DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything that J.K. Rowling had written in her Harry Potter Series, but would like to thank her for letting me use her characters to my own twisted pleasure.

Chapter One

The summer was half over and Lily Evans sat in room not moving. Any movement showed that she was home and she didn't want her mother to know she was in fact at home. Still recovering from the beating she had a few nights ago was her main priority for now. Another 47 days and she would be going back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for her seventh and finally year. She had been made Head Girl this year though she didn't tell her mother this for fear of what could happen.

Ever since her father left during her second year at Hogwarts with her older sister Petunia she was left to her mother's treatment. At first not knowing why all of a sudden her loving mother turned on her she began to question. Questions lead to memories and memories are something her mother didn't want to be reminded of, so came beatings. Lily learned not to question after that summer always doing what ever her mother asked.

Even if it was the smallest thing, she would do it. Then her mother found other reason to hit her around. If she was found doing something her mother never told her to even do then she was hit. Though she learned never to question back, because that lead to more sever punishment so just took whatever her mother had to dish out towards her.

If it was a bad day for her mother than it was an even worst day for Lily. During winter and spring holidays she came home on her mothers request. Lily though it was to relive the stress of her not being there to be used for any reason she mother wished for. During those times her mother made sure never hit in a spot that couldn't be covered up later when she went back to school. Unfortunately that didn't save her on summer holidays when she had more time to recover from her punishment.

Moving out of her thoughts she moved slightly when she heard the front door open and then slam shut. Lily prayed that her mother would just go and drink off whatever happened that day and not come up stairs to take it out on her. After a few minutes had passed and she didn't hear anything. Lily let out the deep breath that she had been holding in before she began to drift back asleep again. So that she didn't have to try and think about the habit her mother picked up over her 6th year at school.

It was late in the evening we Lily awoke again having the need to use the restroom. As quietly as possible she began to rise from her bed, pleading that he mother was passed out down stairs and not in her bedroom. Since the bathroom just so happened to be placed a crossed the hall from her mother's room. Slowly opening up her door to hear where snoring coming from she noticed it was out of her mothers room and silently cursed.

Shutting back the door as quickly as possible she made her way over to the window. Thankful for the hot summer days that she left her window open for. Other wise the squeaking noise from tiring to open the window would have woken her mother up for sure. Swinging one leg out the window first than the other she began to make her way down the vine covered ladder. Stopping to go pee in the brushes first before she made her way out the back gate.

Walking two houses over she opened up the back gate and made her way a crossed the little yard to her best mate's house Matt Baker. Seeing his bedroom window open she climbed the ladder into his room. Smiling when she saw him lying in the bed half twisted in his sheets. She walked over to the bed and pulled the sheets away from him waking him in the process. Blindly looking up at her half asleep he moved over so she could climb in. Coving the both of them she fell back asleep for the night.

Lily awoke to the bright lights of the morning sun shining through the window. Groaning from the brightness she turned to move closer Matt when she noticed he was no longer there. Sitting up as slowly as possible so not to open any cuts that might have begun to heal she began to move over to the dresser in the corner of the room. Pulling out some clothes for the day and then turning to wait for Matt to get back to his room.

Lily had become friends with Matt during her 3rd year at Hogwarts. Him being a Ravenclaw in the same year as herself. She found out he was a muggleborn just like her and he had moved down the street from her. During break that winter he began to notice the marks on her, then during the summer after her 3rd year and offered her to stay at his house anytime she needed to. Apprehensive at first, she been to tell him bits and pieces of her home life. During their 4th year they became really close, he was her only friend at Hogwarts.

Never wanting to be around others for fear of them finding out, she began to be known as the Gryffindor Ice Queen. (Beautiful but deadly) Though it never really got to her because she had Matt around to keep her sane. During their 5th year Lily became a Prefect with Matt and slightly more open to others since none of Matt's girlfriends really liked her hanging around a lot. Fights would often break out between them and Lily. However Matt always chose to stay by Lily's side and never with the other girl's.

