Chapter 1

For as long as humans can remember demons have ruled the lands, being an inferior weak race the humans were easy to enslave.

The humans were the lowest life forms on the face of the earth and as a result of that they were treated cruelly. They were used purely for their master's entertainment, always being beaten for anything that was wrong whether it was their fault…or not.

The demons didn't care, it was just one more thing that they had to take care of and they seemed to rather enjoy it. On more then one occasion they began to place bets to see if a human would survive an ordeal.

Some demons were exceptionally cruel as they worked their slaves to death. They never gave them food or shelter from the harsh winters that graced their lands. They whipped them in order to get them to work harder and when they couldn't work any longer they killed them and replaced them with another much younger human, whom soon would most likely suffer the same fate.

But some demons weren't like that they showed the humans compassion and treated their slaves with respect. They tended to the humans needs and provided them with shelter and food. In these areas you can say that the humans and demons lived in peace. Together they tended the lands and raised their young.

This was their way of life for centuries.

As the years passed the humans grew more and more frustrated with their cruel masters they were worked long and hard never getting any rest and little to no food for their labor.

All the humans wanted was a place to call there own and live in peace but for some… this was not meant to be.

One day a powerful priestess by the name of Kikyou developed the subduing necklace. She came to realize that when the necklace was put around the neck of a demon it would subdue them making them defenseless against humans by a mire word of their choosing.

Word started to spread around that such a necklace existed. Even the mere thought of such a thing made most humans quiver in fear at doing such a thing to their masters.

The demons were enraged, fearing that one if them might wake up with such a thing around their necks, so they set out to look for this priestess that could do them harm.

When they found her they instantly killed her, but it wasn't an easy task, for she was indeed a powerful Priestess. They had to make sure that no one would ever use the necklace to subdue the most powerful creatures of the land.

But unfortunately for the demons Kikyou had passed on the knowledge to others. Slowly the humans started making necklaces and began to pass them around to the other slaves as they met in different parts of the land.

Soon every slave somehow had gotten his or her hands on a necklace. When everyone was ready the humans started to fight against their masters.

It was a terrible war. Humans and demons alike died from the years of battle. The land was ravished, as the stronger demons set up barriers to protect their lands and anyone wanting to be protected from the war was welcomed to live there.

They let the war rage on the outside while they stayed safe in the containments of the barriers.

After many years of fighting the humans were finally free of their enslavement and it was the demons turn to be enslaved. The masters became the slaves and the slaves became the masters.

Demons were hunted far and wide then enslaved. The only ones that they couldn't touch were the one's who lived within the barriers.

When the demons were taken they were treated cruelly for all the years that the humans were enslaved. It was time for pay back and they got their revenge in the worst ways.

Even though the inventor of the necklace has been dead for a long time her methods were copied and improvements were made. The necklace now would not only make a demon submit to their masters but also took most of their demonic powers along with it. They were left weak and forced to do the heavy labor that the humans refused to do.

There were very few areas where demons stilled ruled over the land. They lived in peace and were free to roam the countryside. They were the lands to the East and West; a powerful barrier protected both areas. This prevented the humans from entering and capturing the weak demon children.

The lands to the North and South were ruled by the humans, where the slaves where.

The demons being held in enslavement were beginning to dwindle in number. The humans had to think of a way to breed them so that they could continue with their revenge, oh yes and have slaves as well. They developed breading centers, keeping the strongest males and all the females so they could provide them with new demons for slavery. It was a cruel way to treat them but the humans didn't care they needed workers.

Hunters still existed as they traveled to the forbidden lands to take demons as slaves.

The forbidden lands were the lands that were protected by the King of the South. No one was to go there and hunt for anything whether it was demon or animal. Punishment for hunting on this land was death, but the hunters didn't care they got good money for any demons they captured and brought back to the processing facilities.

The lands were protected by the soldiers who were loyal to the king and by a lone priestess that dealt harshly with anyone who trespass on her lands. No one knew who she was. All they knew was that she lived somewhere deep in the forest and protected all who lived there be it human, animal, or demon.

And this is where our story begins…..

On this day the hunting parties had returned from the forbidden lands with the catch of the day. One particular demon or should we say hanyou was the prize catch for the men. He lay on the floor of the wagon not moving. A sleeping spell had been placed upon him to subdue him while they traveled back to the training facility or more commonly called the processing facility.

