to the Three Broomsticks. They don't sell butterbeer here and I really want some," he sputtered as he moved around to prevent her from seeing behind him.

"Not yet Harry I want to look at the rest of the stuff in the cases," she said getting annoyed as he continued to block her view from the case behind him. It was the last one in the shop and she was wondering what it could be.

"There's nothing really important in the cases, honestly Gin. I mean it's just old quidditch stuff hardly worth a bother, not really romantic. Why don't we just leave huh?"

Sighing heavily Ginny feinted to the right then jagged to the left quickly as Harry tried to block her view. He knew by the sharp intake of breath that she had seen what was in the case.

"Harry?" Ginny said tentatively. "Are those . . .are those my knickers you're trying to hide?"

"Um, well, you see," he began before hanging his head and moving out of the way to let her look in the case.

"Uh, Harry, not to be rude or anything, but why are my knickers on display?"

"It's not like I meant for them to be on display," he snapped. "They just keep popping up."

"My knickers keep popping up places?"

"You know what I mean. Merlin this is humiliating," he said turning red.

"When in the world did you see these?"

"Right before that bra bit me at the shop when we were backing your things."

Ginny laughed aloud.

"It's not funny."

"But it is Harry," she said snickering. "This is classic. Is this why you kept running off and hiding everytime I asked if you wanted to play quidditch with me this week? Who would have guessed my knickers were the key to your downfall."

"Shut up. It's bloody embarrassing. It's not like you had something embarrassing in your place," snapped Harry. "Maybe that would make this a little less degrading."

Ginny noticed how truly humiliated he was and motioned for him to calm down as she tried to reign in her laughter. A few moments later she calmed down and stood silent for a moment before closing her eyes.

"All right Harry," she said. "I did have something embarrassing at my place. I'll show you and then we'll be even."

Suddenly the family clock was back. Quietly Ginny walked over to it and brought her hand up to touch the clock's hands. Harry stepped closer.

"Cielle is what Fleur told me she wanted to name her and Bill's first daughter," Ginny explained as she touched the hand on the clock, before moving over to Hermione's hand. Harry hadn't noticed until now it read Hermione Granger-Weasley. "Hermione married Ron. They're expecting."

Again Ginny's hand traced down to a smaller hand that was beginning to form on the clock. Her hand then moved to Sirius. The young boy smiled brightly and waved out at her. A small grin formed on Ginny's lips before she took a deep calming breath. "Sirius is ours Harry. This is our family clock and how I imagine our kitchen to be in the future, and I just made a huge fool of myself."

Before he could say anything, Ginny turned near in tears, grabbed her coat and ran out of the shop. Harry stood in shock for a moment before looking up at the clock. Quickly he found both his and Ginny's hands. He hadn't notice before that he was older, maybe in his 30s. The thing he noticed the most was the smile on his face. Harry never thought he had smiled so big in his life. He seemed truly happy. He looked at Ginny's hand to find her smiling and blowing him a kiss.

He looked over to where the sink was before to see it form, and he could almost see a ghostly shimmer of where he and Ginny would be. He would wrap his arms around her waist and kiss her whenever he had to leave the house. He looked back at the clock, noticing another hand had suddenly appeared. A little girl with red hair and green eyes. Lily that's what he vowed he would name his daughter someday. His hand traced the girls clock hand and then traveled over to another hand containing another redheaded female.

"Ginny," he whispered before turning and rushing out of Madam Puddifoot's.

Frantically, Harry looked around for any sight of her. The streets were still clear as it was still very early in the morning. Harry gazed down both streets before his eyes finally caught the fading snow prints running out of town. He followed after them.

Gasping for breath, Harry held onto the fence post as he look at the Shrieking Shack. Quickly, his mind tried to figure out why in the world Ginny would run there as he continued up to the house.

Harry was grateful the shack looked like it normally did. The layers of dust in there made it easy to find her. Sitting on the floor in a drafty second-story room was Ginny. Her head was hung down and Harry could tell from the spots on the floor she had been crying. She must have heard him come into the room because she began to speak.

"I'm so stupid," Ginny said as a tear ran down her cheek. "I forgot where we were and I ran here to take the passage because I figured you wouldn't know I knew about it. Pathetic."

"Ginny, I –"

"Please don't say anything Harry," she said looking up at him with her tear streaked face. "Just let me leave with whatever dignity I have left."

"Fine. I won't say anything," Harry resigned. Ginny nodded missing the sparkle of mischief in his eyes. Harry extended his hand to help Ginny up. When she took it he yanked a little harder then necessary causing her to fall into him. Quickly he wrapped his arms around her waist and lowered his lips to hers.

At first Ginny was stunned, then she began to respond to Harry's lips. Somewhere from the back of his throat a sound between a moan and a primal grunt seemed to explode as Harry felt Ginny deepen the kiss. A minute later the two of them pulled away, hearts beating loudly in their chests.

"Harry, what?"

"Shh," he said placing a finger on her slightly swollen lips. "I'll show you."

A minute later the room swirled around and the dust disappeared. The walls appeared repainted, while the tattered mattress in the corner became an elegant sleigh bed. Magic candles floated throughout the air and pictures of family and friends appeared on the wall.

"This is our room Gin," he said grabbing a hold of her hand and leading her over to a wall full of pictures. "This is our family. See here's us and Ron and Hermione. That's their little one Magdalena. Hermione picked out the name. Here's Sirius and our daughter, Lily. I always wanted to name my daughter after mum. I love this future Ginny."

"Harry, I –"

"Just look at us," Harry said motioning to the pictures. "We're happy. Maybe even happier than your mum and dad. We can have that. I know we can."

"Harry how do I know you're not just telling me this to make me feel better?" she asked as she continued to look at the photos of everyone on the wall, before Harry handed her a picture.

"Because I'm not. I love this future, and I can't picture it without you. See this is our house," he said pointing to a small cottage in the picture he handed her. "There's a lot of acres and behind this tree line here is a broom shed, an apple orchard and nice big field for everyone to play in. I'll kiss you every day before I leave home and kiss your hand as you look at our family clock. I'll not take this for granted. We can have all this and if you want every night we can play quidditch."

Ginny raised an eyebrow and smirked as she saw the matching quaffle and snitch undergarment set appear on the bed. She stiffened a laugh before shaking her head and placing a tender kiss on Harry's lips.