A/N: It's nearly one in the afternoon and I'm still in bed. This is what people are talking about when they discuss the joys of living away from your parents. On the down side, I'm nearly out of cigarettes. On the plus side, I'm getting my own key today so when the boy goes to work I can go to ze pub.

Chapter Twenty-Four.

Hermione threw open the door to Harry's dormitory with such force that the handle dented the wall behind it. "Ron!" She exclaimed. "I feel terrible asking but do you have 20 galleons I can borrow until tomorrow"
"No." He snorted. "What do you think I am, rich or something? What do you need 20 galleons for anyway? Hey, what are you doing"
She had pulled open Harry's trunk and was rummaging around. Eventually she found a sack of gold, pulled out the money she needed and set off at a sprint to the dungeons.

She ran into Snape's classroom, not caring that there was a 6th year class in there.
"Severus." She said. "I'm sorry I neglected your feelings"
"Miss Granger, would you please-" He sneered, but she cut him off.
"You obviously had no real respect for me! You used a forbidden potion just to get me to spend time with you! You didn't even bother to come and say goodbye! But here." She threw the fistful of coins at him. "That's for your BLOODY dress."

She turned to leave when someone grabbed her arm.
"Are you okay?" Ginny asked, a worried look on her face. "Do you need t see madam Pomfrey"
"I'll take her. Class dismissed." Snape said, pointing at the door. The class hurried out, all throwing odd looks at Hermione, who was too infuriated to care.
"I don't NEED madam Pomfrey!" She yelled at Snape, hitting him in the chest. "Just let me go"
"My office, Hermione." He said, the softness of his voice catching her unaware. She followed him, listening intently as he spoke. "I did come to see you, to try and stop you coming here. It was selfish and foolish. I've had, unlike you, twenty years to focus on those events, and I must say that you were a very, very stupid little girl. Now go pick up your gold and leave. I have to grade these potions"
She stood and walked from the room, not noticing as a tear slid down her professor's cheek.

Draco ran straight into Hermione without realising she was actually there.
"Not now, Draco." She said. "I'll see you later, I really have to go see Remus"
"But Hermione"
She had already gone.

"Hermione." Remus said, as if holding back what he truly wanted to say. "Oh, Remus." She said, and threw herself towards him, hugging him intensely. "I thought you might've forgotten"
"Sit down." He conjured a chair with his wand and she reluctantly lowered herself into it. "Now listen to me, Hermione. I've had 20 years to think of what I'm going to say to you right now. This cannot work. I'm over twice your age, you have your entire life ahead of you and I'm already over the hill, as they say. You need someone your own age. You need to be happy with who you are. You don't need middle ages werewolf holding you back"
"But I love you, Remus, and you loved me too"
"That's right. I loved you. But a lot has changed in twenty years. I'll still be your friend. I still want you as a friend. But as a lover, it's just not meant to be"
"I don't want you as a friend!" Hermione spat. "Why are you doing this to me, Remus"
"It's for your own good." He said simply. He walked away, leaving her sat there. She reread the letter he'd written her 20 years ago. Yours forever...What a joke. She threw the letter into the lake and sat watching the ink spread in the water. As soon as the words were indistinguishable, Draco walked up to her. "What do you want, Draco"
"To help"
She stood up and offered him her chair. He took it, pulled her onto his lap and stroked her hair as she cried. He knew how it felt to have your whole world come crashing down around you. They sat there for hours, not saying a word. For the first time since they'd met, Hermione and Draco Malfoy could empathise with each other.


A/N: Sequel; Unforgivable.