Title: My Pirate…

Chapter 5: Stolen Moments.

Disclaimer: I own bugger all. Ok?

Summary: Diana Nixon has every thing a 22-year-old girl could wish for; a beautiful home with her parents, and well everything she wants. Except for adventure. So when a pirate ship is spotted hidden in a cove, Diana tries to sneak on to the ship, The Sea Dragon but is caught by the first mate and taken to Captain Harry Groves, a man out for the blood of an old enemy, Captain Jack Sparrow

"Now, you're going to hand everything over like good little soldiers and nobody gets killed savvy?" Harry said. The crew of The HMS Seahorse were tied up to the mast.

Faith was terrified. She'd never thought they might get attacked by pirates. It was awful, was this how her friend had felt? Was feeling?

"I'll never surrender to a pirate!" Oliver spat venomously.

"I don't think you've got much choice there, mate." Jo said, an evil glint in his icy, silver grey eyes. He let his eyes wander over the prisoners. They came to rest on Faith. Her eyes widened when he leered at her.

"Cap'n! What shall we do with the doe?" He asked it was a fitting description for Faith had a look upon her face, which resembled that of a frightened deer.

"I be thinkin' we should take her with us. Tis always nice to have someone to, 'attend' to our needs." He said. The captain gave Jo a disapproving look.

"Bad luck to have a woman aboard. Or have you forgotten what happened a scant few days ago with a Miss Diana Swann? The little whore turned one of our own against us." Captain Grooves said with a harsh glare at Faith.

"Swann?" Oliver asked curiously. It may not have been but it was a very close link to his sister. What if Diana had given them a false name? And what did they mean by 'turned one of our own against us.' Had his sister escaped their clutches?

"What's it to ye?" Harry asked glare now fixed on Oliver.

"What did she look like?" He asked uncertainly. Jo narrowed his eyes.

"Short, long blonde hair, green eyes." The beefy first mate replied. Oliver barely managed to control his building excitement. Could it be? Had his rebellious sister managed to escape?

Harry Grooves was quickly growing bored of this.

"Ye have a choice. Join me crew or be cast adrift in a boat. No food just one barrel of water." He said. He let his good eye roam over them. They would all join. Navy men always did. Look at Jo, once the commodore of a navy fleet off the coast of Ireland, now his first mate.

All but two agreed to join. Faith and Oliver.

"It's been a pleasure to have been meeting ye Miss Faith. Shame the captain is so stuck to his guns." Jo said with a suggestive look as he let his gaze roam over her figure. Oliver glared. How dare he look at his fiancée like that? Jo made to usher them towards the boat, but Captain Grooves had been putting two and two together.

"Wait. Take 'im below." He said indicating at Oliver. Jo raised a quizzical eyebrow at the captain.

"And what about the lass?" He asked. Grooves gave him a deadly smirk. He pulled his pistol and released the safety. Jo understood. He gripped Oliver in his huge arms.

Harry Grooves released the trigger. A look of shock was etched into Faith beautiful face as she collapsed to the deck. Oliver was released but he knew even with out checking that this beautiful creature was dead.

"Bast-" Oliver didn't get to finish; he was hit over the side of the head with the butt of a cutlass. He fell to the deck unconscious in a cruel parody of Faith.

"Take 'im below. Let's see if the little whore can bargain with Sparrow for the return of her brother." Grooves said his voice full of venom. He didn't like being made to look a fool.


The evening breeze toyed lightly with Elizabeth's blonde hair, she wore it lose and it danced on the wind like a war banner.

'How fitting.' Will thought as he walked towards her turned back.

"Beautiful evening." She said as he came to a halt beside her. He nodded. He let his warm chocolate eyes study her tanned face. Her gorgeous amber eyes were alive with happiness. He smiled. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes upon.

"It is." He replied softly wrapping his arms around her, his hands coming to rest upon her swelling stomach.

"It's a boy Will." She whispered, almost as is she was afraid of breaking the fragile silence that enveloped them. William Turner regarded her with confusion. She turned around in his arms so she was now facing him.

"Our child, I can feel it. It's a boy." She said with a soft smile. Will returned it and placed a soft, chaste kiss on her full lips.

"How are you feeling about Diana now?" He asked as he rested his head lightly on top of hers.

