Get On Board
Rated: PG maybe PG-13 later (K+ or T)
Type: Humor/Romance
Pairing: Beckett/Chair
Author's Notes: The first ever Beckett/Chair ship story... I'm releasing the idea into the wild... wish it luck! (I can say I'm the first right?)
"Rodney! Can't you get Sheppard to do this?"
"No, he's out flying… somewhere and you're the only other accessible one to do it."
"Besides, there's nothing you can do. Everything's gone. We've disabled it."
"Yeah yeah yeah, well the point is, we still need to see how much power is in this baby."
"Yeah right, yer probably just trying to torture me."
"Yes Beckett we are, now turn the damn thing on." Beckett reluctantly did so, fearing what might come next. He winced.
"Very good. Rodney?" Zelenka asked, confirming his readings.
"Yes well, we have power," McKay mused. He looked at his readings then back at the doctor, who was squirming in the chair. "Beckett!"
"What are you afraid of?"
"Hurtin' someone," he muttered quietly.
"You're not gonna hurt anyone."
"Yeah right."
Hey you.
"We didn't say anything," Zelenka said warily.
No, I did.
"Are ya-"
Speak with your mind, not with your lips, the voice asked.
Who are ye? Beckett called back to it.
I am on whence you sit.
"Carson, nothing's gonna be hurt, nothing's gonna be launched. Now sit still!" McKay ordered. Carson whimpered back. The scientists turned away from him again. Beckett sat still and listened to the feminine… was it female?.. voice. In truth, he'd heard it before, commanding him, leading him through McKay's exercises to launch stuff. It freaked him out.
You're the Ancient Chair? he inquired softly.
He felt something like a nod in his mind. I am she.
So ye are female!
Of course, all of us are.
All of ye? Including the Earth one?
The Chair sighed. No, he is the only male.
Beckett opened his eyes and glanced around nervously to see if the scientists were hearing this. Apparently not. He slowly relaxed his tense, arched back onto the chair's surface.
So…what's yer name? he pondered. Could this thing read his mind if it could talk to him mentally?
My name is a series of numbers and electrical pulses that you cannot make sense of. Although I will provide you with a suitable name.
The Chair processed and Beckett felt the nervousness come back. He back rose into a slight arch.
I will be Arynn, you should address me as such.
What a beautiful name you picked.
Is it common among your people?
No, never heard of it actua'ly. Maybe if he kept up the act, McKay would force him to stay. This way he could talk to the chair.
Then you approve of my choice?
Most certainly my dear! "McKay! Are you done?"
"No, no, no, we still need you. You're not going anywhere."
"Oh God."
He felt a metal frown. Why do you fear me so? The other Ancients never have. His eyes widened in surprise.
No! We're not Ancients… well not really.
But I feel it, therefore I activate. I am most confused, please explain your situation to me. Could an inanimate object be confused? Well this one was, all Beckett felt in his mind was utter helplessness and misunderstanding.
Sure, myself and a few others have, naturally, Ancient DNA, our genetic code. This means that we can use the city no problem. A few like Major Sheppard- The Chair stopped him there.
Ancient Sheppard? He has called himself thus.
Ancient Sheppard! Oh well… then Ancient Sheppard has the gene ready at his disposal. Things come natural to him, like powering you up. I, on the other hand, must think about it. Beckett suddenly became very nervous. He could feel the Chair, Arynn, power up tremendously under him. It was powering up for something that much he knew. The power and control of it overwhelmed him.
"Zelenka? Rodney!" Carson called out helplessly. The Chair needed him there, but he didn't want to be there.
The astrophysicists turned in surprise at their readings. The chair was giving much more output than it should have been. But that was good! Poor Beckett had his back arched as far as it would go. The chair's blue light became powerful and the scientists squinted against the light. With a swoop, a blue light covered the outside of the city. The chair powered back down to its natural state.
You needed power, I have provided you this.
"Wha-?" Beckett exclaimed partly to himself, to the beaming scientists, and to the Chair.
I have seen you needed power, so I have opened the reserve power. The ne-finium, or the Zero Point Modules, as you call them, have been re-powered along with two others I have opened.
Wha… what! How can we thank you? Beckett sputtered.
Take care of our city. Protect it, defend it, heal it. This is your duty. I shall see you again Carson Beckett of Earth. With that the chair went dead and released Beckett. He jumped up and flew straight into Zelenka's arms.
"Sorry," he mumbled by means of an apology. They paid no attention, they just stared at him. McKay found his head first and hit the radio.
"Lizbeth, this is McKay."
"We have a shield."
"I…I see… who did it? Major Sheppard?"
"No. Beckett."
hows the idea so far? plz R&R!