He was a hanyou…yes, but a powerful one. They had been after him for a long time. He had been raiding the capturing wagons releasing any demons that they had caught for enslavement and led them to the safety of the barriers. They had tried everything to catch him but he always seemed to escape their traps.

On this day though they had come prepared, they had stink bombs that they threw to confuse him as his senses went wild. The hanyou didn't know what was happening to him as he struggled to get away from the foul stench that attacked his sensitive nose.

Then they threw the sleeping powder at him to subdue him. Once he was down they placed a necklace on him, loaded him into the wagon, and brought him back to the processing facility.

The facility was a giant building, which housed all manner of slaves for sale, from laborers to protections slaves and even demon pups. This particular facility was also known for breaking the most unbreakable demons and once they submitted to their taskmasters they were sold.

They had finally made it to the facility with their prize catch still asleep in the back of the wagon. They proceeded to unload the hanyou from the wagon, none to gently, as he grunted after hitting the ground. They picked him up and dragged him inside the facility where he was then taken to the upper floors to be conditioned. They brought him into a room with bars over the only window and threw him on the cold hard ground.

The hanyou slowly started to regain consciousness as he started to move.

The hanyou moaned as he rolled on the ground trying to get up. He slowly opened his eyes to take in his surroundings. Once his eyes were focused he saw that he was in a small room with bars. He became enraged and charged at the bars on the door hoping to break free from his prison.

The bars held fast and for the first time in his life he was actually hurting from the impact. He went down with a thud and looked up. The bars had not moved. He felt weak like something had been taken away from him, like all of his demonic powers. He almost felt like a human maybe a little bit stronger. He still had his demon senses. He could hear and smell anything coming towards him. He wondered what they had done to him as he tried to think of a way out.

He tried to stand but felt himself wavier, he had to lean on the wall for support and that's when he saw her.

She had short black hair and green eyes. Her body was lean and trim. She wore black leggings and a black tank top with black combat boots. She held a whip in her hands as she smiled an evil smile, "Well glad to see you're awake." She smiled extra wide for him.

The hanyou saw her smile and he just growled at her barring his fangs. "Oh, a feisty one." She said with a grin.

"First I will make you submit to me and then I think I'll keep you around for a while. You're very pleasing to the eyes." She said eyeing the hanyou from top to bottom with lust filled eyes as she licked her lips with desire

The hanyou had long silver hair, beautiful golden eyes, and cute little dog-ears that sat on top of his head in the middle of his tangled mane. He wore a red haori much in the same fashion as they had worn over 600 years ago. He was young but not that young that he couldn't be made to do whatever she wanted.

Kusco looked at the hanyou with yearning in her eyes. Yes, she was going to enjoy breaking this one. "So what's your name?" she asked in a seductive voice.

The hanyou just looked at her in disgust, he had no desire to engage in conversation with her so he crouched in a corner of the room and growled at her, while he flexed his claws.

She looked at his reaction and smiled, "When I'm done with you, you will learn to answer your master."

The hanyou became enraged at her statement and said, "You're not my fucking master wench! Now release me!" he ended his statement with a growl.

"Oh, you will call me master or you will die. You have caused us a lot of trouble in the past. Now that we have captured you, you belong to me. I will break your spirit and then your very soul. Once I've had my way with you we will sell you for what ever we can get for your empty, soulless body." Said Kusco as she tapped the whip she was holding in the palm of her hand showing him who was in control.

Her face turned cruel as reality finally hit the hanyou. He was never going to be able to escape from this hellhole.

"Tomorrow we'll start your training so I hope you'll get some sleep because you're going to need it." She then turned and walked away leaving him alone in the small room to ponder his fate.


He awoke to the sound of chains being dragged along the ground. He quickly got up and crouched down in a corner of his cell flexing his claws in the process. They won't take him easily he will fight them with everything he had.

As they approached his cell he picked up the stench of that wench that was there yesterday, he growled deep and menacing, baring his fangs. Then all too soon they were there at his cell door. They unlocked it as five demons stepped inside with chains in their hands.

The woman came in after them and said, "Well are you ready for your training?" the hanyou only growled at her question. Then leaped in hopes of getting to her before they could subdue him.

Kusco saw what he was doing and simply said, "sit," as he fell face first to the ground unable to move. The demons encircled him as their master spoke, "Remove his regular clothes and put on the training ones, then chain him, he will need to be taught a lesson."