Thankful she had at least one dependable thing in her life, Lily's life was made a bit easier when people picked on her. Slytherins did it the most but Matt was usually there to help her out. Though it was when she was in her own house is when problems happened. A group of four boys in her year that thought it was better to make her life as painful in school as it was out. When it finally start to die down during the end of her 5th year it was because one their so called 'leaders' started to ask her out every chance he got.

Life for her continued on like this all through her 6th year. Never changing which she was grateful for once again, because coming home always meant something new was going to happen and it was never any good.

"Hey, do you want me to fix you up before you head to the shower?" Matt asked walking into the room with dripping wet hair and towel in hand.

Lily turned and smiled at him. She knew she probably wouldn't have made it this long without him, 'fixing her up' as he put it.

"No, I want to be clean before you put all the junk on me."

"Suit yourself. Mum and dad left a little while ago and left some money on the counter. So, lunch and a movie?"

"Sure," she said as she passed by him to walk down the hall to the bathroom.

Getting undressed was a painful matter. It took longer to get out of her clothes than it did for the shower. Then careful not to let the water hit her back a lot was another problem. Washing with the special soap she got in Hogsmeade to clean out the smaller cuts and help the bruises go away. She took a deep relaxing breath when the soap took away some of the pain but breathing was still hard from the pain in her chest and gash a crossed her back opened when she went to dry off. Sliding on some underwear she put on plain cotton shorts and headed back to Matt's room.

Matt had the potions and salves ready when she came in with the towel coving her chest. She walked over to him and gave a deep sigh wishing that things with her mother would go back to how they were before her father and sister left. When her mother smiled when Lily entered into a room, instead of the 'whore' remarks she got now.

"Ok, what's the damage?"

"Um, there is a pain in my chest, my back busted up mostly, but the soap got most of the smaller bruises and cuts away."

Matt looked at her shaking his head. Thinking if only she told someone of her home life then he wouldn't have to fix her so often.

"And what about the black eye your modeling?" he asked.

Lily turned to look in the mirror to see purple and yellow ness around her swollen eye.

"Hell, I thought it was just swollen."

Nodding his head in agreement with her, he knew she wouldn't look in the mirror unless she had to. For the reason that her mother said that she looked just like her father who left. Her mother knowing that Lily would always be pretty than her made her angry that she made sure that she told Lily was fat and ugly all the time. Making Lily want less and less to look at herself if need be that she didn't.

"Ok, lift the towel a little so I can you ribs, you might just have one or two cracked."

Nodding she lifted her arms with the towel out so it just cover her breasts. Feeling each rib up till Lily yelped in pain he stopped.

"They're just cracked," he said turning to look at the potions he had. Picking up a pink one and handing it to her, "take this and then I'll wrap it after your back is finished."

Dropping the towel back down to cover her stomach she reached for the potion and quickly washed it down with a grimace.

"That tastes so bad." she said holding out her tongue to rid the taste.

"Well, tell someone who can get you away from your mother and you won't have to take it so often."

Shooting a glare towards him she moved to go lay on the bed.

"I'm running low on this paste and the next batch won't be done for two days so try and stay away from her as much as possible," he said as he began to rub the thick orange paste on her wounds.

"She know how hard that is?" she said as him rubbed some around her eye and than pulled the warp out of the drawers with her clothes.

"Just stay here," he answered back.

"For two days, get real. I have to make the women dinner every night remember."

Sighing as he finished and threw her one of his shirts. It was big enough that it would not bug the paste and wrap he had just applied.

"Your crazy. Just tell, this is getting worst and worst each time."

"You know if I needed a lecture I would have asked for one." she said walking out of the room.

"Gryffindor bravery in all the wrong places." He said to himself as he followed after her.

The day passed by quickly enough, soon Lily had to return home to fix her mother's dinner. Most of the braises were gone and her eye only looked a little puffy. Thanks to Matt that he was good at potions and made them all the time to fixed up so she was ready to face her mother for the next time.

Going through the back yard and into the kitchen she began to work on dinner; never noticing that her mother came in from in the living room and stood at the doorway watching her the whole time.