"I don't know. I don't want to see her hurt Will. What if she falls for him but he feels nothing for her? You know what Jack's like." She said worry ebbing it's way into her voice.

"I know my love. Would it make you feel better if I spoke to him tomorrow?" He asked as his right hand came up to stroke her hair softly. Elizabeth nodded.

"Thank you." She said as she buried her face in the soft folds of his lose, white shirt. He smelt of the sea, oranges and cinnamon, and an underlying musky smell that was purely Will. He smiled gently and kissed the top of her head.

"Let's go to bed. Jack won't be back for a long time, you should rest." Will said as he released Elizabeth. She nodded sleepily and took her husband's hand.


Diana emerged from her hiding place. She'd heard the entire exchange.

"She thinks I'm falling for Jack? Is she mad?" She whispered to the setting sun. She shook her head. Her cousin was losing it.

'Just because I may think he's not awful to look at.'

'Just not awful?'

‘Shut up. I do not have romantic feelings for Jack Sparrow!’

'I didn't say you did.'

'Who are you?'

'Your sub-conscious'

"Well shut up!" She snapped out loud, it was around that time Jack arrived back, a good amount of rum running in his system.

"I didn't say anything lass." He slurred his words ever so slightly. Diana spun round to face him.

"Not you. Sorry I didn't realise you were back." She said dropping her gaze as her cheeks flamed. Jack smiled brightly at that and strode over to sit next to her.

She gave him a curious glance.

'Ok so maybe he borders on handsome.'

'Told you so.'

Diana glared at a spot on the deck.

"Some 'fin botherin' ye lass?" He asked cocking his head to the side. He reminded her of her fathers chocolate Labrador. Right down to those deep, soulful chocolate pools he had for eyes. They were beautiful she admitted to herself.

“No, well yes but nothing you could really help with.” She said with a soft, sad sigh. Was it wrong that she didn’t miss her family? Her friends? Was it wrong that all she wanted to do right now was kiss Jack Sparrow? To feel his lips on hers, to taste him. Did it make her a bad person because she might be falling for a pirate?

"Do you want to play a game?" She asked suddenly after a few minutes silence.

Jack gave her a quizzical look.

“Alright.” He said with a wary glance at the small blonde next to him, her slim figure he realised was just that, very slim. At first glance she appeared to be very pretty but it was just a pretty face. She was currently free from the confines of a corset and she really didn’t have curves. Jack couldn’t help but find her beautiful.

"I'll ask you a question and then you ask me one. We both have to be truthful. No piratey sneaking and rule breaking." She said.

"Is piratey a word?" He asked.

"Is that your question?" She asked one perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised.

"No, but is it? And I though you were asking the first question." Jack said.

"I don't really know. And what's your favourite colour?" Diana asked, a determined look firmly in place.

"That's your question? That's a stupid one." He said. Diana glared.

"Just answer it!" She snapped. Jack rolled his eyes.

"Red." He stated.

"My turn. Can you ride?" He asked, with a firm nod of his head.

"And you thought my question was stupid. Ride what?" Diana asked. She was already bored, and annoyed. Jack Sparrow seemed to annoy her more than any normal person should be able to.

"Horses. What did you think I meant?" Jack asked, almost pouting in his drunken state. Diana responded by sticking her tongue out. Jack chuckled.

She glared at him, a pout now rising on her full rosebud lips. Jack bit his bottom lip. A thought was racing round his mind. Diana's mind was running along the same lines as her eyes came to rest on his lips. Jack shifted his position slightly, and lent in closer to her. Her dark lashes fluttered closed in anticipation. Suddenly there was a loud bang. They sprang apart.

"Jack! Jack! We're under attack!" Gibbs shouted as he ran towards the helm of the ship to where the two were sitting. Jack stood up quickly, then he pulled Diana to her feet.

"Go wake Will and Elizabeth. Tell them to get of the ship. You too." He said.

"But-" Her protest was cut short as he kissed her. Pulling back he whispered,

"Go." And so she did.


AN: I am so sorry I took so long! Thank you to my fantastic reviewers! Please continue to review. I am really sorry and the only excuse I cna give is I'm working on my Harry Potter fic; And Life Goes On. Once again I am so sorry it took so long.