They did as they were told and removed the hanyou's clothing and tossed them aside. They put on a pair of old dirty training pants as they held him to the ground. They bounded him with chains around his neck, wrist and legs. When the spell started to wear off he started to get movement back in his body. He tried to stand but was quickly over powered and subdued.

"Bring him along." Kusco commanded as the demons grabbed the hanyou and dragged him down the corridor to the training room as the hanyou was struggling against his capturers to get free from their grasp.

The training room had no windows, what it did have was a stone pillar in the center of the room with a hook on top. They moved the struggling hanyou over to the pillar and lifted him slightly as they placed his chained wrist on the hook.

He was barely standing on the toes of his feet and he was turned so that his back was to his enemy. They moved his hair out of the way to give their master full access and then they stepped away. They knew what was coming and felt sorry for the hanyou. This room has broken tougher inu youkai than him.

The hanyou's heart was racing he didn't know what in the hell all of this meant. He could smell fear coming from the demons as they backed away from him. He knew it wouldn't be good.

Kusco walked towards a table and picked up her favorite weapon, the whip. She grabbed the whip by its long slim stem as she was gently caressing it with her fingers. She released the end of the whip from her hand, letting it fall to the ground with a thud. She gave a flick of her wrist and heard a loud snap.

She smiled as she saw the hanyou start to struggle against his chains. She was going to enjoy this.

"Now hanyou you are going to learn how to obey when you are spoken to." She flexed her wrist and the whip landed on his back.

The pain was excruciating but he didn't yell out. She continued to punish him and it hurt like hell. He could feel the blood running down his back as she continued to whip him as punishment for not answering her question.

With each hit she took great pleasure in seeing him wither under her assault. The hanyou never yelled from the pain she was causing him, this made her even more determined to continue his punishment.

The longer he remained quite the more she would lash out at him in hopes of making him yell out in pain. Kusco enjoyed hearing them cry out in pain. It meant the she was doing her job. But this hanyou wouldn't utter a word and this fueled her anger.

His back was a bloody mess as the lines of the whip marks zigzagged across his back making deep impression and cuts on his skin. You could see the skin split under her assault as the blood continued to fall down his back as it started to pool on the floor.

When he wouldn't cry out in pain Kusco used other methods to convince him to submit to her will.

She picked up a knife and walked towards him as he was hanging from his wrist in pain. She let the hanyou see the knife she was holding as she took the tip and started tracing an outline starting from his wrist all the way along his arm.

The hanyou winced in pain but still held his tongue. The tip of the knife dug into his skin as the hanyou just shook from the pain she was causing him.

She smiled knowing that he would soon submit to her as she continued her actions but he never did.

By the time she was done he was hanging by his wrist almost unconscious as she approached. She grabbed a hand full of his hair and pulled his head back, making his head tilt back in an unnatural angle as she looked at him.

He winced in pain as he saw her eyes, "Now tell me your name." Kusco said with distain in her voice.

The hanyou just closed his eyes and refused to answer. Kusco green eyes lit up with anger. She pulled on his hair making him bend even more digging the metal bracelets into his already bleeding wrist. It felt like she was about to pull all of his hair out. He yelled in pain but he still wouldn't answer her questions.

"You will learn how to answer when spoken too," said Kusco clearly enraged as he refuse to answer her questions.

The punishment continued for the rest of the day but he never spoke.

They dragged him back to his cell as they dumped him on the cold hard floor. The hanyou winced in pain as he tried to sit up but couldn't, so he laid there on the floor in a fetal position wondering what he was going to do.

With them taking away his demonic powers his wounds wouldn't heal. He was constantly bleeding from his back where he had received most of his punishments for not yielding to that wench. He wouldn't yield; he would be a slave to no one. He would rather die than be turned into one.

He continued to pant from all the pain he was feeling finally his body couldn't take it any more and he fell unconscious.


The punishments continued for weeks. Kusco had tried everything she could think of to break him. She used knives, whips, fire, hot metals against his skin, glass you name it she used it but he still wouldn't break. She was frustrated to no end. Never before had she meet such a stubborn hanyou but she would break him or he would die in the process.

The hanyou was chained to the wall now. His dirty shirt was hanging loosely around his shoulder. They put him in an uncomfortable position to make sure he couldn't sleep. He had not been given any food or water in over a week in order to make him submit. But he was proving to be a tough one.

