Heya guys, wow I haven't updated this story in AGES! Sorry about that. Right then, lets get down to replying to all my reviews:

Diamond Core: Of course I'm not angry! You silly bean how could I be? There's no law saying people must review my work – though it would be handy if there was :P – but no, of course I'm not mad at you. I'm glad you like this story though. I have to admit I do like being different, so I'm glad you appreciate it! You flatter me way too much though lol.

Luna-chan - A MaSk Of LiEs: Hehe you like poking people don't you? Or is it just me :P Aww thanks for the review Luna, it made me smile. This is the last chapter for this story. Don't get me wrong I do like this story, its just Spirit of the Black Panther takes priority but that ones almost finished too – what will I do next? Any suggestions? I think a lot of people want me to do a sequel for it, luckily I have a plot I can use lol. Ah well tis all good fun. Thanks for reviewing!

koneko101: Aww Moulin Rouge isn't the best film to watch when your reading a sad story lol. Too many tears… - here have a tissue - :P Glad you like the story though!

Kirdari: Hmm – looks at your message – is three months a quick update? - Sweat drop – sorry it's taken so long, really I am. I just kinda had writer block for a while. Hope this chapter is worth the wait though.

Kendo Baby: Yay unexpected is what I like my stories to be! I'm happy I surprised at least one person. Thank you for reviewing sorry it's taken so long to update.

The Hutchy.1: You liked then? Full of events is good right? I hope so… Thank you for reviewing!

Story Weaver1: Ah now you may have a problem with this chapter, as it kinda leaves in mid air, so there's no definite ending… This chapter is supposed to be the last one, but, if you really wanna know what happens next then you may be able to persuade me to write an epilogue…?

RandomnessRox: Yes indeed, before your review asking if Kai liked Hilary, the thought hadn't even crossed my mind! But as soon as I saw your comment I was like, "Hmm… this could work…." Anyways, I decided to use it. Glad you like the twist! I may be able get persuaded into writing another chapter for this story, maybe an epilogue? See what you think and let me know, ok?

Twincharm: Yes, I know what you mean, but some guys are really like that – and some girls for that matter too. Tyson should know better than to doubt Hilary… but we know that right?

Tigerrelly: Ah yes, I didn't think about it like that… Well I'd actually written it as in he fancies her – but that will become clearer in this chapter. But very well noticed about what had been said in earlier chapters!

Airkid: No, no not at all. I'm no Tyson basher! Sorry if it seems like I am, but its only to fit in with the plot… and I've never had any of the characters (except Kai) actually say something bad against him. I love Tyson, I think he's a great character, its just in this story he needed to seem – well stubborn basically – nothing more, nothing less. I hope that clears things up, sorry!

Now then that's everyone. This chapter will be the final for this story, unless there are any huge requests for an epilogue. Hope you enjoy it! By the way it's longer than usual I think!

Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade

Chapter 6: A Fool of Love

The past few days have been pretty… awkward shall we say? First Hilary had to deal with Kai's revelation that he liked her, and then she had Tyson to contend with. He eventually came back to apologise to her once he'd calmed down, only to blow up again when he found out about the Kai incident…

As you can imagine, he wasn't best pleased with Kai, but Tyson being Tyson decided to put the blame on Hilary, and this time Kai wasn't here to defend her.

"You just attract them all don't you!" he yelled

"I didn't intend for this to happen Tyson,"

"Of course not!" he sneered

"Tyson I refuse to go through this all again… I thought we'd sorted this all out?"

"So did I, but that was before I found out you'd been leading on one of my best friends!"

"I've done no such thing!"

"Well you must have done something cause you're the only girl Kai's ever liked,"


"Meaning he must have been persuaded to like you in the first place!"

"Tyson you're ridiculous! Why do you insist on always accusing me of everything? I've never done anything to lead on people, why would I when I have you… Don't you trust me?"

She moved to touch his arm but he simply shrugged her off.

"Frankly Hilary… No. No I don't."

I watched as tears weld up in Hilary's eyes, but she refused to cry in front of Tyson. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction. Instead she ran, and before any one of us could stop her, she ran from the dojo as fast as she could; pushing past Kai as he walked up the path, not giving him the chance to grab her.