"Where have you been?" she snarled out making Lily turn quickly enough to drop the pan of water boiling water onto the floor.

Mentally cursing herself for not checking the driveway for her mother's car first, she looked up to face her mother's cold hard face.

"I was at Matt's house, M'am," she whispered out.

"Whoring yourself around again is what you were doing, I see."

Lily didn't like the sound of this and most likely will probably end up worst than the other day if she didn't try to fix it fast. Slowly looking away from her mother she began to clean up the water mess she made when she dropped the pan.

"What are you, to good to look up at me but you can whore yourself around to the neighbors. I understand I'll just have to teach you a lesson." she said pulling a hand out from behind her back showing a huge black leather belt.

Lily wasn't very shocked to see her pull it out now as she was the beginning of the last summer. Pain was all her home life ever really was now.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

Lily stood up but didn't speak.


She still said nothing knowing either way she was going to get hint and talking usually meant more pain so she knew not to talk back. Ready herself for the pain that she knew was going to come, she waited and waited. Nothing. No pain, she opened her eyes to see her mother staring back at her with a smirk on her face.

"Since you want to whore yourself to the neighbors might as well for my friends also. It least I will get something out of you."

Lily was horrified at her mother. Wanting her to sleep around with her friends so she could get a head in life. She couldn't let her mother do this. She wanted her first time to be special, not something to better her mother's social standing.

"No." She said firmly.

Her mother narrowed her eyes looking at the girl in front of her in a boy's shirt and small shorts.

"What, my friends aren't good enough for your dirty, used body?"

"Please mother don't do this." Lily said stepping towards her.

Quickly reeling back her hand with the belt she made contact with the back of Lily's thigh. Making her wince as she backed away.

"You will do as I say. Be ready at 7:00," she said turning around.

"No!" Lily yelled back.

"You will do as I say."

"No, your wrong. I'm my own person and I will do as I say. Your dinner should be done in a few minutes. I'm staying over at Matt's house tonight." Lily said turning away to head back over to the stove.

"Why you little bitch." was all Lily heard as she felt the belt connected with her back.

PAIN! Shot throw Lily's body as she fell to the ground.

"I'll teach you a lesson of manners."

A foot connected with Lily stomach then another pain shot through her back as she was hit with the belt over and over again. It felt like her back was on fire as she turned her head to see droplets of blood around her. Trying to stand to move away from her mother's rage she was meet with another kick.

"If you can't do one simple thing I ask then you won't be able to do the simple things you want."

Her mother reached down and picked Lily up by her hair then slammed her against the wall. Lily yelped in pain, again. Blood was already going through the back of the cut up shirt and was now smeared down the white wall of the kitchen. Trying again to get away. Since she was now standing but her mother was to fast for her and quickly grabbed Lily's wrist. Lily heard a loud CRACK in her wrist as more pain shot up her arm.

"Where do you think your going? Back to your play things for fun."

Pulling as hard as she could to remove herself from her mother she felt another CRACK a crossed cheek as her mother punch the side of her face. A bitter copper liquid entered her mouth. Looking out again she could see her mother bring back the belt. It sung while she hit her back but nothing really painful because her back started to go num. See that Lily wasn't moving as much, a quick hit in her stomach from her fist made Lily double over, looking up at her mothers cold blue eyes and smile she fell back onto the ground.

Her mother let go of her as she fell but it didn't matter she was growing to tired to move and pain was becoming unbearable. Lily heard a door open up as she laid there on the kitchen floor hoping that it was Matt to save her. But she was wrong her mother had reached down and grabbed a hand full of Lily's cherry hair and began pulling her. It hurt so, Lily not wanting any more pain began to crawl along with her mother not opening her swollen eyes to where she was pulling her. Thankful when she let go and moved behind she felt a hard kick on her back side that sent her tumbling down the stairs with a voice in the back ground laughing.

"I don't need you awake for what I have planned," she said before Lily blacked out completely on the cold cement floor of the basement.