Ok this is a story I decided to write because I have writers block for the Spirit of the Black Panther… it was an idea I came up with one night. I don't know if you guys will like this story, Max and Hil pairings aren't very common after all; but I'll give it a shot. I like being different!

Hope you like it

Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade and its characters.

Chapter 1: A joke too far

Have you ever been in the situation where you've really liked someone, but never told them because they like one of your friends, who conveniently likes them? Well I have…

I'm Max Tate, your average 15 year old blonde American with blue eyes. I'm part of the world famous beyblade team, the Bladebreakers. There are five of us on the team in total; myself, Rei, my best friend Tyson, the technician Kenny and our captain, Kai. Well I say there's five of us, there was at the beginning, but for last six months we've had an addition to the team.

She doesn't blade or fully understand the game or have any technical knowledge, come to think of it I don't rightly know how she joined. But she did. Who is this mysterious girl? Well her name is Hilary, one of Tyson's school mates… I use mate in a loose term – they're always arguing!

But then again I think there's a reason to why they argue… In fact I know there's another reason. People always say when a guy and girl argue it's because they like each other. I believe this to be true with Tyson and Hilary, I mean there's always an element of fun when they argue…

As Tyson's best friend, you'd think I'd genuinely be pleased for him… but I can't. I've tried but just can't. Why? I'll tell you, it's because I like Hilary. I like her flowing chestnut hair, her ruby eyes, her precious smile – she always smiles. I love talking to her; she's always so chirpy, like me. What I'd give to be with her, but none of them know that though. It would just make things more complicated if they did.

For now, I'll remain silent about my feelings… I can pretend to be happy for my friends can't I?

It was a normal day for us, we were training in Tyson's Dojo and as usual Tyson and Hilary were arguing.

"I'm not lazy!"

"Really? We'll I guess that makes me the ice queen…" replied Hilary sarcastically

"You certainly act like it…" muttered Tyson


"Err nothing,"

"Don't act stupid Tyson! Though most of the time you are…"

"What did you say?"

"Err nothing!" mocked Hilary

I've got to admit, it is funny when they argue. Especially when Ty pulls a face like he is now. The rest of my team smirked.

"You know, you two would make a good couple," commented Rei

Both of them blushed instantly, I couldn't help but tense up.

"Meh, whatever Rei. Like that would ever happen." Replied Tyson as he waved his hand dismissively.

For a split second I could have sworn Hilary looked disappointed. Maybe I imagined it…

"Anyways, I'm hungry, anyone else up for lunch?" asked my greedy best friend.

"Tyson! For once in your life stop thinking about food and concentrate on this strategy I came up with!"

"You came up with a plan? Ha! Hilary you don't know the first thing about blading! No offence but I'd rather not lose!"

I can't believe him sometimes. Hilary has always tried her best to help us and now Tyson's practically laughing in her face. Wait, he is laughing!

"I was only trying to help…" whispered Hilary sadly

"Hilary I'd rather take help from a potato! Seriously, it would be far more useful!"

I could see the pain in her eyes; tears began to well up in those beautiful ruby orbs. She didn't say anything else. She merely looked at Tyson sadly before running off crying. Leaving the piece of paper that had her strategy on, to fall to the ground softly.

Of course, Tyson was laughing too much to notice. He can be so inconsiderate sometimes. Once he'd finished laughing, he finally looked up to be encircled by the rest of us frowning.

"What's up?" asked the puzzled boy

"You don't even know?" cried Kenny in disbelief.

"Know what?"

"For goodness sake Tyson, you made Hilary run off crying!" shouted Rei

"I did?"

I have to admit I had to stop myself from strangling Tyson; he can be so stupid.

"You know you can be such a jerk sometimes," I replied

"Hey I was only joking with Hilary,"

"Well it wasn't funny." Retorted Kai. "Hilary had spent a lot of time coming up with a strategy for you; and before you say it would be amateurish, it wasn't because I'd checked it before…"


"Oh indeed Tyson, now I think you should go apologise to her."

"Is that a good idea Kai?" I asked


"Well Hil is upset, I don't suppose she'd want to see Tyson immediately…"

"I get what you saying Max… but we have to make sure she's ok," added Rei

"I could go…" I answered innocently

Ok, so maybe I did have an ulterior motive; I'm mean if I could cheer up Hilary then I'd be the good guy and Tyson would be the bad guy in her eyes. But the rest of my team didn't know that; so they readily agreed that I should be the one to find Hilary.

Maybe this will work out in my favour after all…

Ok so what do you think? You like? Please let me know of you opinions, I'd be very grateful!

This story won't be very long, a maximum of five chapters I reckon – unless you want more…

Please Review!

Wreckless Spirit