The hanyou knew he was growing weaker and soon they would break him, 'I'm losing this battle, will my suffering never end.' His thoughts were on his family as he drifted in and out of consciousness.

His father didn't know what had happened to him, he was sure that he would be searching for him but they could never reach him here. His wrists were hurting him as he thought about the day they had captured him. How could he have been so stupid, to fall for a trap they had set for him.

oOo- FlashBack -oOo-

He had woken up in his room that day. The day was going to be beautiful as the sun was rising over the horizon. The wind was gently blowing through his window as he saw the birds playing in the distance.

He had made plans that day to see his friend. They were going into the forest to play and if like usual he saw any slave capturers in the forest with captured demons he would free them so they could run into the safety of the barriers.

His father had warned him on several occasions to be careful because humans were ruthless in their capturing of demons. He may had been lucky on the few occasions that he had raided the wagons but they had other weapons that they could use to capture him.

The hanyou prided himself on his speed and cunning being able to outwit them when they tried to capture him. He got up and got dressed as he went outside in search of his friend.

He came upon Shippo waiting for him down by the gardens as they raced into the forest. He always felt at peace in the forest. He loved the feeling of jumping from tree branch to tree branch as they raced through the forest just having fun. They were having so much fun that they had failed to notice that they had left the safety of the barrier that protected the land they lived in.

Shippo came upon an object on the ground, it was a small box and it was very shinny, being curious to what it might be he went to investigate. He approached the box with care. His friend had told him many horror stories about humans and what they did to demons when they were caught and sold to be slaves but his curiosity was getting the best of him.

Shippo reached out with his tiny little hand and was about to touch the box.

The hanyou had been standing only a few feet away when he turned looking for his friend. He saw him about to touch the box on the ground and yelled, "Shippo! Don't touch that!"

He leaped and pushed the young kit out of the way as his hand made contact with the shinny box. Then a bright light filled the area and a metal cage came down over him effectively trapping the hanyou inside it.

The hanyou looked up to see he was in a cage. He got up off the ground and walked up to the bars as he put his hand on them, he yelled in pain as lighting engulfed his body and quickly released the bars.

Shippo seeing that his friend was in trouble tried to help but the hanyou yelled at him to stop and not to touch the bars. He told Shippo to go and get his father and tell him what had happened.

Shippo was scared, he didn't want to leave his friend but he knew he had to go and get some help. He turned around and was about to leave when a net was dropped over him and he was captured as well.

The hanyou saw the humans coming out of the forest. He saw them drop a net over his friend effectively capturing him to. He became enraged as he hit the bars with his body making the metal bend from the impact. He grabbed hold of the bars with his bare hands not caring about the lighting that was engulfing his body and was pulling the bars apart in order to get out of the cage to save his friend.

The humans were ready today. They didn't think that they would be able capture him in a cage, but hey, maybe the fates were on their side for once. They threw some stink bombs to confuse his senses as he tried to cover his nose and backed away.

Then they threw sleeping power in order to subdue him until they could get the necklace around his neck. They needed a way of controlling him until they got him back to the processing facility.

They saw the hanyou go down to his knees as the sleeping powder was taking affect.

Soon he collapsed on the ground unconscious.

The humans moved with caution. They knew that demons were devious and they weren't about to risk being killed and not reap the rewards of capturing such a prize. They would get good money for him once he submitted to being a slave but that was up to the taskmaster to do.

She was ruthless. She had broken plenty of strong demons over the years and this half-breed should be easy enough for her to break.

Once the humans were sure that the hanyou was unconscious they could approach without fear. They still kept on eye on him incase it was all a trick to make them open the door to the cage and then try to escape.

They made sure that they kept his little friend close in case they needed something a little bit stronger than the sleeping powder to subdue him. He wouldn't risk the safety of his friend since he had pushed him out of the way when the cage came down from setting off the trap.


Shippo watched in horror as they subdued his friend by throwing sleeping powder on him as he fell to the ground unconscious. It was his fault that they had been captured. If he hadn't been curious about the box on the ground then they wouldn't be in this mess. He lowered his head as he started to cry.

Shippo was powerless to help his friend as he was trapped inside a net that he couldn't break. They put something around his friend's neck as they removed him from the cage and into a wagon with bars that was sitting off to the side. They threw him inside and he landed with a thud on the ground not moving, then they threw Shippo in the same wagon not releasing him from the net.