I stared after her, wanting so much to comfort her… but at that moment in time, I was more concerned about Tyson's well being. After seeing the state Hilary was in, Kai seemed ready for murder. He strode straight up to Tyson who was now casually lying down with his hands behind his head.

"What did you do this time?" he asked in a dark tone

"Nothing," shrugged Tyson – God he can be so stubborn!

Kai looked over to me, Rei and Kenny.

"What happened?"

Chief began fumbling with his fingers. He didn't want to be the one to condemn Tyson to almost certain death; who knew what Kai was capable of doing.

"Well err Kai… They had an argument… again,"


"Ah, erm… well, err it was about…"

"You and Hilary," answered Rei

Kai glared at Tyson before lifting him to his eye level.

"What did you say?"

"I didn't blame you for it all, if that's what you're worried about,"

"I don't care what you think. All I want to know is what you said to make her so upset. Now what did you say?"

"Why do you want to know? So you can go after my girlfriend? And make her feel all better?"

Kai froze before letting Tyson drop to the floor.

"You don't deserve her," he hissed

He turned to the rest of us.

"We need to find her. Split up, we'll meet up here in an hour. You," Kai glared at Tyson, "Stay here. If Hilary comes back don't you dare upset her again."

And without further to do Kai stormed out in search of Hil.

I stared blankly at Tyson, who was still rubbing his sore behind and glaring daggers at Kai's back. I shook my head in disbelief as I saw him mutter the word: "Jerk."

Well there was nothing left for the rest of us to do, expect obey Kai's instructions and go in search of Hil. We split up of course; guessing that Kai would probably have gone to Hilary's house first, so Rei went to the shopping mall, Kenny to the Park and I made my way to the bridge by the river.

I figured that the bridge would be a pretty good place to start looking for her. I mean everything seems to happen at that bridge; we've met new people there, been challenged there, and at some point we've all gone there to think about things. I reckon we go there because it's so peaceful. Hardly anyone passes past it because there's a far easier route to cross the river further down; and those that do cross it, have deliberately come to it for the views.

You see, from that bridge, you can see the river seep into the town; and if you go there at dusk there's the most wonderful sunset. Even at night it's a wonderful place to be because there are no streetlights around, so the stars seem brighter than usual – They seem to sparkle more.

Anyway, so I'm making my way to the bridge when I spot a lonely silhouette just staring out from it… I recognise that figure.


For some reason my heart beats faster every time I see her – I know, it's pathetic!

I tried my best to stay quiet as I approached her, not wanting to disturb her too much. The closer I came to her, the louder I could hear her muffled sobs. Why does Tyson always make her upset? The one you love should never make you cry…


My voice seemed softer than usual, I guess that's my sympathetic voice; but it still made her turn around abruptly and quickly wipe her eyes.

"Oh Max, it's you… Sorry I didn't hear you coming,"

"It's ok, I was trying not to scare you – guess that didn't work," I replied with a chuckle.

I saw a small smile appear on her features. She looks ever so pretty when she smiles.

"Sorry, I must look a mess…" she began

"You don't,"

I think I sounded a little too eager when I said that, because she turned and looked really surprised.

"Oh? Well that's very sweet of you to say so…"

There it is again – sweet. I decided to ignore it.

"We've all been looking for looking for you Hil,"

"All of you?"


"Even Tyson?"

"Err… well…"

"Oh… I didn't think he'd care."

I could see the tears welling up in her ruby eyes again.

"I'm sure he does!" I replied quickly. "It's just, well, Kai told him to stay at the dojo – in case you came back."

Good Max, quick thinking!

"I see,"

"I'm sure he would have come with us, but if Kai says stay, then well - let's face it - you stay."

She laughed softly

"Yes, I guess you would." She admitted

"We were all worried about you Hil when you ran off. Kai was fuming when we told him what happened…"

"You told him?"

"We kinda had to… again, if Kai says spill…"

"You spill" concluded Hilary

We both laughed; at least I'm cheering her up.

"So what happens now?" asked Hilary

"I guess you come back with me."

She turned back and leant against the railing, her head dropped slightly so her hair hid her face.

"I don't know if I can go back…" she whispered

"How so?" I asked completely puzzled.

"Going back will only cause more problems… Tyson's made his view of me pretty clear – and I don't wanna cause tension between him and Kai."

