The day of the talent competition had come. Every single student was pakced into the hall, ready to watch and find out what a Muggle competition was like. each and every one of them was waiting in anticipation, including the charming Mr Black. He smiled, knowing exactly what the girls were going to sing and who they were singing to. This was going to be interesting, he decided as he gave James a sideways glance. Mist then seemed to appear from nowhere and mask part of the stage from view.

Kendra, Lucia and Carla walked slowly out of the mist coverring the back part of the stage. Each one was dressed in white robes, styled to resemble Roman togas that covered their feet and gentle brushed against the ground.

A gentle sound floated in on the air; a piano playing the opening chords of the song. Beautifully calm notes filled the Great Hall. Just when everyone had a false sense of security about this song, a girl walked out of the mist and to the centre of the stage. As she walked, she sang in a sweet voice.

"If there's a prize for rotten judgement,

I guess I've already won that,

No man is worth the aggravation

That's ancient history,

Been there,

Done that. "

The music sped up as she sang. A light revealed her appearance to the entire room. The girl was average height with flaming red curls and glassy emerald eyes. Her own toga-like robes were a delicate shade of lavendar. It was..

"Lily" James gasped softly to himself. Nobody else heard, they were transfixed upon the Gryffindor girls up on the stage.

Now it was the other three's turn. They sang in unison in gospel-style voices.

"Who'd ya think you're kidding?

He's the earth and heaven to ya

Try to keep it hidden, honey we can see right through ya

Girl ya can't conceal it

We know how you're feelin', who you're thinking of ."

Lily shook her head and turned to walk to the left side of the stage as she sang out, sounding uncertain of why she was singing what she was.

"No chance,

No way, I won't say it,

No no"

The other three girls rolled their eyes then dismissed her words.

"You swoon, you sigh

Why deny it, uh oh"

Lily sighed then looked at the ground in annoyance as her words left her lips

"It's too...cliché

I won't say I'm in love"

The four Gryffindors paused for a moment as the music played. Then Lily lifted her gaze to her audience and sang once more in a confused and mildly annoyed with herself.

"I thought my heart had learned its lesson

It feels so good when ya start out

My head is screaming 'get a grip, girl!

Unless you're dying to cry your heart out!' "

Lily's eyes seemed sadenned as she looked out at the audience for lack of anywhere else to settle her gaze. After a moment she found the boy she had been looking for in the crowd of students infront of her.

"You keep on denying

Who you are and how you're feelin'

Baby, we're not lying, hon we saw ya hit the ceiling

Face it like a grown up

When ya gonna own up that ya got, got, got it bad?"

Lily turned annoyed and exasperated eyes to the other three girls. She sighed then replied in a weak sort of tone. The way all four girls acted as well as sang made the song more exciting to listen to and watch being performed.

"No chance,

No way,

I won't say it, no no"

Unluckily for her as she was singing this she locked gazes with a certain Gryffindor Chaser and her lips curved into an unbidden smile that lit up her features. He stared back at her, in shock that not only was she looking at him, but smiling too! Something must be wrong, he decided this instantly...

"Give up, or give in

Check the grin, you're in love!"

Lily removed her eyes from the boy to fix the emerald orbs upon the other three on the stage. She sang adamantly but her expression betrayed her feelings and thoughts.

"This scene won't play

I won't say I'm in love

You're way off base

I won't say it

Get off my case

I won't say it"

The three shook their heads in unisons, seeming to be exasperated with her but noting the look upon her face. Then then smirked, knowing they had won.

"Girl, don't be proud,

It's ok, you're in love"

Lily sighed softly then moved her gaze the the boy once more. Her face had softened with a note of affection that had crept into her voice.

"At least out loud

I won't say I'm"

The music faded out and for a moment their was silence. Then each and every person in the room, including the Slytherins for some unknown reason, jumped to their feet and cheered loudly for the four Gryffindor girls up on the stage.

One boy was staring at Lily in particular, seeming to have gotten then message hidden in her song.

James smiled lightly and mouthed the word "Really?" to Lily, knowing he would never be heard over the cheering of the entire population of Hogwarts.

"Yes" came her mouthed reply, a shy smile flickering across her face.

Wow, James thought, Lily Evans is in love... with me!