Shippo couldn't move to help his friend even if he wanted to. The wagon started to move as they carried the two away from their home never to see it again.

oOo- End Of Flash Back -oOo-

So here he was hanging from his wrist in pain, hungry, and tired. He wanted to sleep but the way they had him hanging they made it almost impossible for him to rest. Every time he would fall asleep the weight of his body would cut into his wrist, waking him from his slumber. It was a no win situation and he was losing. But he wouldn't give up without a fight, he had to find Shippo and they had to escape together to go home.


Inutaisho was pacing the floor of his office. His son had not made it home last night. His son always came home before sundown because he had repeatedly told him that it was dangerous for him to be out at night. He didn't want anything to happen to his son. He had a lot of enemies and he tried to protect his family as best he could. But his son always liked his freedom and now he didn't know where he was.

He continued to pace in his office; you could see the line of wear on the carpet as he continued to walk back and forth in frustration. He stopped his nervous pacing when someone entered his office; he was hoping to receive some good news. He looked up from the ground to see his sergeant of the guards coming towards him.

He bowed and said, "My Lord, we followed your sons scent and it led us outside the barrier. We found were there had been a struggle and by the looks of it he was captured and was taken away in a wagon. We found this in the area."

Inutaisho took the small bag that his sergeant of the guard had given him and opened it. It contained a sample of the soil taken from the area; he looked at it and then he sniffed it.

'Sleeping powder, this only means that the slavers have captured him.' His heart felt heavy with the realization of the news, he knew that someday they would get him if he continued to raid the slavers wagons.

He sighed heavily and said, "Please go and get Miroku, I want him here in five minutes." The guard bowed and left the office in a hurry to get the person he had requested.

Miroku arrived about three minutes later panting from running to his lord's office. When he entered his office he saw Inutaisho pacing back and forth. He stopped and looked in his direction and began to speak.

"Miroku, my son has been captured by the slavers. They used sleeping powder to subdue him and they have taken him away probably to one of the processing facilities. He was with Shippo so that means that the child is missing too. I want you to take a couple of your best men with you and see if you can find him. If you do find him make sure that you get him back. I fear for his life the longer he stays out there."

Miroku heard Inutaisho request as he bowed and said, "I will do my best to find him."

Miroku turned on his heals and left to go find his lord's youngest son.

Inutaisho looked on as Miroku left his office. He hoped that he could find his son. He was afraid that they would try to make him into a slave, but in order for them to do that they would have to break him first. He knew his son would fight against them and that was what he was afraid of.

His son was stubborn and he would fight them tooth and nail. He just hoped that he could get to him before they would break him and make him into a slave or worse that they would hurt his son for refusing to obey.

He growled at the idea of anyone hurting his son because if anything ever happened to him he wouldn't hesitate to wage war on the humans to the south.

Inutaisho had always treated humans with respect but he had no love for the ones that lived outside the barriers. Those humans treated demons with such crudity that he didn't harbor any ill feelings if he hurt them. He wanted his son back and that's all that mattered to him.

He had sent Miroku because he looked almost human, he hid his demon feature very well and with his spiritual powers he can disguise his men and they could walk among them as humans.

They have had concealment spell for a while now and only used them when necessary. They didn't need to go out into the human world because they had everything they needed where they were.

Inutaisho sighed as he looked out his window, 'be strong my son we are going to find you.'


Hello everyone. I'm sorry for the long delay in the new story, but a lot has happened in the last couple of months.

First there will be no more editors' notes to the story. I'm sorry but my dear friend Jinx is not up to doing editors notes at the moment. We are sadly mourning the death of Mike who passed away in February 2005 of cancer. He will be sorely missed by all of his friends.

I toyed long and hard on whether I should change the story because he was in it, but as I thought about it what better way for me to pay tribute to him. The way I portray him in this story is the way the real Mike lived in life. He laughed and played but he was always a true friend.

So in tribute to Mike who is in this story along with Shawn I dedicate this fanfic in his name. He loved anime and he especially loved the Inuyasha series. I honor his memory and that he will live on forever in this story.

This is the first time that I will post a fanfic that is not completely done, so bare with me on the chapters as I get them done. I will post the chapters a lot slower this time.

I will post the next chapter depending on the review I get from you. I don't know if you would like this kind of story. It is very different from my previous two.

Leave me a review and tell me what you think. I look forward to hearing from all of you.

Until the next chapter!