"I hate to break it to ya Hil, but those two have never been great friends at the best of times…"

"I know but I can't have made things better can I? Oh Max, why do relationships have to be so complicated?"

You're telling me

"…Everything was going so well; me and Tyson were good – then he starts accusing me of cheating – and I'd never do anything to hurt him, ever! Then there's all this business with Kai, and now Ty certainly doesn't trust me. He made that clear enough."

"He was just upset."

"But why? It not like anything happened between me and Kai. Don't get me wrong, the guy's cute and all, but he's just too silent for me."

"You prefer someone who you can argue with?"

I raised my eyebrow, not believing my ears. I can't imagine many girls would turn Kai down for Tyson…

"Yes! Yes! I know it sounds strange…"

"It does"

"… but I like a challenge and arguing with Tyson – well it gave me a buzz – it was fun, you know?"

"I can't say I do, I've never argued with him."

"Oh – well it doesn't matter, especially not now…"


"He won't take me back now, will he?" she muttered

She looked to me, with searching eyes – as if I held the answer.

"I- I don't know…" I whispered

Here come the tears again, I could see them building up in her eyes, I think she knew this and that's why she turned away from me nodding solemnly.

"I thought so,"

Her voice was barely a whisper but ready to break. The pain in my heart began aching again. What I would give to hold her, to tell her everything would be ok, to protect her… but I can't.

Instead I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure everything will work out for the best Hilary,"

"But how can it? The team won't work together if I stay around, I've lost everything; my boyfriend, I can't even bring myself to look at Kai. If the team breaks up because of me then Rei and Kenny will never forgive me…"

"You know they'd never blame you! This is all just a misunderstanding."

"A complicated one that's made me lose everyone I care about," she sobbed

"You still have – and will always have, me"

I turned her around to face me, and wiped away some of the tears one her cheek. She tried to turn away but I held her chin so she'd at least look at me.

"I won't leave you," I replied softly

I was trying to make her happy but instead she hugged me and burst into tears. The experience was least than expected, so all I could do was pat her back comfortingly

"Oh Max! I don't know what I'd do without you!" she sobbed

Oh how many times have I dreamed of her saying that to me? If only it wasn't in this context…

"Everything is such a mess! I don't know what I feel anymore. Perhaps Tyson's right, perhaps I bring it on myself…"

"No! No… never. Hilary, people can't help who they fall in love with,"

I should know

She laughed sadly.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked

"You, I've never known you to be so serious,"

"Hey! I'm not always on a sugar hype – and its not just Rei and Kai that can be wise! We all can, well maybe not Tyson…"

We both laughed at the thought of Tyson being mature for once

"Thank you Max," whispered Hilary as she hugged me tighter

"What for?"

"For being here, I'm glad it was you that found me."

By now I have the biggest grin imaginable on my face. I'm hugging Hilary and she says she's glad it's me!

"So we gonna go back now?" I asked (secretly hoping she'd say no!)

"I guess so,"


We pulled apart and Hilary began wiping her eyes, at least she's smiling now.

"You know, you not a bad hugger Max,"

"I'm not?"

"Yeah, you're… cuddly, yeah that's a good word for you. In fact, I'll even envy the girl who goes out with you"

"You will?"

"Yeah course! You'd be a super boyfriend."

Heh! Never thought I'd hear Hilary say that!

"Ah well you needn't worry, you're the only girl for me!" I replied while sticking my tongue out

She laughed with me as we walked back to Tyson's dojo.

"Oh Max, you're such a joker!" she giggled

Yes… a joker – a fool of love

If only she knew… If only she knew of my secret desire…

The End

I hope that chapter didn't disappoint anyone. As I said to someone before, it kind of leave the situation hanging in mid air – so either you come to your own conclusions to what happens next, or alternatively request an epilogue from yours truly. Either way I don't mind!

Wow that's my first story finished, even though it was my second started! Ah well Spirit of the Black Panther has only one more chapter left and then that will be finished as well. What will I do then? If you have any suggestions/ request I'd be happy to hear them. Until then…

Thank you to all of you who have reviewed this story (and who read it but don't review!) I hope you have enjoyed reading, all the best

Wreckless Spirit