Disclaimer – Don't own the characters except Demon and Kyle

Rating – M

Warnings – contains boy/boy romance, abuse, rape

Return of an Angel

Kai sighed as he got out of bed. It had been five years since Tyson had left. Five long miserable years. During those years Biovault had become more powerful and was now joined with the BBA. Once joined with the BBA, Kai collected a team of bladers to search for Tyson, but they still could not find him. It was like he had just vanished. Once dressed he left his room that he had once shared with Tyson and went downstairs. He noticed that Max and Ray were already up and having breakfast.

"Good morning Kai. How are you?" Max greeted cheerfully. Kai just glared coldly at him.

"Max just get lost you brat" Kai retorted.

"Hey don't you speak to Max like that. You apologise to him right now" Ray roared. No one spoke to his Maxie like that.

"Make me" dared Kai. Ray clenched his fist but didn't make a move to strike Kai. Ray knew that fighting with Kai was dangerous. He also knew that Kai would easily won even if Ray used all his skill and power; he would be no match against Kai. Kai smirked and sat down. After breakfast Max and Ray left, hoping that with enough space, Kai would cool down.

"He's retorted back to old self. That's a shame. He was opening up" Max said. Ray nodded.

"Seems so. If Tyson were here Kai would change. Kai would do anything for Tyson" Ray muttered. Just then they stopped in their tracks. Their eyes widened and as they saw him. He hadn't changed much in five years. Standing next to him was a small boy who looked like Tyson, however he had long black hair and a scowl fixed on his face.

"Hey Tyson" Max shouted. They watched as Tyson looked at them. They crossed over and were shocked at what they saw. Tyson was covered in bruises and cuts. His once bright and cheerful face looked grim and miserable. Just then Ray yelped.

"You stay away from mummy. You caused this so stay away from him" the little boy shouted. With that he took Tyson's hand and led him away. Max and Ray watched in disbelief as Tyson, their once stubborn friend, let himself be lead away.

"Should we follow?" Max asked looked at Ray who nodded. He didn't want to tell Max, but he had sensed that something was different. He wasn't sure what it was but there was something strange about Tyson and the kid.

Tyson flopped on the soft couch and sighed. When he had seen Max and Ray his heart had leapt. Thoughts and questions had flooded his mind. He knew that his son Kyle would tell Demon what had happened and he knew full well that Demon would not be happy. He was trapped. He was unable to do what he wanted to do because he was bound to Demon and Kyle. Suddenly Tyson bolted upright as he heard the front door open. He heard Kyle's voice. He gulped as he watched Demon wearily enter the room. At that moment Kyle left the room. He watched Demon nervously as he walked towards him. Demon sat down and pulled Tyson on his lap and held Tyson close to him.

"What am I going to do with you? I save your life and you swear total obidenience to me, then you run away and betray me by falling in love with a mortal and then you sneak out. So what am I going to do with you?" Demon asked holding Tyson closer to his body.

Silence. A silence that disturbed Tyson. He could feel Demon's hands roam his body; making Tyson groan but not with love or lust. No he groan because he was sick of it all. He may be bound to Demon but he heart was bound to Kai's and Tyson couldn't see a reason to live without Kai. However, he hated to admit it but what Demon had said was true. Long before he had met Kai and the others and long before they were even alive, Tyson was saved by Demon. Tyson had been the son of Lord Kinomiya, who had many enemies. Unfortunately, his enemies kidnapped Tyson and he had nearly died due to the injuries they had inflicted. Then Demon had come and saved his life. In return Tyson had sworn his loyalty to Demon, however he fled from Demon. When he met Kai his life changed and after a couple of years they eventually became a couple and that was when everything changed once again. Soon after Tyson had moved in with Kai he had known that Demon was around and left and soon enough was found and captured once again by Demon and as punishment forced to bear his child.

Tyson tried to pull away from Demon but found that he couldn't.

"You're not going anywhere MY angel" Demon whispered possessively into Tyson's ear and he nipped it playfully.

"Please just stop. Let me go" Tyson begged. Demon chuckled.

"Do you think I will let a beautiful creature like you go? Do you think that I'll let you go back to that mortal?" Demon asked.

"No" was all Tyson could say. He knew that no matter where Tyson went, Demon would follow like a moth to a flame. Tyson was the flame and Demon was the moth.

"I'm glad we understand each other. I am your master and you will obey my every command and if I'm satisfied with your behaviour then I will take you and Kyle out for a couple of hours and we'll be a happy family" Demon told Tyson. Demon then scooped the light Tyson into his arms and carried him upstairs and into their bedroom.

Kai looked up as Max and Ray entered the living room. From the look on their faces he knew instantly that they knew something that he didn't and they weren't going to tell him. God I hate it when that happens, Kai thought angrily to himself.

"Hey Max I'm sorry for the way I acted this morning. I shouldn't have shouted at you. Please forgive me" Kai apologised. Max smiled at his friend.

"It's alright. I understand how frustrated you are that you are unable to track down Tyson but we will find him" Max tried to reassure Kai. Kai looked at Max and then at Ray.

"You're hiding something from me and I know it" Kai accused. Max turned to face Ray who nodded at him.

"Look Kai we saw him in town" Max admitted. Kai's eyes widened. He was here.

"But the thing was he had this little kid with him and another thing when we got closer to Tyson we noticed that he had cuts and bruises over his face. We didn't talk to him instead the kid kicked Ray and blamed us for causing his bruises and cuts" Max continued. Kai growled angrily. Max hurried away from Kai, scarred of what he might do. Ray placed his arms protectively around Max's waist.

Kai was furious. Nobody but nobody touches MY Tyson but me Kai thought possessively. Kai then turned his attention back to Max and Ray who gulped.

"Max, Ray I want you to get the others together and you've got one hour at the most to do that." commanded Kai. Max and Ray nodded and obediently started to get everyone together. Once they had gone, Kai took his jacket and left the mansion to search for Tyson…HIS Tyson.

Authors Note – Well that's that done. By the way this is the sequel to Leaving. Please Read and Review